Glamour Of Fear, Failure And Hell

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By Unself

Image by Gerd Altmann from

Fear is the product of ignorance, and in its initial stages it is not the product of wrong thinking. It is basically instinctual, and is found dominating in the non-mental animal kingdom, as well as in the human kingdom. But in the human, its power is increased potently through the powers of the mind, and through memory of past pain and grievance, and through anticipation of those we foresee, the power of fear is enormously aggravated by the thoughtform we ourselves have built of our own individual fears and phobias. This thoughtform grows in power as we pay attention to it, for energy follows thought, till we become dominated by it.” (A Treatise on White Magic, p. 238)

“Every human being knows fear, and the range of the fear vibrations extends from the instinctual fears of the savage man, based on his ignorance of the laws and forces of nature, and of his terror of the dark and the unknown, to the fears prevalent today of loss of friends and loved ones, of health, of money, of popularity, and on to the final fears of the aspirant – the fear of failure, the fear which has its roots in doubt, the fear of ultimate negation or of annihilation, the fear of death (which he shares equally with all humanity) the fear of the great illusion of the astral plane, of the phantasmagoria of life itself, and also fear of lonliness on the Path, even to the very fear of Fear itself. This list could be largely extended but suffices to to indicate the prevalence of fears of all kinds. They dominate most situations and darken many happy moments. They reduce man to a timid and frightened atom of sentient life, standing afraid before the stupendousness of the problems of existence, aware of his insufficiency as a man to cope with all the situations, and unable to leave his fears and questionings behind and step into his heritage of freedom and of life. Often he is so ridden by fear that he becomes afraid of his very reason. The picture cannot be too blackly colored, for fear is the dominant astra; energy at thiis time, and sensitive humanity succumbs all too easily to it.” (A Treatise on White Magic, p. 297/8)

The Fear of Death is based upon:

a. A terror of the final rending processes in the act of death itself.
b. Horror of the unknown and the indefinable.
c. Doubt as to final immortality.
d. Unhappiness at leaving loved ones behind or of being left behind.
e. Ancient reactions to past violent deaths, lying deep in the subconsciousness.
f. Clinging to form life, because primarily identified with it in consciousness.
g. Old erroneous teaching as to Heaven and Hell, both equally unpleasant in prospect to certain types.” ( A Treatis on White Magic, p. 300)

The Glamour of Failure

“It is a serious waste of time for a disciple to ponder upon a failure or fear failing. There is no such thing as failure; there can only be loss of time. That in itslef is serious these days of dire world need, but the disciple must inevitably some day make good and retrieve his past failures. I need not point out that we learn by failure, for that is a well known truth, and is known as such by all who are atempting to live as souls. Nor need the disciple sorrow over the failures, apparent or real, of his fellow disciples. The sense of time produces glamour and disappointment, whereas the work goes truly forward, and a lesson learnt by failure acts as a safeguard for the future. Thus it leads to rapid growth. An honest disciple may be momentarily glamoured, but in the long run nothing can really deter him. What are a few brief years in a comparative cycle of aeons? What is a second of time in a span of man’s allotted seventy years? To the individual disciple they appear most important; to the onlooking soul, they seem as nothing at all. For the world perhaps, a temporary failure may connote delay in expected help, but that again is brief, and help will come from other sources. for the Plan goes unerringly forward.” (A Treatise on White Magic, p. 634/5)

“The emergence of emotional conditions or of glamour in your life-expression need not necessarily indicate failure. There is only failure if there is identification with these astral conditions, and a succumbing to old rhythms.” (Discipleship in the New Age Vol. I, p.88)

“Recognize failure — if it is there — but then, with a face lifted to the light, and a smile upon your lips, turn your back upon such a failure and go with steadfastness forward.” (Discipleship in the New Age Vol. I, p. 366)

“The only regret that is justifiable, is based on failure to learn the lessons of failure.”(Discipleship in the New Age Vol. I, p.604)

The Glamour of Hell

“Another fear which induces mankind to regard death as a calamity, is one which theological religion has inculcated, particularly the Protestant fundamentalists, and the Roman Catholic Church — the fear of hell, the imposition of penalties, usually out of all proportion to the errors of a life-time, and the terrors imposed by an angry God. To these man is told he will have to submit, and from them there is no escape, except through the vicarious atonement. There is, as you well know, no angry God, no hell, and no vicarious atonement. There is only a great principle of love animating the entire universe; there is the Presence of the Christ, indicating to humanity the fact of the soul and that we are saved by the livingness of that soul, and the only hell is the earth itself, where we learn to work out our own salvation, actuated by the principle of love and light, and incited thereto by the example of the Christ, and the inner urge of our own souls. This teaching anent hell is a remainder of the sadistic turn which was given to the thinking of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages, and to the erroneous teaching to be found in the Old Testament anent Jehovah, the tribal God of the Jews. Jehovah is not God, the planetary Logos, the Eternal Heart of Love Whom Christ revealed. As these erroneous ideas die out, the concept of hell will fade from man’s recollectoin, and its place will be taken by an understanding of the law which makes each man work out his own salvation upon the physical plane, which leads him to right the wrongs which he may have perpetrated in his lives on Earth, and which enables him eventually to “clean his own slate”.” (Esoteric Healing, p. 393)