Heavy Metal

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By LOGOS - Overseer

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Do you have a special piece of jewelry you wear all the time and just feel lost or out of sorts if you forget to wear it? Do you prefer silver to gold or are you into jewelry that is crafted from stainless steel?  Did you know that whatever metal you are wearing on your body holds a vibration that affects your body and so does any metal object that you keep in your intimate environment?

Working and healing with crystals, minerals and gemstones also requires knowledge of the healing vibration qualities of various metals since people will often wear jewelry as a supplement to vibrational healing and chakra balancing. In Ayurvedic Medicine for example, pieces of personal jewelry are actually prescribed and made according to prescriptions for the patient for various reasons. Decorative objects made of metals that are in the immediate daily environment also figure into the vibrational scheme of things. Let’s take look at the healing and magical properties of the most popular metals today, gold, silver, copper and steel.


Numerological Vibration: 2

Astrological Association: LEO

Planet: SUN

Element Association: FIRE

POWERS: Healing, Protection, Wisdom, Money, Success, Male Sexual Dysfunction

Gold has been called a Master Healer as it is an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body as well as a stamina enhancer. Esoterically speaking, gold symbolizes the purity of the spiritual aspect of “All That Is” by allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Gold promotes the capacity to “learn” new things and new concepts while eliminating any self imposed feelings of inferiority or self reproach because “it didn’t sink in right away.”

Gold produces energy that is both cooperative and receptive to extensive use with gemstones and crystals and it will both attract and maintain the qualities of whichever stone of which it come into contact. Gold activates the heart chakra especially if worn on the left hand side of the body and also affects, opens and activates the Brow and Crown Chakras.

In its pure form, gold can be used as a nervine tonic. It has a beneficial impact on the mind, increasing memory and intelligence. It is an Ayurvedic healing remedy for strengthening the heart and improving stamina. The healing properties of gold are used for: mental faculty enhancement, nervous system booster (i.e. treatment of multiple sclerosis),  digestion, circulation and pulmonary improvement, arthritis, skin cancer, blood disorders, pneumonia, vascular disease, heart disease, eye problems, paralysis, tuberculosis, relief from nightmares, spinal problems, rejuvenation of the endocrine system, regeneration of tissue and skeletal structure, balancing of right brain/left brain in such conditions associated with autism, dyslexia, epilepsy and physical coordination. Gold is used by the medical profession in injection form to treat certain disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. It is used in limited doses and can have serious side effects.

Ayurvedic Method (please consult a registered practitioner before trying): A simple method to harness the healing energy of gold is to place the pure metal in two cups of water. Boil the water until half of the liquid has evaporated. The resulting gold infused water is charged with the electromagnetic energy of the element. It can be taken in teaspoon size doses, twice a day. Some people have a negative reaction to gold, usually in the form of a rash.

Magical Ritual and Lore: Gold is intimately linked with divinity and has always been associated with the various Sun gods. It has always been the top choice for fashioning sacred images and for decorating alters from the religious to the magical. It was considered the highest form of offering that could be made to a god. Magicians working with solar energy often wear ritual gold jewelry to attune to that power source. Legend states that the Druids collected mistletoe with sickles of gold. Herbalists in the Middle Ages used gold implements during herb harvesting in the belief that this would strengthen the powers of the plants they collected.

Gold and Lapis Cuff Bracelet ~ Very High Vibe

Gold Winged Heart Pendant

It doesn’t get much better than this for lifting one’s spirit!



Numerological Vibration: 4

Astrological Association: Cancer and Aquarius

Planet: Moon

Elemental Association: Water

POWERS: Healing, Invocation, Love, Mysticism, Dreams, Peace, Protection, Travel, Money

Silver Is often used as a mirror to the Soul to stimulate seeing oneself from the outside of the body. This “sight” is considered wisdom without judgment and capable or recognizing the “superior man” or “higher self.” Silver initiates patience and perseverance for engaging task and also regulates emotional and intuitive energies that enhance perception. Is thought to bring one “the advantage” in life. It improves one’s quality of speech and even add  dash of eloquence. Silver provides a strong connection between the physical and astral bodies and it is the “silver chord” that assures the individual can always ‘come home’ from the astral plane. It is also known to enhance the powers of the Moon and is a great energizer to keep around other stones during both Full and New Moons. If you are a Moon sensitive individual, wearing silver during a Full Moon can make you feel overwrought emotionally. You can balance this by wearing by wearing some gold with the silver. The noble metal is also known to “capture” images and almost one third of the silver mined today is used in photography in the processing of film.

Silver is a favored metal used with gemstones because it is able to both attract and retain unto itself any qualities emitted by the stone. If it is used to direct the energy of other minerals and stones, its malleability causes the energies to bend and even become circular. Within that premise, the vital energy centers can be concurrently opened, stimulated, cleared and activated. Silver is energetic dynamite because it is a psychic influencing metal. Silver is mainly associated with energetic stimulation of the Brow and Crown chakras.

