Here is an amusing pondering by Neva Howell who is a professional actress, wellness counselor and psychic intuitive.
What if dark side film and television creations are the result of writers who channel divine energies? What if each one released information via entertainment, so that the
concept of considering the implausible, the mystical, the metaphysical, was slowly formulated within the minds of the millions of people who watched them? What if science fiction novels and comics have been doing similar educational and conditioning work, slowly expanding perception and introducing new awareness?
What if the fright-filled novels of Stephen King and other authors, along with horror films
like Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, The Frighteners, the Alien series, Independence Day, Near Dark, Kiss of the Vampire etc. (as well as "dark side" television shows like Dark Shadows, American Gothic, Kindred:The Embraced and Tales from the Crypt) have been explorations of The Void and our fears?
When a group of people come together in the dark womb of a movie theater, to experience an alternate reality together, significant energy gets shifted. A spontaneous burst of laughter, from two hundred people connecting with a point of humor at exactly the same time and in close proximity to each other, generates a healing capacity that is quite sizable. Two hundred movie-goers simultaneously screaming in terror creates a cleansing and clearing energy vortex–a collective release of fear reactions in the group
energy field. It is liberating to face one's nightmares, even if only in the safety of the darkened cinema. While the screams are triggered by the on-screen stimulus, they also trigger individual release of genuine fear, as well. Each person there, depending on their particular fear grid, can receive lessening of fear tensions if they allow it to happen.
When an audience is collectively moved to tears, by the mistreatment of a character in the film, a new empathy is born and shared. While the tears, on the surface, seem to be triggered by the level of acting on the screen, they are, in fact, triggered by actual life similarities within the audience members. There is empathy and a transference of emotional energy. A theater group who has shared an emotional film journey together has also shared many other levels of awareness during the course of the film, spiritually. They have reestablished spiritual ties, balanced past lives, changed perceptions, released old patterns, come to new awareness, and activated gridlines of connectedness with the other audience members. They have gotten to know each other, through the medium of shared experience. It is probable that these same people, attracted by the energy of certain films, will interact in a darkened theater again, at another movie. Perhaps, next time, they will choose to speak at the refreshment counter, or walking toward their cars. Perhaps, they will bring this shared experience into a more conscious level between them.
One enlightened being, in the midst of any crowded theater, can accelerate the group consciousness of the entire audience, simply by tuning in to the journey that particular group has chosen to take together. This is accomplished by focus on the message, characters, emotional tone, and energy level of the film itself, and serving as an active channel for the highest aspects of those energies.
This same channeling is possible, of course, at any common gathering and can be equally powerful during church services, natural disaster relief efforts, activist demonstrations, or waiting in line at the unemployment service. A group comes together for a common and known experience, but receives another, more spiritual experience, as well. This is always true. The only question is whether we will be consciously involved in the higher level experience, and thus receive all the new awareness that can result, or simply leave with a vague feeling of missing something–perhaps, something vital?