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It seems that everything is being tested these days. Many people are questioning their paths and personal belief systems in a time when chaos and covid-19 seems to be ruling our daily lives. Institiutions of all kinds are being attacked and our history is plagued with attempts to tear it down or rewrite it. Religion and the belief in God are challenged more so than ever before. All this pushed me to wonder exactly what people DO believe in now. One personal ponder led me to even inquire and research if people still held belief in Ascended Masters which had a huge effect on the metaphysical community. There are indeed individuals that still claim they both hear from and channel them. While this may be non-sensical to some, for the most part, these channelings if not anything else are inspiring. Take a look at some passages channeled via St. Germain and see if you feel they apply to one of today's issues – religion. While you read remember, egos aren't allowed in Heaven. ~ Preter
Raise up your higher understanding of freedom. Many years ago in the United States, a band of men had come together in their attempts to forge a new nation. Perceptive individuals among them brought forth a new concept of government as based on God-given rights that no human authority could take away. And one of those rights was indeed freedom of religion.
Yet what could be done back then was according to the level of consciousness of the people and according to cosmic cycles. Cycles have turned, the consciousness of humankind has been raised. And thus, in today’s age we do not have a need for freedom OF religion—we have a need for freedom FROM religion. And with that I mean the freedom from the dogmatic, fear-based religions that have been a scourge on this planet for millennia.
What was done in the American Constitution was to give people an outer freedom of religion, protected by law. They had a right to worship as they saw fit. Why was this freedom of religion so important? Because for centuries the European continent had been in the hold of the Catholic Church, that used military might to clamp down on any other religion and that also resisted any renewal of that religion—that might have brought humankind to a higher understanding of the true teachings of Christ.
Thus, the main goal behind the Constitution of the American nation was to prevent one church from dominating the religious life of this nation, even to the point of dominating the government. Or even to the point of being able to command the armies and send people out to fight in the name of God. That was attained in America, and it has spread to many other nations. But we now need to step up to the next level. For while we have freed people’s bodies to go to the church they want to go to – or to go to no church at all – we now need to free their minds from the stranglehold of religious doctrines and religious beliefs that are truly of anti-christ.
It is time to awaken people to the fact that they have a right – a right to the truth that will make them free, that will make their minds free from the illusions and the lies of anti-christ, put upon them by organized religions, put upon them. Imagine the tragedy that people are programmed to believe in the lies of anti-christ in the name of Christ, in the name of Jesus. This simply will not be tolerated anymore on this planet! And as this filters through, from the etheric realm to the physical, you will indeed see that many people will be awakened to the need to find the inner path beyond the outer religions.
freedom is not something you can win once and for all. Freedom is something you must continually pursue because freedom is the freedom from the human ego. And it is the freedom that can be obtained only by perpetual vigilance, by perpetual alertness and by perpetual surrender.
Only if you are willing to continually surrender any aspect of your human self, even any aspect of the collective consciousness that enters your being, will you keep up with us. And therefore, I say to you, “Either stop calling yourself students of the ascended masters or look beyond the outer path and discover the true inner path!” I am not concerned whether you belong to this or that outer organization—as long as that organization does not become a trap for your mind, as long as you are still willing to flow with the flow of freedom.
But if an organization has become a trap, then be willing to acknowledge it and realize that you must either change your approach or leave that organization. Because sitting around thinking that you are loyal to the ascended masters by being loyal to the outer path and an outer organization is simply the same state of consciousness as that held by the scribes and Pharisees. And do you remember what Jesus called those who were in that state of consciousness? That is right, he called them “hypocrites,” because it is hypocritical to claim that you are a truly religious person or that you are a student of the ascended masters when you are not willing to move on on the inner path and rise beyond your present level of consciousness.
And thus I say to you, “Be honest. Be honest.” For how can you ascend if you cling to an illusion? Do you think any ascended master ever won his or her ascension by clinging to the illusion of the ego. Have you not realized that your ego will not be allowed in heaven, as Jesus explained when he told the parable about the wedding feast. And the man who had entered without a wedding garment was bound hand and foot and cast into outer darkness by his own ego.
Passages channeled by Kim MIichaels via St. Germain