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By Dr. Daria

Image by Andii Samperio from http://Pixabay.com


“Are you sincere? Are you yourself? Are you as you look? You don’t have a mask on your face? You speak what you think? Then you are real, then you are not fake!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

The human race has become very adept  over time in hiding or disguising fake agendas. That's correct: 'fake agendas' because a human being can't literally be 'fake' but their modus operandi based in ego needs certainly can and are fake AND destructive. Fake news for example which has been causing major disruptions  and even destruction is generated by fake people for ego purposes of power and control. So you can spend a good deal of time perusing psychology books looking for those dark motivations and the reasons for them or you can simply use your own discernment buoyed by a few very obvious human personality traits.

The most blatant sign is someone who is constantly looking for attention .. the proverbial 'show off'. Depending upon degree of severity this can qualify as what is known as Histrionic personality disorder or HPD. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people at all times, and they feel uncomfortable when they are not. The pattern is generally long standing. People with histrionic personality disorder will crave novelty, stimulation, and excitement and have a tendency to become bored with their usual routine. These individuals are often intolerant of, or frustrated by, situations that involve delayed gratification, and their actions are often directed at obtaining immediate satisfaction. At first this may all seem rather amusing but it gets old rather quickly.

Fakes will also generally try very hard to get people to like them, however this does not apply to ALL people but rather to people they respect. Wait a minute – can't that statement be true of most people? Surely to get ahead in business a person would sure want their boss to like them so they could get ahead. The answer is yes but, the difference is the office buddy you thought my be a work ally will have no trouble stepping on you and might go as far to lie and ruin your reputation in achieving his or her goal. Aren't all work environments dog eat dog you ask? Perhaps but you will also notice that in most cases the dog eater falls almost as quickly as he has risen. It might take a while or happen rather quickly. All of this applies to social situtations as well. The Universe is funny like that.

You might also notice that fakes are only "nice" when they have a hidden agenda and want something. This will become apparent when they try to draw others into gossip. They can spin a whale of a tale and be very persuasive. Once they have captivated your attention to their soap opera you can also expect to hear criticism of others and situations as they close the net on what used to be your good judgment. They will have you thinking they are the best thing to come along since the Hershey Bar and anyone else involved is dog meat. If you drink that KoolAid in very short order you will notice the fake not keeping any commitments or promises. Why should they honor that? After all you took it in hook, line and sinker.


“When you see the genuine, you don't deal with the fakes anymore.” ― Nima davani