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A mystic has the unique gift of seeing the divine in the most mundane. This focused vision of the less obvious gives the mystic an amazing influx of energy and will to act. Our human nature is endowed with enthusiasm or the ability to show keen interest in a subject or cause. Synonyms for enthusiasm include words like eagerness, keenness, passion and zeal. Our enthusiasm brings our lives to life. Through enthusiasm we express those attributes and character traits that are unique to who we are.
We might recognise enthusiasm in an exclamation like “WOW!” or an energetic movement such as giving a high-five. These, however, are only expressions of enthusiasm and not enthusiasm itself. Enthusiasm can also be shown with a calm demeanour and a simple willingness to act without procrastination. Often acting in an enthusiastic manner can be a source of creating more enthusiasm but it should not be confused with actual enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is found on a continuum between lethargy and frantic activity or anxiety. Lethargy is the inability to bring energy into one’s life, while frantic activity is having more energy than actually needed. Anxiety is about wasting energy on activities that have no value. Enthusiasm is that point where there is sufficient energy to empower one to act with confidence and eagerness in service to one’s fellow human beings. Enthusiasm is the ability to gather enough energy to act assertively.
When we are enthusiastic, we infuse life with energy. While the animal nature of man can become enthused on the spur of the moment there is also an enthusiasm driven by reason. The mystic purposefully channels energy like a laser beam into significant causes or actions. Whereas others might throw in the towel and quit, the mystic will not measure success by outcomes but by the importance of the cause. Enthusiasm that is purely based on a moment of interest, or novelty, is hardly sustainable, but enthusiasm that comes from consciously generating energy is sustainable and brings purpose to our whole being.
Enthusiasm is like stoking the fire on a steam engine; it provides the drive for work to be accomplished. When we desire knowledge we cannot achieve it without discipline and discipline can only be maintained with enthusiasm. When we lose our enthusiasm we lose momentum in whatever endeavour we have set out to achieve. Actions that are linked to emotions achieve far more and are more sustainable than actions without emotion. We need enthusiasm both to start something as well as to bring something to a final conclusion.
What can assist us in bringing enthusiasm into our lives?
We must understand firstly that our human nature is both creative and purposeful. Enthusiasm is generated when we discover or do something new … sparked by a healthy curiosity in life. Doing something new creates enthusiasm and we can use reason to choose to do something new even if we do not feel like it. Enthusiasm that is sustainable is a choice made using reason, not a feeling in terms of a reaction to life. To develop the virtue of enthusiasm we can develop a habit of doing something new. The “something new” does not have to be a huge life-changing step but can be as simple in today’s world as experimenting with a new app on a tablet or getting to know a new person. When we purposefully choose to live more creatively and try out new ways of doing things, enthusiasm will follow as we discover new approaches to old and familiar scenarios. When we get stuck in a feeling, unable to move forward, then it is time to consider doing something new.
Being purposeful implies seeking to live a significant life of meaning. We generate enthusiasm by becoming more aware of the significance of opportunities entering our lives. We infuse our life with energy by stepping back and seeing the bigger potential of a situation to be meaningful. When our interest is triggered and we begin to see that we could create a positive impact, then enthusiasm is an unavoidable consequence. Planning how to achieve an end result will always contribute to generating enthusiasm because a plan requires a vision or a goal. By visualizing the goal in a vivid and concrete way, we can test our vision and impart broader purpose into the vision. We can envisage beyond the initial stages of starting a project by actually seeing the final outcome and significance of an action.
Enthusiasm is contagious. Surrounding ourselves with enthusiastic people does help to generate enthusiasm in our own lives, but it makes us dependant on others for our enthusiasm. As mystics aiming for self-mastery, we need to learn and exercise the ability to generate enthusiasm independently. One way is to show an interest in something that is of interest to the people around us. We can infuse energy into a situation by acknowledging that others have a creative and purposeful nature. Rather than just being absorbed with our own creativity and purpose we can always choose to extend this practice to others, who share our life paths. As we contribute to the enthusiasm of others, that enthusiasm will in turn rapidly filter into our own worthwhile intentions.
Enthusiasm is sustained by a consistent attitude of gratitude. When we appreciate life and the opportunities it offers us to live a life of excellence or to build our characters, then gratitude transforms into further enthusiasm. Let’s not remain stagnant in thinking that life is about our material goals and pleasures which are but temporary and unsustainable. Our perspective must be broadened to set our goals and see the divine within of our human nature. Let’s set a goal to create conditions for the soul to express divine benevolence in this world. When we see ourselves as a vehicle for the divine flowing into the material world to manifest goodwill within the context of fellow-feeling, then enthusiasm will become the momentum that pulls us forward to live life fully. Enthusiasm does not come from inaction but through taking a single step forward into a direction that edifies our character.
What we can achieve through enthusiasm is far beyond our wildest dreams. When we take responsibility for bringing energy into our lives, we become an active force for positive change in the world. When we are a positive force, irrespective of our circumstances, then we give full expression to human excellence. The energy at our disposal is available in abundance if only we make the choice to manifest it consciously through the way we live.
Copyright – All rights reserved. Jurgens Pieterse