One of the ways that we work through our own issues with the chakras is through meditation and this is one of the more popular ways to do so. Many people today in the US have a hard time meditating though as they have very busy lives. We live in a society that in successful circles promotes lack of sleep in favor of being more productive hence why we have a Starbucks on every corner and an untold amount of energy drinks on the market now.
What I would like to bring to the fore is that we already do chakra work every day in our car when we turn on the radio or listen to you tube online. Music has a profound effect on the chakras. When we listen to music the tempo and the message of the song affects certain chakras accordingly. My goal here is to give you some direction as to what music to listen to when working on particular issues.
The first thing that should be determined when picking out a song to listen to is the time period from which the music is derived. This is a generalized area, but an important one. The time period from which the music comes does tend to influence the music style and the lyrics which tend to correspond to the global consciousness at the time.
The 60’s were all about free love. This of course tends to work out the heart chakra and the throat chakra. Especially in 1969 which has become known as the “Summer of Love”. This music tends to calm people down through the use of the heart chakra.
The 70’s music and the summer of tend to correspond to the heart chakra and the third chakra when people were singing from the heart and yet still asserting their political standing in the world. Think of peoples’ disapproval of the war in Vietnam. People changed history of events in the world through music. Political leaders were reminded that the people did have a voice and were paying attention to what was going on in the world. People listening to this music tend to be working on making their opinions heard. A need to feel empowered in the present is also at the fore here.
If you like to listen to the 80’s music that tends to correspond to the sixth center of the body the throat chakra. This as many people will remember is one of the more glitz oriented times. People were creating their reality as they wanted it to be. It was also a time when emotional content was not at the fore as much as in the 1970’s so this thinking was not backed by the solar plexus as the 1970’s was. This music helps a person to work on their third eye. It is the music that tends to promote thinking and desire.
The 1990’s brought alternative rock to the fore as well as grunge. This music was mainly focused through the root and throat chakras. That’s when people started grounding again. Think of Counting Crows and other artists that started to voice their opinions through their music like the DDT’s that they used on crops that were killing the wildlife and not just the insects. This music didn’t have the power behind it like the 1970’s though and this is why the solar plexus isn’t being worked here as much. It also still holds onto some of the 1980’s glam and glitz keeping the sixth center in the background like “The Spice Girls”, and “Chumbawamba” though not nearly as much as in the 1980’s. People listening to this music are being put in touch with what is important and how to express themselves.
The next thing that a person has to look at when choosing a song for chakra work is to think about the genre of music. Some music does promote some chakras more than others with an example of the being that rock and roll usually does tend to work the root chakra and the throat chakra because it can be used to be both political and of course entertaining.
Music in today’s culture right now is very focused on rap music and R&B. This is the kind of thing that you here at many of the clubs. Most music in this genre of music tends to correspond with the lower chakras. The root chakra and the sacral chakra are being worked out as sex does tend to be a major theme in much of the music, or it simply can be a “fun song”. An example of this would be the “Cupid Shuffle” that has taken the place of the “Electric Slide”. Anything with a heavy base beat in it tends to correspond to the root chakra. This is why people tend to go to one of these clubs or listen to this kind of music. They simply are trying to stay in the moment and have some fun. Other things that might make the inner child happy come to the fore here. People who tend to listen to this genre of music are trying to remind themselves to have fun and stay in the moment. When we work out one chakra we also work the other chakra that corresponds with it on the other end of the spectrum so to speak. Think of it as working an issue from two different energy levels. While rap and R&B tend to work out the root and sacral chakra they also work out the third eye and the crown chakra. The beat does tend to work the root chakra and the words tend to go along with the sixth center. Listening to the words in the song tend to be clever or come in rhyme a faster than normal pace tend s to work the mind in order to comprehend them.
Another kind of music that specifically works or the third eye is classical music like Mozart. This music purely focuses on the sixth chakra because it is all Math. That is why many experts say to let your children listen to Mozart in order to help them to be smarter. This music is usually not played in churches because it does keep you in the sixth chakra. This is why churches usually play gospel or slow hymns. They are attempting to help you open up your crown chakra through the stimulation of your root chakra.
There are of course many other kinds of music that do help you to work on the different chakras. These that are listed here are just a few examples of what to look for when attempting to move through certain issues. Well that is all for this issue of the Galactic Press my fellow terrestrial cosmonauts. Take care until next and do yourself the favor of making someone smile today. You can never have too much good karma!!
2 things…
the summer of love was actually the summer of 1967, and saying that Motzart's music is math is not incorrect, but neither is it fully accurate, the truth of the matter is that ALL music is math, plain and simple~! this is why music notation is mathematical, with terms such as dominant seventh, diminshed ninth, and augmented fourth, or suspended second…..also used are terms such as octaves, the same note at two different spots on the instrument, called that because each are eight steps away from one another…all of music is based entirely on math….they are simply ywo different ways of communicating the same things, or two different languages, if you will…the actual reason that parents are told to play Motzart or Beethoven for their babies to make them smarter is that it is classical music, and has an orchestra playing numbers of instruments with many harmonies and melodies intertwinging within the piece, this can uplift a person, whereas some thrash metal is generally considered more negative and harsh…the pentatonic scale, from which all blues and soul come, was a form of music that was fully banned in the middle ages by the papacy, this type of music being too evocative and sensual, it was thought to corrupt a person and allow satan to grab a hold on them, when in reality it is simply a form of music that can be strongly felt….