Silver helps cleanse the body via then pores and it eliminates toxins at the cellular level. It can be used to treat hepatitis, to increase assimilation of Vitamins A and E and to ameliorate disorders concerning unstable vision. It has also been known to cal m nerves. In Ayurvedic Medicine,  Silver is considered a cooling metal and  like gold, increases strength and stamina. This metal is used to treat fevers, weakness, and internal inflammation, especially conditions of the intestines and gallbladder.

Ayurvedic Method:. To use the healing power of silver you can make infused water in the same way as gold water. Another method to receive the benefits of silver is to drink warm milk which was heated in a silver pan. Again seek the advice of a certified Ayurvedic practitioner before trying.

Magical Ritual and Lore: Throughout the world, Silver is identified with the Lunar manifestations of the Great Mother and eternal goddess. To this day, Wiccan high priestesses, who view the Moon as a sacred symbol of the Goddess wear jewelry fashioned as the crescent of the Moon. Silver is highly favored for amulets of protection. In China, children are guarded by silver lockets worn around the neck. In France, couples who are about to be married are protected by a silver chain. Then of course there is the old legend and lore that silver bullets can destroy werewolves and vampires.

Silver Fennis Wolf Pendant

Believed in tradition and legend to be a monstrous wolf who bit off the right hand of the god Týr. Represents power and strength to overcome obstacles in life and protect against all evil.

Silver Crystals

The arborescent shape will form under the right conditions in nature. Thousands of microscopic crystals coalesce to form such an aggregate.



Numerological Vibration: 1

Astrological Association: Taurus and Sagittarius

Planet: Venus

Elemental Association: Water

POWERS: Healing, Energy Direction, Luck, Love, Protection Money

Copper provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and it also aligns the subtle bodies. It has been successfully used to amplify and transmit thought. It conveys the message that there is no need to “seek” love or constantly “search”  for life but rather release all self imposed restrictions that one has imposed upon the Self. The energy of copper can be described as philosophic free of bias and orthodoxy. It is believed to assist in policy making and policing where “right attainment” is necessary.


Copper activates and opens the Root and Sacral Chakras thus advancing and stabilizing the energies of intuition, vitality, desire and sexuality while directing these energies towards evolution. This noble metal is capable of conducting electrical impulses and magnifying energy transfer from a healer or from other minerals and stones to the healee. 

Copper can be used to stabilize and balance blood flow within the body and increase circulatory functions when needed. It is a “wound cleanser” which fights off bacterial infection. It has been used in the treatment of arthritis, bursitis and metabolic imbalance. In Ayurvedic Medicine it benefits the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system.  It is also used to treat obesity, edema, anemia and is used for problems with excess fat.

Ayurvedic Method: A simple treatment for healing is to place a copper band around the arm.

Magical Ritual and Lore: During Mesopotamia times, copper was attributed to the Queen of Heaven, the Sumerian goddess Inanna and well as to goddesses associated with the planet Venus namely Ishtar and Astarte. It was also a sacred metal of the Sun in Babylon. Copper rings inset with mimosa seeds were used by the Ancients for protection against ills and negativity. Many magical and healing wands today are fashioned from copper often adorned with various crystals. Since copper is “electrical” wands made of copper are thought to be good energy directors in ritual and healing. Healers and Shamans agree that copper is majorly useful because of its ability to balance the body’s polarity and/or the flow of projective/receptive energies. Shamans know that blockages in the body’s energy pattern leads to dis-ease. Copper is also considered “lucky.” This may be due to its past solar attributions. In its association to the planet Venus it is also thought to attract love. Emeralds set in copper are believed to be highly potent in attracting love.

Triple Helix Copper Staff

A handcrafted jewelry box. A great place to keep your personal pieces.



Numerological Vibration: 7

Astrological Association: Aries

Planet: Mars

Elemental Association: Fire

POWERS: Healing, Protection, Anti-Nightmare

In the grand scheme of things Steel is a relatively modern metal and has in the past few years taken on popularity in the world of jewelry even being set with precious stones. The energy of steel is thought to be projective and protective –  a sort of offense/defense all rolled into one. A steel ring is believed to be the ultimate protective amulet. Steel blocks negative impulses that can disrupt the etheric field. It brings about mental and emotional balance while aiding in the dismissal of traditional issues that no longer support personal growth and in the creation implementation  of new ideals. It also confers invulnerability.

Steel activates the Solar Plexus chakra and balances the energies of the body and helps maintain body chemistry.

Ayurvedic Method: Ayurvedic Medicine favors Neti Pots made of stainless steel and since it also emphasizes the need for proper oral hygiene, including daily scraping, gentle, of the tongue to remove harmful bacteria steel tongue cleaners are also favored.

Magical Ritual and Lore: At one time steel was thought to offer protection against mischievous fairies. It was also believed that if you slept with a steel knife beneath your bed it would offer protection against nightmares. A rejuvenation ritual consists of visualizing negativity then slashing into it with dull steel knife cutting it away then seeing yourself refreshed and renewed. In American Folk Magic a steel ring worn faithfully on the hand is believed to prevent rheumatism.

Steel and Ruby ring – slammin’!

Damascus Steel Bracelet

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