Submitted by Soul Sight on
While most people never realize this, our souls are given several tasks to carry out aside from the ones upon our ‘path.’ These tasks are things that help us to be true to who we are and build us up in more ways than we even think is possible.
Some of these tasks will work with the chakras of your body and others will be more-so to stimulate your higher consciousness on a deeper level. Far too often we mess these things up or forget to do them altogether and I believe that when that occurs we end up stuck in a rut until things are straightened back out.
If you are in a rut or don’t want to find yourself in one doing these things might really benefit you. These soul tasks sound simple but most are quite hard to keep doing day in and day out. That being said, if you put your heart to it you are more than capable.
9 Things You Must Do In This Life Or The Next:
1. Be willing to forgive.
Never close yourself off from being able to forgive. While you do not have to keep the person you’re forgiving in your life forgiving them allows you to properly move on. If you don’t forgive them you will only end up carrying baggage that will weigh you down on your journey in this life.
2. Embrace your helpless moments.
Embrace your helpless moments. While they might feel horrible they are a learning experience. You become much more connected with who you are on an energetic level during these periods. Whether they last for a long time or only for a short period they are going to teach you so much.
3. Overcome your fears as they appear.
In this life, you will come across a lot of things that you are afraid of. Facing those fears one at a time as they appear is super important. The more you face the more you will accomplish in the long-run.
4. Make lasting connections with the people around you.
Making connections is one of the reasons why we are here on this planet in the first place. We help one another grow and if you allow yourself to be as open as possible you will end up surrounded by people that are going to be there for you in this life and many lives to come. I know, it might sound a bit odd but when you establish one of these connections you will know exactly what I mean.
5. Always keep yourself safe.
Do your best to take care of yourself. While sometimes taking risks are crucial and need to be done they need to be thought through. Don’t harm your being or allow people to abuse you. Your body is important as it is the only one you have in this life.
6. Listen to your intuition.
Allow your intuition to guide you. Do not ignore it, the more you allow your intuition to guide you the further you will get in life. Your intuition is what brings you where you need to be.
7. Set proper boundaries within your life.
Don’t go through life without boundaries. We all need boundaries. These do not make us weak, they help keep us strong.
8. Seek oneness every single day.
Do your best to seek oneness. Try your best to find the connections this universe has. We are all one and eventually, you will truly be able to comprehend this on a real level.
9. Be as present in each moment as you can.
Be as present in the moment as you can. This life is much shorter than it seems. Make each second that passes mean something. Even when you’re relaxing and enjoying the small things do it in a mindful manner.
Gerald Sinclair