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By Holmes

Image by Julien Tromeur from

F.Y.I. … Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality. – Wikipedia

When you think about it, no one is exempt from realizing these things but many do exempt themselves because metaphysical concepts do require critical thinking to suss out the truth of matters. That ability is fast disappearing from the human condition. They also do not want to be reminded of higher thoughts and principles because it might stir up feelings of guilt or lack and, unfortunately in today’s society, wrongdoing. Besides, arbitrary and degenerative thought it is the absolute “in way to be” and herd mentality seems like a “safe place to be.” It’s the best roller coaster ride in the FREE-DUMB amusement park.

Perhaps they have simply devolved into apathists and simply don’t give a damn that they have already lost the game. It is all not likely to bode well in the end. It never bodes well for anyone who has lost their ability to think for themselves and allowed themselves to be brainwashed and inducted into the Hall of Fame for the Easily Duped. This is a great place to be built on a foundation of opinions du juor and surrounded by the strong walls of ‘rights to do and say as I please’.  No thinking necessary – No need to do some research – No need to consider the thoughts or ideas of others – just follow along and believe and repeat, repeat, repeat what you have been told. This is all reminiscent of a line from Stephen King’s Storm of the Century – “Hell is repetition” AND from the poem by Thomas Gray, “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise” more popularly known as “Ignorance is bliss.” Not to worry Dupees, it doesn’t matter that there are massive gaps in your cultural and general knowledge. Just jump over those holes and do what you are told because you were always better off not knowing in the first place. “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” – Margaret Atwood – Right? “A dubious maxim: sometimes what you don’t know can hurt you very much.” – Margaret Atwood

NOTE: In light of the virtues of equality and fairness, Dupees reading this will be allowed an extra 48 hours to look up any words or author quotes they don’t understand in these statements.

On a more visionary note, perhaps all this strife is simply where we are on the evolutionary ladder. Perhaps the pendulum is favoring the darkside once again like it did in the Dark Ages of history. Perhaps men and women are truly being separated from the sheep and sheepettes … as Neil Armstrong so astutely put it, ”That’s one small step for mankind, one giant leap for mankind.” Perhaps there will be some lessons learned if even they are learned the hard way, after all that IS human nature.

The question remains: Will we ever learn?

And that folks is metaphysical.

Tippin my hat to ya’,





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