Polar mythology encodes three phases of history. The first phase concerns a prior Golden Age where the Demiurge was in harmony with the Logos and all was well. In its final stages, the first phase decayed into warring among the “gods” and their ruining of the cosmic framework. It concludes with higher beings, positive and/or negative, falling into a lower realm of existence.
The second phase concerns our present world, which sprang into existence as a consequence of various Falls that severed us from the Logos. The traumatic consequences of the first phase induced a collective sleep. Hence we have “fallen” asleep into the World Dream.
The third phase concerns our future, how the consequences of the first phase will reach their ultimate conclusion. This is always depicted as ending with a final war and the dissolution of the world as we know it.
The first and third phases take place outside the World Dream, outside of linear time as we know it. Currently we stand at the cusp between second and third phases, thus we are now undergoing an “awakening sequence” that will bring us out of spiritual suspended animation. But what awaits us on the other side is not the Golden Age of the first phase, but the concluding stages of the conflicts begun back then. Thus the Earthly conflict between positive and negative will elevate to a higher level where, under new etherically-activated conditions, it can carry on toward its resolution.
During the second phase, the open conflicts of the first phase took on a more covert form. This was especially true after 1,000 B.C. when a quarantine was put in place around our planet by a powerful third party alien group. The quarantine enforced a ceasing of open warfare by various factions of the alien meta-civilization. The idea was to allow humanity to evolve with less interference. Nonetheless, manipulation still continued on a covert basis, giving rise to the alien cold war mentioned previously. The quarantine also seemed to involve a further reduction of ambient etheric energy levels on Earth, akin to lowering body temperature to induce suspended animation.
The quarantine probably came about due to the cataclysmic events in ancient Egypt when the Mosaic Priesthood royally screwed up the timeline and placed the Jewish people in bondage to the Corrupt Demiurge. As mentioned, regretting their mistake a few centuries later, they invoked the Christ intelligence to liberate them and the world. Shortly thereafter, the Ark/Grail Stone disappeared from history and “God” ceased talking to men. This initiated the quarantine and the timeline as we now know it. The Christ intelligence did not reach its zenith until a thousand years later with the advent of Christianity, but the true and original Christianity was short lived. It was rapidly usurped by an institutionalized behemoth that waged spiritual enslavement in the name of Christ. Thus the mission of Christ was aborted, or rather delayed; something went wrong with the original “awakening sequence.”
There is indication that the second phase should have ended during Roman times, but the deviation of Christ’s message toward further empowerment of the Corrupt Demiurge caused both Christ and Demiurge to continue existing in a limbo state. Thus the past two thousand years have been a kind of overtime game or remedial phase in which these two forces, now deeply active in our world, have been busy setting their pieces in place. When the quarantine lifts and second phase ends, these pieces will go into play during the third phase.
The third phase will continue in an etherically-activated environment no longer constrained (as much) by linear time. Alienology and Fortean research suggests that alien time travelers, who are now here and have been amassing for decades, are from this third phase. Thus we are caught in a timewar by forces from our own probable futures. The third phase may even feedback into the first, creating a grand ouroboric timeloop that is in constant flux. Being that we only remember the final iteration of any timeloop, the timeline we now occupy is the final one that will finally exit the loop when the third phase ends.
The ultimate implication is that via demiurgic technology, hijacking of the timeline originally took place in the “future” and reconfigured the past, initiating a war for balance by the positive forces. The hyperdimensional battle required going back in time, even incarnating into the past to continue the war on the terrestrial chessboard. Remaining positive factions of the meta-civilization would assist these ground forces. They would receive help in the form of synchronistic support, outright intervention in critical situations, subconscious training, and oracular avenues such as synchronicities, dreams, visions, inspirations, and direct messages if needed.
Enter the heroic avenging fool, known in polar mythology as Horus, Parzival, Hamlet, Amlodhi, Kullervo, Theseus, and other variations of the same archetype. The path of the heroic fool is our path, for we are soldiers of light born here, who must survive the conditions of the Matrix Control System by gaining mastery over our lower selves while nurturing and activating the full manifestation of Spirit. We are fools in that we have been temporarily disconnected from higher states of awareness, because others who are heavily entrenched in the Matrix see our wisdom as folly, and because we have not taken on social programming to the degree they have.
In polar mythology, the hero-fool seeks to avenge his father, who was murdered by the hero’s uncle, who took his mother as wife and corrupted her. The father represents the divine Logos, evil uncle the Corrupt Demiurge, and mother the Matrix. The Corrupt Demiurge usurped the Logos and took control of the Matrix. The avenging hero represents the Christ intelligence, whose role is to destroy the Control System and bring the Matrix back into rightful harmonization with the Logos. The heroic fool, however, represents more the portion of this Christ intelligence that is working within the system to undermine it, the “ground team” so to speak. Thus the hero and fool are two sides of the same coin, one facing up, the other facing down.
The Way of the Fool entails being forged by the fiery trials of life toward manifesting the full attributes of Spirit. This includes purity of heart, intellectual prowess, and indomitable strength of will. Unlike Adam and Eve who lacked intellect and strength, or the forces of the Corrupt Demiurge who lack purity of heart, we must embody all these qualities together in balance. Purity of heart means acting with singular intention, in harmonization with our higher conscience, wisdom, and guidance, without self-doubt, and without all the weaknesses socially and genetically grafted onto our souls by the Matrix Control System.
Esoteric training paths fundamentally aim to disengage the initiate from lower/outer aspects, and engage the higher/inner. By overcoming the lower self and recognizing the true higher Self, one overcomes the soporific pressures of the world, of linear time, and of material determinism. As a result, Spirit influences the world instead of vice versa.
That is how the Demiurge will be placed back under the reign of Logos. When we cease to continually inflate the Matrix Control System with our ignorant participation in it, when we instead shift the fulcrum of our consciousness toward the “Waking World” or the “Kingdom of Heaven” as Jesus called it, that is when the old world as we know it will collapse in upon itself. It’s already happening to some degree. This will happen in synchrony with a lifting of the quarantine, the return of the Etheric Tide, the dissolution of linear time, and the visible breaching of alien activities into our consensus reality.
In the meantime, as we finish out the second phase, we must continue being true to our higher and nobler qualities. We have to be mindful of what originates from our lower nature versus higher nature and distinguish between them so that we can consistently choose the latter. This will “tide” us over until divine grace or some cosmic shift grants us etheric activation and spiritual transcendence that currently seem beyond practical reach.
Tom Montalk