Lets talk for a minute about the parasitic construct. The reason the world is the way that it is…
Most people not only do not have any idea such a thing even exists, those that have realized, often times do not even know what the basics are about.
Lets say for instance, how do the etheric entities actually detect humans? How do they tap into our physical bodies and then manipulate them to block the flow, increase negative emotional resonance, damage meridians and organs as well as cause disease?
We look at our world as a solid, 3 dimensional construct, but this could not be further from the truth if you are any type of energetic consciousness, positive or negatively oriented.
If you were standing in line at a store 15 feet from someone you have never met, have no connection to, and are actively not making a connection to, something attached to you would have no idea whatsoever that person even exists. It would never "see" them to begin with.
In that same fashion, if you were thinking about your best friend, or anyone that you have a connection to, either negative or positive, the entity would then be able to "see" that person, regardless whether they are physically right next to you, or on the other side of the planet.
These entities are an incredibly dense, solid energetic object inside of a completely malleable, liquid reality. Not only do they not understand the concepts of 3 dimensional space, they need direct, solid lines of corrupted, stagnant and blocked energy to even exist inside of.
Now, that being said, the reason they are even here is because they need our negatively oriented emotional resonance. Energetically speaking, they need your Vital Life force weak and blocked, unable to flush pain, stagnancy or rotten chi through the body. This is the "hardness" that they need to "root" into. Without this blockage, it is like they are grabbing fistfuls of water. They have no way to even influence our reality unless there is this "hardness" to base their efforts to shut down light, increase dark emotional resonance, and block up the pulmonary/lymphatic systems.
Every time we do not actively engage in redirecting the negative emotions and thought loops in the body created by outside influences, we are slowing down our flow.
Joy, happiness, excitement, love, friendship, hope….everytime you feel these emotions, the internal world lights up. It becomes open, it feels clean and good. There is a natural smile on the face. Fear, anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, rage….every time you feel these emotions, the internal world shuts down. It becomes constricted, tight…painful, and there is a natural frown on the face.
This internal blockage that can easily be felt is the emotional resonance that is being fed upon.
Now lets talk about how they move from person to person.
Have you ever had an event, a fight, a point in time that when you look back and remember, you get extremely angry, or fearful, or guilty?
These are emotional poisons that we actively engage in building into bigger and bigger blockages, but we build these through black magic, either directed at others, or ourselves.
When you think about someone you have "bad blood" with, just the act of thinking about that person means you are making an energetic connection. By feeling hate, that means you are using your energy flows to push extremely heavy, dark emotional resonances at them. The more this is done, the harder and more cemented in the etheric lines of connection become. The negatively oriented parasites stoke these fires in between people all over the world, and then actively use those energetic connections to infect people and travel.
This is their superhighway.
But here is the trick. Thinking about someone with love, compassion, empathy, joy or excitement works the exact same way. It is light magic. The more we pay attention internally to recognize when we are in the midst of a "hatefest" or a "pity party", etc… to actively disengage from these lines of thought/feeling and to redirect ourselves into healthy thoughts/feelings, we actively dissolve this net of darkness interconnecting our reality.
The revolution will not be televised. We do not need to hang the bankers, or storm congress.
The battlefield has always been the hearts and minds of mankind. It is our job to turn it into a garden….this is not a place of war. It only appears so on the outside because so many of us are at war inside.
The universe is a reflection of exactly what is broadcasted out into it. If you are carrying around rage, pain, shame, fear or guilt from years and years worth of experiences, what are you subconsciously broadcasting out to the universe 95% of the time?
Loosh is a choice. Recognize your power.
Eric Raines