The Tiger's Fang – Paul Twitchell
Chapter 10.
Fierce Children of Light
Sitting there in the light i could not think anymore. Nothing seemed right.
According to the standards of the planet earth and mankind everything was wrong.
In this state i was wondering if anyone knew anything; did Bacon, Schopenhauer,
Tulsi Das, Omar Kaayyám, Sri Aurobindo,Ghandi, Burke, Newton, Shaw, Kabir, Mo-
hammed,Swinburne, Swedenborg, Fox, St. James, Carpenter, Augustine or any of the
great thinkers? I am not sure they did.
I thought about all of the thousands books that i have read on all subjects
of philosophy, religion, and metaphysics in prasctically every library in the w-
orld, or my talks with any of the spiritual greats in both flesh and spirit. Yet
they all came up with something that was puzzling.
That was the entities that surround and bother man so much, and for what reason.
I" Likw what?"
mustered sufficient strength to ask, " Oh, Sri Tarzs, what of those little el-
ements that walk through my sleep? What of those entities that ride the Wave of God
through the universe? " Rebezar Tarzs smiled and looked at me shining in his great
eyes. He listened patiently to my questions.
" I would think that you would be satisfied with the experience of traveling thr-
ough the eight worlds and seeing God, the most ultimate experience of all! " he smiled
lightly. " Most souls who get such trips are happy with what i have done for them! "
I replied, " Shamus was right! No man knows everything! "
He laughed shaking the little world where we were sitting. " Jinns, Faeries, and
Demons, he remarked smilingly. " I guess you will be getting around to flying saucers
next? "
" Now that you reminded me, yes! "
" Why do you want to be bothered?" he asked seriously. " You don't need flying machine
to get to the other planets in the lower universes. You just project tyourself there! "
" Really? What about all those flying saucers and the things everybody keeps talking about?"
" Like what?"
" Messages from space people! "
" Mostly psychic junk, but some of it is true," said Rebezar Tarzs. " Some of the people
on other planets need mechanical vehicles to move about the universe. But many of the
highly spiritual don't. They project between planets.You will have this information
soon enough. However, there are occasions when the astral entities pierce the veil
between the worlds and play tricks with people and make them think there are flying sau-
cers and such things around. Sometimes there are but often there aren't.
" There are authentic cases of flying saucers and space people, but now that it has
become a fad among the homo sapiens, some of the astral entities have seized upon it to be
a part of their pranks they play on men's mechanical brain. They do this by telling men that
they are space people and have a message for whomever will listen."
" If the receiver is at all psychic the entity can put on a real show, assuming the garb
of some weird exotic costume, appearing before the victim of its prank and jibber a wild mess-
age . The entity might also conjure up a spaceship and by illusion put the victim inside for
a trip, and for a short time that person might walk among people of another planet and see
sights not recorded by the human brain, but it is all illusion created by a powerful entity
for a real joke on some poor human. "
" This entity will very likely go back to his old astral haunts, gather up its old friends
and put on a roaring party in which he describes his adventures with humans. Those with
any sort of ability get the same idea and go out to find a human victim to play practical
" Then suddenly many in the human form will be running around with a great deal of clatter
about receiving messages from space people. The government tells it's people who have been
contacted that this is crazy, but those people are sure their government was keeping some-
thing from thwem about space people. A friction develops between the people and their govern-
ment. Newspaper editorials are written against the government heads and people grow restless
and angry over their supposed suppression of truth. Sooner or later their anger breaks out
into a rage against authority in conventional channels and the first thing we know there is
a small rebellion going on; maybe not with guns, but milder yet dangerous for the regime
in power."
" You can be assured that the entities are laughing hard over the trouble they have st-
arted among the humans, It is merely a practical joke to them, and a good one if you stop
and think about it. "
" Can this sort of thing be stopped? "
" It is constantly being handled. When an entity over-reaches its conduct behavior in the
other world it is taken into custody by others in the same manner a policeman does in the
earth world. There are jails in the lower psychic worlds as well as on the physical planes.
Your system of law there is taken from a similar system on the astral plane. "
" The police in the lower astral worlds have a different way of handling their lawbreakers
than you do. In the first place they do not need a large force to patrol their planes as in
the physical world. They have machines made of astral fabrics which record the wavelengths
of each world, and each area within the various astral planes.
