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Let’s see if Forensic Astrology can discern some paranormal activity in a brand new home. Names have been eliminated per request.
An excited young couple moved into their new home on August 1, 2008 at 41°N 16’ 72°W48’. They were ready to make new friends among the variety of people who were also purchasing homes in the new upscale development. The first week was uneventful and spent tackling the chores of unpacking and setting up the household. The couple had scheduled vacations from work so the transition would be easier. To their great surprise, the house was organized very quickly and they decided that everything was under control enough to have a house warming/dinner party. This was scheduled for Saturday, August 16, with a kick off time of 5:00 PM for cocktails and dinner slated for 6:30.
During the earlier part of the day, the wife noticed that she seemed to be catching glimpses of movement out of the corner of her eyes but she was too busy getting ready for the party to really pay attention. Her husband seemed to feel a bit under the weather health wise but could not seem to put a finger on what was wrong and since it appeared to be nothing major he ignored it and attributed it to being tired from the move.
The guests arrived promptly and were enjoying their cocktails and the tour of the couple’s new home. Around 6:00, the husband was out in the garage with the male guests finishing his round of the tour while the wife and some of the female guests were in the kitchen helping to get the dinner served on time. Without warning, several plates jumped off the kitchen counter onto the hard wood floor smashing into bits. No one had been near the plates at the time but it was quickly rationalized as just a freak accident. In the living room area some of the seated guests were startled by what they thought felt like a hand brushing against the sides and backs of their heads which was prominent enough to make them jump. Several seconds later a few toiletry items fell off the counter and shelves of the nearby guest bathroom. Upon inspection, no one was in the bathroom nor had anyone just left the bathroom.
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Out in the garage and at the same time, several tools seemed to jump off the tool bench which was shaking and a hammer flew through the air just missing one of the guest’s heads. A few minutes later all activity ceased. The couple and their guests all understandably shaken, gathered together to compare notes and to offer logical explanations for the strange events. In the end, they decided that the next day they would check to see if any minor earthquake activity had occurred or if any other natural cause such as a broken underground line might have been the problem. Since it all happened so quickly and nothing else ensued, all decided to go ahead with the dinner party and enjoy themselves.
One of the male guests out in the garage noted the time as 6:05 PM when the occurrences took place and a chart was cast for that time at the home location. The chart has many classic placements for paranormal activity and one interesting energetic booster which was a partial lunar eclipse at 24° Aquarius 18’ seated at the midpoint of the Moon/Neptune conjunction in the 1st house and opposite the Sun in the 7th house. Planets in the 1st and 7th houses of a chart always set up the premise for an interaction between the “self” and “others” and is one of the general conditions an astrologer would look for in an alleged haunting.
The fact that the Moon was in Full phase is a major marker for a haunting because it is generally accepted that during a Full Moon the energies are opened up for peak paranormal activity. The Moon/Neptune conjunction signifies that the young couple and their guests were psychically attuned and vulnerable to the tenor of their surroundings. They were also attuned to the emotional reactions of one another and to the conflict and astral phenomena created by the “unknown/other” via the Moon/Neptune opposition to the Sun from the 1st to 7th houses.
A look at the occult houses, 4, 8, and 12 also provides important information. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn are all seated in the 8th house and the planets Jupiter and Pluto are seated in the 12th house. Even thought there are no planets in the occult 4th house, Venus is the ruler of that house and it sits at the midpoint of Mars and the Vertex point of the chart which not only ties in the 4th house but also indicates a surprise happening most likely of a violent nature. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all conjunct composing a stellium in the sign of Virgo. These planets are trined by a retrograde Jupiter in the 12th house indicating energy that was looking for attention but operating in an indolent fashion. Mars in the 8th squares Pluto retrograde in the 12th a classic signature for poltergeist activity because of the dangerous forceful nature of the energy being created. This energy is at the very least disagreeable but can often be brutal and violent. Compounding this is the additional influence of the Fixed Stars Markab which is conjunct Mars and Acumen which is conjunct Pluto. The energy of Markab lends itself to stubbornness and attempts to tangible. Acumen is part of a nebula which is considered unlucky traditionally. It is linked to attacks that literally weaken or damage. While it would be up to a professional paranormal team to discern the nature of the events, astrologically the culprit would appear to be a poltergeist or in the worst case a demonic or inter-dimensional negative entity.
As both Jupiter and Pluto are both retrograde and seated in the 12th the energies can also be applied to a residual ego from the past that has been stirred up and has decided to definitively make its presence known. This could apply to a human spirit or an ancient negative entity. The push for attention is evident from the sextile to Pluto from the Moon and the trine from the Sun tying together the 1st, 7th and 12th houses. Jupiter in a minor novile aspect to Neptune is further integrating the energies between the 1stand the 12th pushing “excess.” Please note that some astrologers associate the novile with health issues and this energy could explain the ill feelings of the husband who was thinking he had bitten off more than he could chew. The house address is also interesting to note. When broken down astrologically by degree it sits at 9° Virgo in the 8th house and is conjunct the planet Saturn and the Fixed Star Alioth which contributed to the apprehension and primitive rage in the atmosphere as well as the destruction and loss of personal valuables.
In the chart, the planet Uranus is unaspected but as time moved forward, Mercury, Venus opposed Uranus creating more nervous tension and irritability between the couple when a few more minor incidents occurred lasting through the end of August. When the couple realized they were constantly down each other’s throats they finally relented and called in a paranormal team to address the issue and have the house cleared.
A historic background check by the paranormal investigators did reveal that the property was originally family owned farm land and prior to that might have been connected to a local Native American tribe who had a rather active shaman. According to local folk legend he was known to bring calamity down on his enemies. He was also well known for working with dark spirits and was feared by many of his tribesmen. If the Shaman had opened an inter-dimensional gate, then the timing was correct on that date for some chaos. The possibility of a multiple event was also considered because of the variety of circumstances. The exact cause was not fully discerned by the team but the speculation brought out by the background check seemed to satisfy the couple as a probable cause.
After the clearing everything settled back down to normal. Things have been quiet since… at least let’s hope so!