Hitler And The Supernatural

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Did the Allies really achieve a final victory in World War II? What if the lingering traces of the Nazis’ collective madness lives on in the form of hidden technology operated by people still sympathetic to and held in the thrall of the murderous undergirding of the Third Reich?

It is still a debatable question: Were the Nazis simply maniacs bent on conquering the world? Or were they the chosen instruments of a demonic rebellion against God and his Chosen People, the Jews? Were we dealing with a merely human enemy or something genuinely supernatural and paranormal?

Many secrets of time and space may have been revealed to the Nazis by demons transmitting their dark instructions to the beauteous female blondes of the German occult group the Vril. Was the group chosen to candy-coat the coming Deutsche monsters and their high technology of death and misery? Or were they simply unknowing conduits channeling information from a far-off world they knew nothing about? And could it be that the Ultra-terrestrials residing on this distant world were equally unable to comprehend who they were dealing with?

It is often said that, basically, channeled information is neutral, just like occult powers. It’s a matter of how you interpret and what you actually do with the information you are giving or receiving. Where does that understanding fit in the story of the Third Reich and their paranormal ambitions?

In his introduction to “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich,” Timothy Green Beckley opens by asking if World War II will ever really be over.

“Everyone knows that the Allies were victorious over the Axis powers,” Beckley writes. “The U.S. and Great Britain formed an alliance with troops from all over the world to defeat a godless foe who would lay waste to a major part of Europe and leave millions of dead in its wake. Furthermore, it tried to exterminate the whole of European Jewry because the Jews did not live up to the Nazis’ racially ‘superior’ belief system.

“Hitler is considered to have been one of the most evil individuals who ever walked among us,” Beckley continues. “Some see him as the spawn of Satan himself, someone who tapped into an energy so dark and heinous as to defy human expression.”


Beckley is not alone in grappling to define the Nazis and their wicked workings in the world. One of the contributing authors to “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich” is Teodoro Rampale, who writes, “Some serious orthodox historians place Hitler outside the spectrum of human behavior – a spectrum that includes the most barbarous of crimes. Hitler is seen by them as uniquely evil, wicked beyond even the human capacity for wickedness. Others, who are inclined to accept the reality of a cosmic evil originating beyond humanity, in some outer darkness eternally forsaken by God, see Hitler and the Nazis as examples of how, given the right circumstances, this Darkness can enter humanity, an ‘eruption of demonism into history.’”

However, Rampale warns, the demonic can easily be confused with insanity.

“One shudders to think,” he writes, “of the number of unfortunates throughout history whose madness was mistaken by their fellows for possession by the forces of Darkness. We can see that the origins of National Socialism can be traced back to volkisch occultists who believed wholeheartedly not only in the existence of a prehistoric Germanic race of super-humans but also that their very superiority had been transmitted through the ages to modern Germans by means of a magically active, pure Aryan blood.”


Which leads us to Olav Phillips and his chapter, “Hitler’s Occult Warrior Monks: The Ahnenerbe,” in which he also discusses history, the art of persuasion and their entanglement with occult beliefs.

“History, as we know it,” Phillips writes, “is a pervasively malleable thing, and, has time has shown us, history has often been used as an ideological tool to support a philosophical or political agenda. World history is rife with examples of historical tampering, such as the near deletion of World War II Japanese aggression in modern Japanese text books, or the downplaying of our own aggression, such as the bombing of Dresden or the use of nuclear devices in combat.”

Phillips writes that we can also add to that list other American atrocities, like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments or the government’s experiments with LSD as an interrogation tool.

“But perhaps the most interesting and sinister use of revisionism,” according to Phillips, “belongs to the Warrior Historians of the Third Reich, the Ahnenerbe.”

One more often thinks of a historian as a sort of academic and scholarly fellow who labors quietly at his desk and seeks to gain tenure at his university. But the Nazis were in fact using historians to wage an ideological war mainly in terms of the beliefs of the German people themselves. The leader of the fledgling Schutzstaffel, or SS, Heinrich Himmler, working in concert with other Nazi officials, would create and nurture a mythology that would galvanize the German people behind the sinister beliefs of the upper tier of the Nazi organization.

It was necessary, for use as a recruitment tool for one thing, to demonstrate historical precedent for the Nazis’ claims. It was a precedent, Phillips tells us, derived from theosophy and the deeply occult advisors to the German leaders of the time.

An example of the revisionism that came later is seen in Leni Rienfenstahl’s Nazi epic film, “Triumph of the Will,” which portrayed the SS as knights riding into the Nuremberg rally on horseback, sporting chainmail armor and shields displaying the swastika. Banners flutter in the wind as the “volk,” or German people, stand beside these modern Nazi knights. It was an image that forever reinforced the vision of the SS as the knights of the Third Reich.