" When anything goes wrong the astral force can spot it instantly and track down the culprit
almost at once."
" There are times when something goes wrong in the astral world, which are so cleverly devised
by a gang of psychic criminals, on a large scale upon the population of either the physical or
astral world that it gets by the police's detecting machines. But it will never escape the Lord
of that Universe who will send out commands to take the psychic thugs into custody. This is done
at once!"
" Sometimes the Lord of a particular plane on which this happens will catch the misdemeanor
at once and take care of it."
" For your information, the Lord of the physical world, meaning rather the first astral
plane, who governs the physical world in its hierarchy has many names: Jehova by the Jews; Gan-
esh by the Hindus; Malcuth by the Kabbalah; Adonai ha Aretz by the Moslems. But it is the same
God ruling the same world under Jot Niranjan. There are six planes, corresponding to the actual
spinal centers below the neck and which are psychic worlds, and each has a ruler. These are
the psychic worlds, of the chakras which many Hindu teachers base their teaching upon and
when opened start problems for the devotees, real psychic problems and strangely cannot be han-
dled by the teacher. "
I said, " Now i can see that there is order instead of confusion on the other side of the veil
of life. We are not exactly at the mercy of the psychic criminals as we are always lead to believe
by the spiritualist mediums? "
" That is right, " he replied. " Nobody can harm you in any stage of your development or travels
unless you let them. Not even the Lords of the cosmic planes could do anything if they desire, wh-
ich is never likely. "
He continued slowly, " Yes, you will know more about this eventually. In fact you should know
everything about this particular subject for the simple reason that mystery is mystery until kno-
wledge enters into your consciousness and then you have understanding. The psychic is not harmful
to man as he is lead to believe, but very helpful, yet it is not something one would consider to
be the means to an end. It is just that if we would get too interested here, it would be found that
the psychic has all kinds of traps to keep the mind occupied and keeps one from developing.
" This is why you should know about it.To keep you from falling into traps that could spring
up along the way to the true kingdom. "
" If one has the protection of the spiritual travelers then no harm can come to him. That is un-
less he endeavors to do something by his own efforts and voluntarily against my warning. He could
fall into a trap and stay there until the traveler decides to let him out. I might do it immediately
and again i might take my time. "
He continued. " If you had no training in this particular field it might be that several traps
could be laid for you. And before i forget, sometime soon you will have to strike out alone in these
worlds. It is only natural since you have reached an area of spiritual training which requires no
traveler to go along with you."

" Many neophytes are required to go into training in complete darkness to learn what are hallu-
cinations and what are not. During my training i too underwent this kind of test. My Guru locked me
in a dark room where i meditated for weeks on the gradual weeding out of unnecessary thoughts
to achieve one-pointedness, the perfect concentration of mind on an idea. This was in another life
of course. All conception of day and night, of space and time disappeared. Absolute solitude brought
out vividly the lack of self control. Visions and mental pictures of all kinds floated around the
room. "
" A long period and tireless effort were needed to dissolve those phantasmagorias and mirages.
But gradually, i replaced these visions with a small moving spot which gradually reduced in size to
that of a minute point and disintegrated it completely. "
" Then i began a number of spiritual exercises which the Guru kept sending me, guiding me by mental
telepathic messages until i was on the right path. Through constant meditation i eliminated sleep and
became free from the perpetual cycle of effort relaxation to which ordinary men are subjected, i became
one continuous effort towards enlightenment. "
" The little self faded and in time i acquired what tyou call super-human powers; one of the first
steps towards Mastership. Perhaps the easiest achievements are the creation of forms, perhaps you call
them ghosts which became reality, that can move, do anything and be at my command. They would last
until their psychic energies were dissapated. So you see i could have companionship if necessary. Many
of these things i learned, but only as a means to learn God. "
" You can do without them if necessary, however, sometime you may have need of them. So i will give
you the experience. Gobind Singh, tenth guru in the line of succesors for Guru Nanak, and St. Theresa
of the Christian religion are among those who have powers like this. They are among the many who have
lived in darkness to find God. "
" The saint Shiv Dayal Singh ji, spent seventeen years in meditation in a dark room before he gave
out his first public lecture. "
" Now let me get back to the original subject. ", he continued, " One of the things which i develop-
ed after becoming a teacher was the art of invisibility at will. I learned how to move among humans with-
out arousing the slightest suspicion or sensations among them. No perception took place and not even
the subconscious of the spectators could register my presence around them. I became proficient at this
science of transferring one's consciousness from one mind to another, from one body to another. "
" The deep purpose of my efforts were never overlooked. These psychic achievements were only stepping
stones towards God, nothing but illusions of the sangsaric world. I made greater effort towards Godhood.
