Now and again we need to cleanse our mind body and soul.
Esoteric Cleansing
Here are some tips to cleanse in an esoteric way.
Go on a fast or more of a liquid diet. Mugwort tea is great for the pineal gland and it will help you sleep. While you are at it drink crystal charged water. A little bit of citrine at the bottom of your glass will help get your chakras moving. Some people say the solar plexus is the motor for the chakras. Where ever you feel off balance chakra wise use the corresponding stone.
Another way to cleanse the body while fasting is through hot/ cold therapy and body scrubbing . Before you take your shower make a cleansing scrub 1/2 a cup of sea salt some rosemary and cinnamon is all you need. Both herbs are cleansing and repell bad energy.Take a really hot shower and when I say hot I mean as HOT as you can handle (please don't scold yourself) while the pores are open scrub the entire body with your home made body scrub. Let it sink in for about 5-10 minutes and then turn on the hot water again rinse the scrub off and then turn on the cold water for thirty seconds. Bam you have just done your body and spirit a huge favor.
Good stuff.
Thanks Adonis.
This was very informative and helpful. Although for myself, scalding water isn't bad. I frequently do that. Its a carry over from scarlet fever as a child. A slower blood circulation means I have a high tolerance to heat but don't do to well with the cold. So I sometimes don't know how hot the water is till its too late. lol.. But then, it certainly does feel good.
Thanks again Adonis. 🙂