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“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” – Chief Brody in JAWS
Not to worry … this post is killer shark free. Like all denizens of the animal kingdom, the shark also has spiritual symbolism and it might not be what you think –
In general, shark symbolism is a reminder to you that opportunities in life are abundant. However, you must move forward to create those opportunities. Thus, by exploring the world around you and the emotions within yourself, you will be shown new ways. Like the eagle, you will also have abundant opportunities. In other words, shark meaning is letting you know that the universe can be so much larger. All you have to do is stop waiting. Do something. Moreover, do anything to stir up the energy and create motion within yourself.
Alternatively, shark symbolism can also mean that you have to stop dwelling on your weaknesses. Look at them from a different perspective so that you can find strength in them. Everything that you perceive as weak has its strong point with the universes perfect balance. Thus shark meaning is a reminder that you can turn any weakness into one of your strengths.
Occasionally, shark symbolism arrives in your life to give you a kickstart. They are reminding you that when things are getting difficult, the tough get going. You can handle even the most severe problems and threats.
Shark Totem, Spirit Animal
People with the shark totem are extremely driven and perpetually moving forward. They meet life full-on and prefer to experience everything with undeniable exuberance. Folks with this spirit animal are usually in a constant state of renewal. Thus they often find a career that is fast moving, includes lots of travel and is highly predatory. Additionally, like the Arabian Horse and the Dachshund, they love challenges and actively seek them out.
Shark totem people have a unique vision of the world and virtually no concept of death. They are fearless in their choices and are often remorseless in the pursuit of their goals. Consequently, folks with this power animal are often unpredictable. They are also continuously on the go in a frenzy of productivity.
Shark Dream Interpretation
When you have a shark dream, it can be symbolic of your feelings of anger, hostility, and ferocity. In other words, you are undergoing a long and challenging emotional period. Thus, you may be a psychological threat to yourself and others. Most likely you are struggling with your individuality and independence. Especially with regards to your relationships.
Alternatively, a shark dream can represent someone in your life who is greedy and unscrupulous. In particular, it indicates that there is someone in your life who goes after whatever he or she wants. Consequently, they also do this without regard for the well being and sensitivity to others. Be aware that this person could also be you.
Similar to a Beagle dream, if this fish is circling something over and over, it indicates that you have an opportunity before you that of which you need to take advantage. When you see a lot of these fish circling in a vision, represents the fact that you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions. In other words, you need to allow yourself to experience them before they explode irrationally and instinctively.
Additional Associations for Shark –
god of the sea
honing senses
peaceable predator
predatory subconscious
resistance to change
self defense
shape shifter
unique vision
warning signs
workaholic tendency
Know that you can get what you want without alienating those around you. Tread lightly, confidently and be clear on your direction. – Shark
Shark Teeth Symbolism and Meanings
As a side note, shark teeth have long been a symbol of strength and manhood.
Sailors and surfers often wear them for good luck and protection from drowning. In the Middle Ages people donned a shark tooth to protect them from poison in foods and beverages, which could easily translate into safeguarding us from toxic situations.
In Hawaii a story tells us that a young, brave warrior fought the God of the Sea. He won, and for his reward he received a necklace of shark teeth. So again we see them symbolic value of safety. In this part of the world people consider the Shark spirit as a type of Ancestor or Deity known by the name Aumakua.