Having greater compassion for all those who lived and suffered. "
" Gradually, i left behind the world of phenomenon, not only to the world of the earth, but the psy-
chic and superhuman powers and began, under my master's tutorage, the study of the Void, in the plane of
Daswan Dwar, climbing the endless spiraling path which leads beyond the mystic visions and transcends
objects of joy or suffering, finite or infinite, time or eternity, existence, or non-existence, to the
Void where those terms are meaningless, toward the Ultimate Reality. Words, as you well know by now, are
useless; they cannot express the inexpressable. "
" Of course such transcendental illumination cannot and will not ever be communicated; it can only be
experienced. "
" A true Master of the spiritual worlds will never allow himself to make a public exhibition of his
powers. Never expect me to act like the many fakirs of India and the pseudo-magicians you find in Tibet. "
He paused after awhile and said again, " It is against the Law of God to do so! "
I stared at Rebezar Tarzs, neither moving nor speaking. His head nodded gently the great black eyes
closed a moment then snapped open again. " Now has the time come to show you, " he said. " In this world
where the life of psyche flows freely. Here you can see the fierce children of light anf their creator –
the terrible things they do to one another. In time you will find that these children are of our own ma-
king. "
Once more the lids closed over his beautiful eyes. He sat unmoved, his head upward in the light. His
face was utterly inhuman. It was old, yet it was not old; it was old like a tree, a rock, the waters of
the sea, the sands of the desert, with a terrible majesty and calmness. The moments passed and i sat wat-
ching him, and i watched as the rush of the wind passing through the boughs of the trees overhead, broke
the silence. It was really not the wind but the Sound current. "
That was all there was in this world; the wind and the Sound. All there was inside myself was the thun-
during and revolving. And before me was the ancient mark of the Holy Lama. I heard myself saying " Is it
necessary? "
His lids opened again, " Yes, it is necessary. " said his voice. It seemed that i ceased to breathe
and that my heart was no longer there; all that was left was a dim consciousness, transfixed and imprisoned.
I struggled to break away from this prison.
" I am ready, " i said.
" Of course, " he replied in words that tore at my spiritual flesh, and hung in the air. A sound rose
and closed in around us howling wildly. It was no longer a thing outside me, but within, a part of me,in-
side like a beating tom-tom. I said quickly " Are you with me, Sire?" Only a stillness. Then blackness.
I became conscious of a growing light. Suddenly it was discovered that the light was with me growing
ever greater, and greater, until it was a mighty arc-lamp, spreading out into the universe. I saw that
light was my body, and that all light was my body, and that all was within that world, people, growing
things and minerals and that all life in my world was made from the fabric of my body.
My consciousness was in the center of this light and yet it was in the things that dwelt therein.
I thought, and that thought became a reality, a thing in my world, and then it grew legs, arms, head
and body came forth into life!
The power of Agam Lok!
Behold i was Lord of a world. Just where this universe was i did not know but i was the ruler and absolute
creator of evrything that took place in it. There were angels, minor dieties, and creatures of the lower
orders; the four elemental entities, Gnomes of the earth, Undines of the sea; the Sylphs of the air, and the
Salamanders of the fire.
I always thought of them as happy creatures but they were at one another fighting. Hatred dominated them.
Fierce battles raged through the spiritual ethers of my universal body. The creatures were at war, killing,
looting and raping.
There was no peace in this world of mine. I knew the reason, for as Lord of this world there was a power
coming out of the world above which was a stronger negative nature than of a positive. I had to overcome this
in some manner or other – but then it was realized that this was the lower negative pole and i had to receive
this power in this manner.
I, God, the Creator was the power. There was no power other than mine in this world, and all the energy
which my creatures floated upon came out of my consciousness, the center of the majestic light, the true
light of Soul.
When one of the creatures thought, then he had all the power that i, the father-mother, thinker of the
creation in this world, had. In the world of my mind was the desire to give creative expression to that one
single ideal by thinking it into parts. Desire, as i saw it now, was Soul of the mind and the will of mind.
