Everyday Demons

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By Scorpius Aquarii

Image by Виктория Бородинова from http://Pixabay.com

Each person is born with a propensity for selfishness, rebellion, and wrong-doing, and if this propensity is allowed to dominate God’s gifts and talents, the results will be harmful.  The demons know this so they prey on our natural propensity to do wrong.  The shameful and vulgar ways of talented and gifted people today, a bulging prison population, and thousands of years of sordid human history reveal their many successes.

Demons understand the gift of free will.  After all, each demon knows that he deliberately and willfully chose to rebel against God.  Therefore, their greatest delight occurs when they can lead people to make foolish choices because the demons know these actions can produce unbearable misery for a lifetime.  The demons carefully study each of us from birth to determine how the inescapable consequences of wrongful action can be used to ruin us.  Demons are masters at gradualism; if it takes 20 years or even 50 years to ruin a person, this is not a problem.  They have nothing else to do.  If a well-known person’s credibility and respect are ruined in later life by some defect in character, the demons are delighted!  They watch to see which temptations are most effective, which natural traits of character are dominant, which opportunities where entrapment is possible, and they especially watch to see whom each person will choose for friends.  One of their best tools for getting young people to make rash decisions is through friendship with bad people.  The demons know, “‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ “ 1

Demons are intelligent and they can speak their minds  God permits them to speak to human beings through the same spiritual channel the Holy Spirit uses to insert thoughts into our minds!  The problem we have is that we cannot always identify the source of the voice.  Each person has an imagination and can create evil thoughts because all sinners have a natural propensity for doing wrong.  The demons are experts at doing wrong and they can insert their knowledge of evil into our minds.  They are masters at using the power of suggestion.  This power is not trivial and do not confuse it with our own ability to generate evil thoughts on our own

I am convinced that a phenomenon called “mob mentality” occurs when demons insert the same evil thought into a mob of people at the same time.  When a mob is caught up in a moment of passion, demons know the power of suggestion can become actionable and when this occurs, the result is a true phenomenon.  It is as though the mob suddenly behaves as if it has “one mind.”  The fruit of demonic behavior is anger, hatred, violence, and destruction and when adrenalin induced anger goes beyond reason, you can be sure demons are present.  Because demons are angry beings focused on our total destruction, we should not be surprised if their victims mirror them.

Demons know our fears, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes.  They are masters at tempting and tormenting people.  Even though demons live among us and are bent on destroying us, the Higher Power has placed “a hedge of protection” around each person. Demons cannot penetrate this hedge of protection unless we willfully and knowingly do wrong.  When we choose to do something evil, this hedge is momentarily removed and the demons start talking.  If we continue to willfully and knowingly do wrong, the hedge becomes weaker and the demon’s attacks become stronger.  God has given us free will and if we want to give it over to demons, we can.  Therefore, when we willfully sin, God allows a demon to insert evil thoughts and if we act on any of these thoughts, the demon will be back with a thousand more!

When a person chooses repeatedly, of his own free will, to knowingly and willfully violate his conscience and integrity, knowing that he is doing evil (for profit, thrill or because of peer pressure), that person is fair game for demons because there is no hedge of protection when he continues to willfully react. Such a person is on a road that can end without any help from God and the demons know this.  A person will commit greater sin willful acts than he intended when demons are able to insert their suggestions into his mind.  How many times have you heard a person say after his actions are presented on video, “That is not me!  I’m not that way!”  Each time a new low in conduct is reached, the demons rejoice.  They keep careful records and they have good memories.  If a person does not notice any immediate consequences for his wrong doing, demons know the person will minimize the event and soon forget it.  This is exactly what they want.  When the time and circumstances are right, the demons will insert another evil suggestion and if the sinner reaches another new low in conduct without any immediate consequences, the sinner becomes more comfortable with his unrealized downward spiral. 

This is how gradualism works. 

This is how everyday demons work.

Passages fromhttp://https://wake-up.org/demonic-possession/demonic-possession-how-demons-take-control-part-2.html

1 (1 Corinthians 15:33)