A Guide to the Most Secret Part of Yourself – Harold Klemp

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

A Guide to the Most Secret Part of Yourself – Harold Klemp  

                  A Guide to the Most Secret Part of Yourself

   The most secret part of yourself is the heart of love. The greatest gift life can give you is a means to come into contact with this mysterious part, which is the secret to life itself.
   Seekers in ages past discovered and followed a teacher who could guide them beyond the spiritual limitations of body and mind. Countless other, including many saints, have mastered the art and science of Soul Travel.
   In Eckankar, an earnest spiritual seeker is under the protection of a spiritual guide known as the Mahanta. This is the Spiritual Traveler. As the Mahanta he is the Inner Master, the one who comes on the other planes to impart knowledge, truth, and wisdom. 
   The Mahanta is a state of consciousness. It is a spiritual state of consciousness very much like the Buddha consciousness or the Christ consciousness. The Living ECK Master is the other half of the title, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. This means the outer spiritual teacher, myself.
   The teachings of Eckankar speak very directly and very distinctly of the two parts of the Master: the Inner Master and the Outer Master. The Inner Master is the Mahanta, and the Outer Master is the Living ECK Master.
   The Inner Master is not a physical being. It is someone you see in the inner planes during contemplation or in the dream state. He may look like me, he may look like another ECK Master, or he may even look the same as Christ. All it is, really, is the merging of the Light and Sound of God into a matrix, into a form which appears as a person. This, then, becomes the inner guide which steer a a person through the pitfalls of karma, the troubles we make for ourselves through ignorance of the spiritual laws. 
   The Master often works in the dream state because it is easier to get through. Fears can inhibit and prevent one from exercising the freedom and power and wisdom which are a birthright of Soul. In the dream state, the Master can begin working with you to familiarize and make you comfortable with what comes on the other side.
   You can get to the most secret part of yourself through contemplation, through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK. Contemplation is a conversation with the most secret, most genuine, and the most mysterious part of yourself.
                            The Hand of God Saved Her Life
   "Claudia is from Tennessee. She was involved in a serious car accident. Before I tell this story, I need to point out her routine. I mention this because it's something for you to take heart and realize how important it is to imbue yourself with the living essence of the Light and Sound of God. 
   Every morning, first thing, Claudia does a contemplation. When she finishes, she gets ready for work. When she gets into her car, the first thing she does is declare herself a clear channel for God, the Holy Spirit, and the Mahanta. In the ECK parlance this is the Sugmad, the ECK and the Mahanta. And then she sets out on the road with her CD of the HU song playing in her car. She sings HU with all her might as she drives the forty minutes to work. 
   One day as Claudia drove along the freeway, the traffic screeched to a halt in front of her. She hit the brakes, came to a safe stop, and looked in the rearview mirror. She realized the semi-truck behind her would be unable to stop. She also realized that her seatbelt was unbuckled, and there was no time to fasten it. She screamed,"God, please help me!"
   At that moment she felt a giant hand of God surround her, holding her gently in its grip. She knew this as the hand of the Mahanta.
   The truck hit the back of her Toyota Camry, a brand-new car, and pushed the trunk all the way up to the rear seats. The car was pushed into the car ahead of hers, crunching the engine back up to the dashboard. But through it all, her CD player kept playing the HU song. And there sat Claudia. 
   The Mahanta had lifted her out of the body, and when she returned, a fireman was holding her hand. He was the first on the scene.
   So the firefighter said,"Hold on, ma'am, an ambulance is on the way." Claudia was very calm and detached. She looked at him and said,"I'm not hurt. I'm OK." And he said,"Have you looked at your car?" She said,"Of course not. I haven't been able to get out of this seat." He said,"Well, let me tell you about the car." 
   Basically, it looked like an accordion. Right in the middle of it all sat Claudia. When the ambulance came, they insisted she go to the hospital because they were sure there would be internal injuries. 
   She arrived at the hospital. The doctor did a whole battery of X-rays. No broken bones, no scratches,  no bruises. So the doctor gave her a handful of pills. He said," You're going to need these tomorrow because you're going to be in a world of hurt." And she said,"No I won't." She went home.
   Next morning Claudia woke up without any pain. She threw the pills away, and that was the end of that. And she realized that the Mahanta was the hand of God that saved her life.
                                 Door of Soul Spiritual Exercise
   The door of Soul opens inward. No amount of pushing on the wrong side will open it. For this reason, twenty minutes to half an hour is the limit to spend on a spiritual exercise unless an experience has begun. Then, of course, see it through till the end.
   To have an experience with the Light and Sound of God or the Inner Master, use this two-part technique:
              1. In contemplation, sometime during the day, count backwards from ten to
               one. The try to see yourself standing beside your human self, which is at re-
                st. Keep this part to half an hour or less.
               2. The second part of this technique comes at night, when you are preparing
                for sleep. Speak to the Dream Master, the Mahanta. Say to him,"I give you
               permission to lead me into the Far Country,*—to the right places and peo-
   Now go to sleep. Give no further thought to this technique. Your permission to the Mahanta unlocks the unconscious mind and gives the human mind a chance to retain a memory of your dream travels come morning.
   That's all there is to this two-part dream exercise.
   Be sure a dream notebook is within easy reach. Keep notes. Remember that in the spiritual field, there is no need to push things. With ECK in your life, the gifts of Spirit, like love and wisdom, will now start coming to your attention.
* —– The vast world lying beyond the earth plane; a series of universes that can be experienced by Soul.
From the book, The Call of Soul © 2012 Eckankar – Sri Harold Klemp