Desire in the light of my mind was the power quality of mind.
The expression of power to create ideas as products now lay in the electric action of thinking ideas at
rest in the light of the mind, in two lights of motion that simulated the idea.
All expression of energy sprung from the ocean of stillnessand calm within my heart. It sought a point
of rest and return to the condition of resting in the ocean again.
As God i was the fulcrum of my creatures and of the universe in the body. Neither the creatures nor any
moving thing in my universe had power within itself to do anything except through me. All power expressed by
man was channeled directly from the Father within me to the father-mother light of the earth and heavens
which originally manifested him.
The mechanical principle, by means of which power is expressed by myself as Creator, was in the light of
a two way motion which recorded two way cycles which were divided equally too express the two desires of the
power to create form images from out of the mind power and to destroy those forms sequentially for reforming.
Waves of motion sprang up from the stillness of the universal ocean. They were universal heartbeat which
manifested eternal life and power as expressed in waves of motion.
There was no place in my world where there was not life. The whole body was made up of cells of light and
this light was the atoms of the universal Soul. They were alive, filled with intelligence,power, and love.
Below was the hierarchy of my kingdom. I had three sons who were known as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the
three giant streams of the subordinate powers.They sprang from the union of myself with the mother power and
had charge of the lower kingdom. Below them was the king of the lower world Ganesh, who ruled over the devas, devtas,
bhuts, prets, generally called angels and the four elementals as previously named.
These existed in the kingdom of my universal body! But there were other creatures, ugly, malignant, terrible
creatures that floated out of the mind stream of the brain into this world. Invisible creatures to man, that
attacked and drove him into insanity, into poverty, into hideous crimes and negative things which he would
never have done under normal conditions.

This was of my own doing, of my own nature. The attack on my own beautiful creatures – warring against my
own children. My children? Yes, these terrible creatures were my own children, too.
They were my own creation. Yes this was true. I was creating them through the negative stream, through hated
and mechanical habits of the negative nature. It was a stupefying thought but true. A thought that almost stagg-
erd the imagination yet it was actual truth and there was no denying it. As God i attacked my own with my own.
But why? The answer was very simple!
As God of my universe , as Creator of my own world, i was not free. I created because it was impulsive and
mechanical, a part of my nature, and not understanding the true aspect of imagination it had gone on for years
without any control over it. I had created these thought creatures of hideous nature through hatred, jealousy and
ill will. They at the time had gained control of the emnotional nature. All of which now became very plain.
Before anyone can reach God, or find the Ultimate Reality, he must learn the art of mind control. Too many
think of this in the terms of putting a clamp on their thoughts. It would drive one crazy to do this sort of
control. But to gain complete control of the mind, there must be a simpler way. If you have a series of words
representing the sounds of the various planes it is simpler to turn the mind to these words whenever needed
to control the thoughts. Secondly, if you have been tuned in by a spiritual traveler to the sound current,
then you just turn the attention to It which is always flowing through you and listen.
These will clean out those malignant children of light, those fierce entities which destroy mankind in a
devilish work which is part of man's own karma to have created them.
However, if one doesn't have a spiritual traveler in his life there is another way, and that is by picture
control of thoughts; by thinking in pictures instead of words we can get a better control of the thoughts. By
shifting the pictures in the mind to something more pleasant, then that which is of a negative nature will
Getting rid of the thought children is easier this way than any other method except to raise one's self
from the lower consciousness. These small entities are the things which have bothered man throughout his
earthly life, and are able to create all kinds of obstacles. Yet they are of man's own making, as was shown
to me during this part of my journey through the cosmic worlds.
Shortly i came back to consciousness again and found Rebezar tarzs, laughing silently. He knew what i had
experienced for he had been with me all the time witnessing what had taken place and the experiences that were
mine — uniquely mine.
" Now you know, " he said.
I nodded slowly, " Yes, i know."
He laughed again, silently. After awhile he stopped laughing and grew silent.
From the book, The Tiger's Fang © 1990 Eckankar – Sri Paul Twitchell

Most Excellent
" Many neophytes are required to go into training in complete darkness to learn what are hallucinations and what are not."
Such useful advice based upon experience. Good stuff – Anyone of any path should read this!