Kevin Sorbo as Hercules. Hercules:The Legendary Journeys
Having some fun with hypothetical astro charts using info available from some history and the actual TV shows Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1990s) starring Kevin Sorbo and Star Trek (1960s) starring WIlliam Shatner.
Legendary Hero: Hercules
There are some scholars who believe that the mighty Hercules was born in early November during the 13th Century BCE in Thebes. In this speculative chart for Hercules, the planet Mars ruler of the sign of Aries is elevated in the chart conjunct the Sun and the Midheaven all in the sign of Scorpio of which Mars holds ancient rulership. Mars is particularly powerful when posited here because of its applying accidental exaltation. Mars conjunct the Midheaven is often associated with those who achieve status and fame. Its conjunction also to the Sun further indicates an effective leader with highly competitive ambition.
The Sun/Mars square of the 1st House Uranus in Aquarius shows a propensity for erratic and reckless behavior but also bravery especially when antagonism is aroused because of injustice. This combination also marks one who constantly craves excitement. The strong Scorpionic essences of Mars to Uranus indicate a constant threat of death and the likelihood of sudden attacks that must be dealt with confrontational skill and speed – the true mark of a warrior who displays relentless courage. The temperament is injected with a good deal of idealism but there is also impatience concerning revolutionary desires particularly when it comes to the overthrow of established order. It is also interesting to note that there are no retrograde planets in the chart and an Ascendant in no nonsense Capricorn so when it comes to the Legendary Hero – What You See Is What You Get!
The overall pattern of this chart is a Bowl with Pluto as the lead planet. Pluto is conjunct the North Node in the 8th House (Karmic destiny) and in an out of sign trine with Saturn in the 12th House (Karmic duty). This Bowl pattern encompasses Houses 8-1 and indicates an individual who quite subjective unto the Self and very self satisfied. They often feel they have a “mission” in life. In this case, the unoccupied Houses 2-7 show issues with the past and personal relationships. Pluto conjunct the North Node shows a powerful intuitive tendency for understanding the forces that shape the future and strong deliberation to take advantage of that information. The Saturn/Pluto trine implies one who understands “The Law,” be it part of an actual justice system or the rules of Nature. The sense of destiny or a Karmic mission is further strengthened by this aspect along with tremendous willpower to achieve the goal.
The Moon is fun loving Sagittarius in the 11th House was in New Moon phase at birth indicating an impulsive person, always looking for new opportunities. The Moon is unaspected (by major aspect) and when considering the rest of the chart this signifies tremendous worldly achievement because “nothing” stands “in the way”… except emotions. Love and affection become difficult because they are believed to deter achievement and cloud thinking. With a heavy weight of half of the planets in the 9th House there is a determination to travel and a love of adventure. Combined with the status of the Moon Hercules was definitely not the stay at home type. The call of duty took precedence. The lack of personal relationships is also indicated by Venus in Libra in the 9th House at Anaretic (0) degree. Karmically there would always be issues with relationships and romantic partners and he would be tested to work them out through Libran equipoise. With Mars in powerful Scorpio Hercules did exhibit an “all or nothing” attitude making compromise difficult. Whenever Hercules sought out harmony and engaged sociability he gained popularity. Some of this is indicated by the out of sign conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in Virgo in the 8th House which meant that fame was largely political in nature.
The unafflicted Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Libra in the 9th House indicates that Herc could be elusive and difficult to pin down at times but he never lied. He was also very psychic with prophetic ability and a good student probably to the delight of his mentor Chiron!
William Shatner as James T. Kirk, Star Trek.
Fictional Warrior: James Tiberius Kirk
Aries is the sign of the warrior essence. One of the greatest fictional characters representing Arien energy is James Tiberius Kirk commander of the Star Ship Enterprise in STAR TREK. In this proposed chart for Kirk his leadership qualities, intelligence, renegade tendencies and even his lothario side are evident!
Kirk has the Sun conjunct Mars in Aries in the 9th House and the MC in Aries (warrior bar none with a desire for far-away places and a strong desire to be his own boss). Saturn in Aries in the 10th House conjunct the MC shows his distaste for authority figures, self centeredness, and one who is forced by circumstances to acquire patience and self reliance. It also shows one who is resourceful and capable of evolving new methods. Mercury Pisces in the 9th House is in an out-of-sign conjunction with the Sun/Mars and indicates a brilliant scientific/technical mind and the ability for strategy. Chiron opposed Uranus always indicates one who takes hazardous risks in life that are often dangerous to the physical self. Leo rising designates confidence, leadership, and with the Leo Moon in the 1st House conjunct the Leo Ascendant, one who projects his emotions in a bold style with show-off tendencies since it trines the Sun/Mars combo. The Moon also squares Pluto in Scorpio in the 4th which makes Kirk intensely emotional particularly towards women and with Venus in Aquarius in the 7th (semisquare Mars) and Uranus in the 5th in Sagittarius (ruler of the 7th), he is quite the flirt who loves to experiment sexually and is quite proud of his “score-card.” Jupiter in Capricorn in the 6th House opposes Neptune in Cancer the 12th and is squared by the Sun, Mars and is square the MC designating one who glorifies “war” and who strives to accomplish things too fast and often without much forethought… in other words, FEARLESS. The square to the MC shows grandiose ideals regarding career. The opposition to Neptune shows impracticality in certain situations and one who constantly dreams of faraway places. It also indicates danger form gasses, fumes and drugs.
Interestingly, actor William Shatner (who played the original Kirk) was born March 22, 1931.
Legendary Warrior