The Five Senses Of The Soul

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By Soul

Everyone knows our bodies have five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. What we should not overlook is the senses of the Soul.

They are:



There was a time when intuition was thought of as some sort of magical phenomenon that popped up during times when we were confronted with tricky decisions. The ‘gut’ spoke to us and as often as that mental little inner voice was right it was equally wrong. The word intuition can be broken down to in which takes attention inward and tuition which indicates instruction. Soul intuition is Soul guidance. It comes to us in times when the mind is calm and not distracted. It is the voice of wisdom coming from the original Monad creation.

Intuition shows you that wisdom can never come through the borrowed knowledge of others, but through your own deep understanding.1Mateo Sol

In wanting us to depend on Him alone, God does not mean that you should not think for yourself; He wants you to use your initiative. The idea is, if you fail to seek conscious attunement with God first, you cut off the Source, and so you cannot receive His help. When you look to Him first for all things, He will guide you; He will reveal to you what your mistakes are so that you can change yourself and change the course of your life.2Paramahansa Yogananda  


Peace of the Soul is the innate internal equilibrium that focuses on the needs of the Soul. Most of us have heard the phrases “peace be unto you” or “peace be with you” which actually refers to inner tranquility. Soul peace helps individuals to face inner conflict when a moral decision needs to be made. The Soul will always compass towards truth in all realities and seek out the permanence of self-respect which sides the body with the Soul.

So what is the goal? To get to the body to desire what the soul wants. Because there’s no way to achieve peace by giving in to the body. Your soul will simply not give up. Never.3


You may know someone who seems to be on an evolved path and has been gifted with foresight. This is more complex than psychic ability to “see” and predict futures events. It has to do with putting together enigmatic puzzles for real visionary answers that lend personal guidance to the ‘self’ in the form of Soul speak. Sometimes this sense has been described as vision.

A man may plant a tree for a number of reasons. Perhaps he likes trees. Perhaps he wants shelter. Or perhaps he knows that someday he may need the firewood.4 – Joanne Harris

Vision is the foresight or forecast or insight into the future. Vision is the picture of one’s destiny or accomplishment, or simply what a person is meant to do or become.5 – Israelmore  Ayivore


It is often said that before we can trust others we must trust ourselves. Our meaningful Earth relationships always require trust. Soul trust bespeaks of Soul consciousness. This is the sense that ties into whatever one terms as the Higher Power or God or Absolute Being. It is the sense that requires us to request help from Source in a specific manner, trusting our sincerity will be heard, and to have no fear when that guidance comes. Soul trust brings Divine grace and ultimate comfort.

To see and live from a higher context, we must begin to see that change is not threatening, it just is. It is the movement of Life around the constant and permanent presence of our Higher Self, our God Within. It is seeing and living from the perspective that everything is perfect and was created in love to lead us back to our Source, regardless of appearances.6Peter Santos

There is a God part in you. The consciousness. The pure Self. Learn to listen the voice of that Power.7 – Amit Ray


Empathy is generally described as the ability to sense and have some understanding of the emotions and feelings of others. Soul empathy is part of one’s evolutionary history. It is elementary to the creation of Soul from the beginning. Soul empathy allows us to focus and attend to the feelings and emotions within us as a Divine Creation. The Soul knows what we need to accomplish on a spiritual level throughout each incarnation. It asks, “what am I needing?”, “what am I observing?” Soul empathy is simply a kind way of responding to the self.

Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.8 – Louise Hay

Today I began to criticize myself and look at myself with a judgmental eye… but then instead of going all out in that direction, I stopped and I began to understand me. And then I began to be patient with me. And then I began to feel a softness in the middle of my chest. So then I concluded that I can understand and be patient with me, just like how I am always understanding and being patient with everyone else. Why? Because I deserve that, and more.9 – C. JoyBell C.




