Thought I’d write about it while it is still fresh in my awareness. Maybe you have had this experience before me but it is so beautiful I want to share it with any of you who have not.
Let me set up the human situation beforehand. Imagine accidentally becoming acquainted with another, and almost instantly you can perceive their Spirit. It is awe inspiring, you can feel and see its beauty. It’s “light” and it makes you feel honored to be in its presence. You experience this perception in your entire torso. You share several days through several weeks together. Just casual and Spiritual conversation is shared between the two of you and then they leave.
After a short time they decide they want to share more time with you. They come back into your life for about three weeks. Three weeks of intense Spiritual and intellectual interchange. During this time you become very much aware that you sincerely love this Spiritual person and at the same time, are extremely annoyed by the much stronger Egotistical (Satanic) side of them. You see, feel and sense the self destructive course they are on. Nothing you can say or do seems to have any effect on them. This battle in them will continue as a pattern. They have made you aware that this pattern has been their constant life pattern. They start to succeed only to have something cause the destruction in their work, relationships and seemingly everything in their life. You want to help them. The Creator has given you the knowledge and abilities necessary to help people rid themselves of these characteristics. You have spent many years doing that exact thing for hundreds of people. The only thing different is that this new individual’s ego is so strong it will not allow you. It is like watching a person bent on self destruction and you love them. We have all seen people like this but this is the first time you have been in this close of a relationship with a person who has this pattern in life. Finally they leave again, probably never to be seen again. Surprisingly, you find there is a very, very strong loving relationship to them from you but not from them to you. You find astrologically, there is a strong Karmic connection from another lifetime. You try to understand it so that you can let it go or get over it and go on with your life. This connection stays and causes you to have them come into your mind often. Since this is Karmic, you FEEL their presence…This goes on for months in which you have prayed, done the things you have learned to handle Karmic energies and finally, it happens. An epiphany!
My spirit lifted me up and gave me, what I was led to believe, on a very small scale, what the Creator, God, Allah, view of each of us. The Creator truly LOVES us with an unending LOVE which is the very source of our existence. At the same time, it is completely aware of all the thoughts, words and deeds of ours which tend to hurt us. This awareness is met with more LOVE and COMPASSION and the hope that we will turn to the TRUTH AND the LIGHT which is already IN US. That was what I saw in them back in the beginning and even ‘fell’ in love with, and still love. For whatever reason this is part of my destiny, which shows in the astrological chart, to continue to LOVE, have compassion for them and send best wishes to them in spite of the clear awareness of their self destructive ‘free will’ choice of thoughts, words and deeds. There are no condemnations only Love. I have complete compassion and constant hope that they will turn soon enough to that Truth and Light which I too have seen and continue to Love.
It is a whole lot like watching your child learn to ride its new bike. Your child tries, but it is unaware of the ability within itself, so it falls. You think it does already have the ability?????? Think, the child knows balance and it can walk without falling by now whereas, before it discovered balance, it would fall while in its effort to learn to balance. So to in riding the bike, it simply needs to relax and use its ability to balance. Until it uses that which is already within, it is bound to fail. And so it is with us, the more we learn to turn within and get out of our heads (ego), and stop thinking and become the observer; use the co-creative power which is always there, we will continue to go so far only to have ‘something/someone’ cause us to fail. Remember we were originally created in order to learn – the only way a human can learn. If you read a book you are not really learning, you are acquiring DATA for your brain. You must have the experience which teaches us the only thing we have, which is our own unique perception of our experiences. We actually know nothing. What we think we know is our ego! We must seek to become the observer. And when we have, each day we live we are in the JOY, PEACE & LOVE of our Creator – that is what we will observe!
Now the Epiphany was this: it happened in less time then it took to type the word, 'happened'. I could sense that my spirit was lifted higher and the experience was so intense, my physical self could not endure more of it and for my spirit the spiritual experience was as if in a rapture. I, for just an instant, was completely with the Creator and realized from that point of view what I had only 'thought' for two or three years. And like all things 'thought' you really don't know until you experience it. Now I was given the experience so I can truly know and believe it to be TRUTH. Are you ready for this: It is really OUT OF THIS WORLD! Believe it or not, the Creator DOES NOT CARE ONE BIT what you say, think or do in this physical world.
Regardless of what mankind claims to be 'Right', 'Wrong'. 'Good', 'Bad'; The Creator of all that is, was or will be, does not care or judge. From a kind deed to murder; from robbery to giving to charity; from prostitution or lust to being celebrate. The only thing that matters to God, Allah, the Creator is you state of conscious awareness; are you functioning from your Carnal (Satanic/Ego) Mind or from your Spiritual Mind. The difference: Carnal Mind wants for SELF the seemingly 'good' results. Even that subtle thing we all have done; being nice or doing 'good' for someone else for an ulterior motive, as simple as wanting them to like us! It is the SELFISHNESS. Now the Spiritual Mind seems to be the same except it's selfishness is, it does for others for the feeling of satisfaction of its Spirit, It does for others because it knows that is what is was created for and that brings it a feeling of completeness. It is not done for PERSONAL gain, the PERSONAL GAIN is giving to another(s). That is what the Creator does; gives Grace, Blessings, Love, etc. to us the person, we give IT thanks if only by way of receiving and using the gift. IT does not give us anything in order to get anything from us. All must learn to do as the Creator; give with NO EXPECTATION of return – the satisfaction is in the giving. For those that are having a hard time with some of this, please indulge me for a moment and then do your own investigation of Spiritual Sex. In the east it is referred to as Tanta or Tantric. The fine line difference is, Carnal sex is always with at least a small hope of personal physical satisfaction to total selfish want of total physical satisfaction. Now if you have never experienced Tantra (Spiritual) Sex it is the want to just give complete satisfaction to the partner(s) to such a concentrated effort that the Giver, experiences only the feeling of inner satisfaction (which the other only gets through a physical climax) and feels joy in it without a physical climax.
That can only be achieved through an ALL GIVING Spirit.