Evils Of Black Magic

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By TaZ

Evils Of Black Magic

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

In today’s dynamic world, everyone is occupied in their own matters whether it’s their family life or career. Basically, we all are in a consistent race to achieve our goals and to fulfill our desires. In our daily lives, we often face different problems which are either related to ourselves or the environment around us but sometimes we fail to sort out a satisfactory solution and the problems became quite intense. Black Magic is one of those worst problems that has been terribly disseminated in our society. When one possess the ability to communicate with demons, supernatural beings and through these hidden things we try to hurt other human beings by destroying their lives or punishing them for anything that we dislike or which is opposed to our views, it comes under black magic, It is basically done by the magicians who have the power to influence negative souls for deadly purposes.

This is not a new phenomenon but now people are becoming more aware, whether in a positive or negative sense, it’s another debate  but there are certain arguments about this; it is the  21stcentury , people have reached to the moon and we still possess such dogmatic views, this is just a myth of old times, there is no authenticity in it ,it’s just a demented man-made thing that lacks reality, People with less knowledge are mainly the believers .We can say that all these arguments are valid but we cannot deny its existence.

If we talk about religion, particularly Islam, then we can get the proof that black magic actually exists as some incidents took place in the initial Islamic era, even the last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) P.B.U.H was also targeted by this. He was the most pious and closer to Allah but still he was affected by it. So, how such ordinary people like us claim that there is no authenticity in it. Even the holy book of Muslims, Quran has also mentioned about this animosity in some surah’s. Today, we are living in a modernized world where technology has empowered people and we are equipped with latest trends, information and infrastructure but have we ever thought that in the recent times we have witnessed some dramas and movies that have been produced on this “not so popular” topic. Obviously, it shows that this problems actually exists in our society and people want to highlight this for the sake of awareness. Obviously, the media shows us those things that the audience wants to watch and mostly the shortcomings of our society are specified through media industry.

So, now the question arises that, why people opt for this insensate method. There are various reasons behind opting for this radical method. The biggest reason behind opting for black magic is jealousy, that how people became jealous of others happiness, luxurious lifestyles, successful life and careers and want to demolish other’s life because one is deprived of all these things and have their own grievances and are unable to achieve all this that’s why just for the sake of their own satisfaction and contentment, these wicked people go for this. Another reason is to take revenge, for instance, if someone has ever done anything wrong with you and you just kept that in your mind and developed a grudge against him or her and did not forgive them, then you will harm that person by negatively influencing them and ruining their life. There are many other factors too, such as, In a joint family, there might be some clashes between people’s opinion and even you might have a disagreement on anything, So, just on this minor thing people often damage other’s life by doing black magic on each other, If anyone else got an admission in a medical college and you someone else could not pass the test than the latter would want that the former person should be unable to continue his/her studies or either die. Same is the case if someone finds a good partner and you couldn’t manage to have a prosperous life than the only option to calm down your anger and jealousy is to make their happily married life a hell by sending some evil demons in their life who will definitely worsen their lives and even some evil things might enters the body of their target, possess them and physically harm them and their loved ones.

There have been many cases when people suffered through black magic like they started seeing supernatural things who used to frighten them and harm them mentally as well as physically, observing unusual horrifying changes in one’s home, having blood stains on their clothes or even in their homes without any reason or finding any dead animal or bird inside their house. These were some cases and many others like this happened. The individuals who are usually involved in this inhumane act are mostly those who have very less knowledge about religion, Islam and its implications on those involved in such activities, Due to their poor connectivity with Islam and weak faith, they often involved with bad people like magicians who tackle them in a way that this will end all their difficulties and they will become powerful and will be able to do whatever they want to. These sort of people also have some negative and wrong beliefs and also read some bad things to control evil souls, who act upon their orders by teasing and harming people.

Another thing that has become very popular now a days is that, there are many people who claim to be exorcists and want to help those who are under an evil or negative influence. Though, some of these people are or might be true healers but most of these people are actually greedy and they just grasp money from the people who are actually suffering from negativities. These sort of people just pretend to be healers but actually they just want money even by playing with the sentiments of people. We can analyze that now a days,  this has become a proper business , way of earning to make people fool by saying that you are a healer , exorcist and will help people to live a normal life but actually these people further increase the problems. Even while travelling in a car, u might see a person who is distributing cards among people and also throwing in the cars. These cards are actually the advertisements of such people who are either magicians or just pretend to be healers and assure people that they will resolve their complexities and basically they play with their grievances.

These sort of fake people should be arrested and as this problem is increasing day by day , So people should be given awareness regarding this worst sin and directed towards the right path , they must be told about the dangers associated with it and how by having strong faith in Allah they can be secure through all this mess, These lessons must be given by certified religious clergy and the fake scholars must be arrested who are spreading wrong deeds in the society and as we see that in various programs such as Sar e Aam , the team raids these sort of places where fake healers are running their businesses and get them arrest, So, this thing should be promoted and the government and the NGO’s must play their effective role in spreading awareness among people and make our society free from fake and fraud healers. So, we got the point that black magic prevails in our society but we can bring the people on the right path by correcting their beliefs and assure equality in the society so that no one should feel left out and involve in such activities to take revenge of their grievances and deprivations.

Maliha Awan
