Is The Higher Self Really The Perfected Portion Of Our Being?

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By Drea

Image by Nikki Zalewski @

We are within space-time, and the Higher Self is outside space-time. Or you could say, the Higher Self is in time-space, which is an inversion of space-time. That is, three dimensions of time and one of space, which would look like having a single unified view of possible timelines and being able to monitor and interact with different parts simultaneously. To us it would look like something outside reality and outside time as we know it. There is a physics relation between space-time and time-space, and it truly is an inversion or dimensional rotation between what’s real (physical) and imaginary (metaphysical). So when you quote that our sphere of consciousness was reversed, I think that is both esoterically and physics-wise correct.

We know that of the totality of our being, a part of us is here right now, and another part is back in our native home. This means we are extensions or projections of that Higher Self that exist here, and possibly are stuck here to a degree. Thus of the totality of our being, part of it is stuck. Thus the part that is free would want to help that stuck part become free too.

Does it do it solely for its own gain? Not completely, as the projected / extended part does have its own freewill. We know that we have some degree of freewill, and so we have some degree of independence. Likewise, the Higher Self has freewill of a higher order and its own independence too. Therefore you and your Higher Self, despite being of the same totality of being, are also functionally separate beings, just united at the root / trunk / essence / origin.

If we view the Higher Self itself as the final, perfected, “standing at the end of time” portion of our being, then we are consequently the earlier, less perfect, immersed in time portion. This means that to achieve unity, it can and must help us get to where it is in order to merge. And that means helping us avoid delays to our own personal evolution. The kinds of lessons that the Higher Self seems to give people who make contact with it, always concerns lessons of overcoming illusions and attachments. Illusions like false limitations, fears, and the kinds of guilts / complexes that come with being human and immersed in linear time. The more we make ignorant choices that bring on bad consequences, the more remedial experiences we bring upon ourselves to correct that imbalance, the more slowly we ourselves move toward congruence with the Higher Self.

There may also be value in the Higher Self helping out its projections that are immersed in time / past. There is this principle that higher beings, by helping us evolve, are helping themselves evolve simultaneously via the experience of doing so. Perhaps with the Higher Self, it goes one step further since we are its extension, thus what we are, do, and become feeds back directly into the Higher Self, either increasing its power and purity or holding it back. To use a metaphor, if you contacted your younger self and told this self to eat healthy and exercise, you yourself then would suddenly be healthier too due to the feedback influence from past to future. So the Higher Self may be helping us actually grow and evolve in order to help itself move forward across that threshold separating individual evolution (of which it is the final form) to whatever comes next, which I’ve read in the Ra Material is group evolution via shared conscious energy.

Because we have freewill, the future is still open. Even a being outside of time won’t know everything we can or will do. If it did, then our future wouldn’t be open, and every action preordained, hence no freewill. Since we have freewill, there is still something left to be experienced, and hence learned or gotten from choosing / experiencing in our time-bound form. This means that even though the Higher Self knows a lot, it doesn’t know every last trivial thing. There is still novelty, and hence use and purpose, to our existing here in time-bound form.

I think we intentionally (to some degree) came here, or projected here. Perhaps like an octopus reaching out to touch/sample its surroundings, we have reached out to touch physicality and its experience. Experience and understanding are different from knowing; you can know certain principles like it’s not good to betray your values to appease authority, but it’s another to through it and test your mettle against it; I think that’s why many beings incarnate at all, same reason science classes have both lectures and lab work. Why do the lab if you already have the equations on the board? Because you learn something that goes beyond abstract knowledge.

If you were to take the view that our being here is a mistake and our sole goal is to eject / end-program and wake back up as the Higher Self, then obviously there is no other point to being here as it’s all a big error. Conversely, if you took the view that we are here to enjoy and experience, then there is no point to connecting with the Higher Self since we’ll all go home eventually when we’re done. Well, I think the truth is in between these two extremes. What if we came here to experience and sample and learn, but it came with a certain risk. The risk is that we could get stuck or delayed and enter into blindness, become too attached, and thus never move forward but rather become worse and worse as we degrade ourselves and adopt the values and limitations of physical existence. If that happens, then the Higher Self would not derive any benefit, as the extension begins to whither and atrophy. There would be no point to us being totally cut off, aimless … hence the Higher Self would be invested in helping us.

So if the Higher Self can offer a lending hand, help the extension see that some things are illusions and don’t get stuck on them, then the original purpose of coming here can be restored and the individual can move through physicality in the proper co-creative vivified, energized mode, evolving step-wise up and up and eventually out when it has served its purpose. Then the way forward and through, under the illuminating warmth of the Higher Self, is the way to go, versus a recoiling and ejection from all of this.

Things get more complicated though if you consider the possibility that this world, the way it is right now, is a counterfeit or rigged world versus, say, a more 4D-like environment, which is truer to our purpose of experiencing some kind of physicality. If the Higher Self is in 6D, and we are in 3D, but 4D is where we need to be, then yes the Higher Self would want to help us get out, but not get out and awaken to 6D which I don’t think is possible as we are our own beings with our own freewill and there’s a long distance between us and the Higher Self in terms of what more we have to gain/grow before we become congruent with it. This means that when I say the goal is to go forward and through, I’m talking about attaining the next level in our personal evolution, which is a 4D state, which is just another plateau to explore under the guidance of the Higher Self until we get through that and 5D, then to 6D, and finally we return home then (or at least have no reason to go back).

I do think we need to retrieve our memories and establish an uplink with the Higher Self. That’s the way of returning to our purpose of why we came here. But I don’t think retrieving memories and establishing an uplink makes us identically the Higher Self. I think the lower vs. higher self-division remains for a few more levels of evolution, it’s just the relation that will get strengthened and the gap that grows smaller until it disappears.

Tom Montalk