The attempt to rewrite history in the Nazis’ favor extended to their racism agenda as well, and also required historical precedent and research – the task of the warrior historians. Meanwhile, the Nazi leadership felt it was crucial to collect religious artifacts, such as the Spear of Destiny, which was said to be the exact relic that was used to pierce the side of Christ as he hung dying on the cross. Owning a piece of Christ’s misery made Hitler feel empowered to fulfill the prophecies of the antichrist in the Book of Revelation and in certain quatrains by Nostradamus.

Phillips explains all this in fascinating detail in “Occult Secrets of the Third Reich,” and one learns that Nazi historians did indeed wage a war of deception and take hold of the very thought processes of the German people. The Nazis’ ability to penetrate the consciousness of the “volk” continues to be a mystery.

Returning to the work of Teodoro Rampale, we are told, “Given that human beings have always been fascinated with the occult and the supernatural, precisely because they promise so much in offering the prospect of a higher meaning to the vagaries of existence, and given also our quest for an answer to the problem of evil, it is only to be expected that many should seek to explain Nazism in terms that transcend the merely human.”


Along with their efforts to rewrite history and dupe their own populace, the Nazis were also waging a technological war behind the scenes. They are said to have developed a working wingless flying saucer-type craft with the help of nonhuman entities that would ensure their victory over the Allies.

“But beyond the mere ability to fly what may still seem like technologically ‘miraculous’ aircraft,” Beckley tells us, “is the haunting, troublesome possibility that the ships also function as time machines, bringing the ability to travel in time within human reach for the first time in recorded history. Devices like Die Glocke (translated as ‘The Bell’) may have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE. Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which grinning, sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to ‘catch up’ in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis, who are possibly hiding out on the surface of the moon or in ‘secret cities’ at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?”

The concept is a little tricky, but it involves the idea that the Nazis were able to move into the future and exert total control once they got there. That concept does, of course, sound “fringe” on the surface. But, according to Beckley, we should not assume that the Nazis acted alone in achieving such a feat. They obviously had help from some other “source.” Their contact with distant ETs that they took to be their counterpart – a race of “Aryan Space Brothers” – might have been a major factor in the Nazis’ development of a “secret space program,” which could still be functioning in the world today.

It may also be that these Aryan ETs seized an opportunity to use the fledgling Nazis to their own otherworldly ends. In other words, the aliens made building a time machine simple enough that mere humans, once properly instructed and provided with the raw materials, could accomplish the task sufficiently well in real-world terms.

What their motives were is open to dispute and debate. Some see the Aryan “Space Brothers” as friendly visitors from the future, while others wonder why they would want to share their secrets with a very negative group of earthbound scientists. Perhaps the Space Brothers were deceived by the attractive, similar-looking blonde and blue-eyed mediums of the Vril, who they thought they may have been related to. Or they could have simply lacked the information required to see their channels’ coming evil before sharing their technology.

The history of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis has always included elements of their occult beliefs, but one needs to go back further in time, to the early 20th century, and the mediums associated with the Vril Society. The female mediums, referred to as true “Nordic beauties,” began to channel messages from extraterrestrials whose origin was many light years away. The messages included the technical designs of advanced aircraft unheard of in their day in addition to a kind of “blueprint” for a time machine. Some years later, Hitler himself, along with several of his SS henchmen, came under the influence of the Vril Society as he began his rise to power in a Germany that was sick enough and corrupt enough to be mesmerized by his unchecked anti-Semitism and militaristic obsessions.

When combined with the high caliber of scientists the Nazis “recruited” to design weapons for the war effort, which included now-legendary names like Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth, the fact that they had alien “help” along the way makes some of their more exotic advances a little more plausible.

In fact, the scientists themselves talked openly about this alien help.

“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds . . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a spacecraft.”

So said Professor Hermann Oberth, one of the early fathers of rocketry and the mentor to the young Wernher von Braun.

Meanwhile, von Braun himself stated in 1959 that: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base of operations is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into a closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months’ time it may be possible to speak with more precision on the matter.”

While neither Oberth nor von Braun specify that they were aided in their efforts by Aryan Space Brothers, they are nevertheless surprisingly candid in what they DID say for public consumption. Their openness may have been part of some larger strategy to steer the belief in UFOs in the direction of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (or the “ETH” for short) and therefore away from a darker point of origin in the blueprints and designs of the Nazis. In the decades-long campaign of disinformation waged against the truth of the UFO phenomenon, Oberth and von Braun may have simply been firing another salvo of confusion and subterfuge. Or were they being sincere in reflecting on their own invention processes? Was there an undeniable alien presence working alongside them? Like most unanswered questions about the UFO phenomenon, the answers await their time.


Another fascinating thread of the story that Beckley holds fast to is this: In many alien abduction accounts, especially the early stories from the late 1950s and early 1960s, the UFO occupants are said to speak in German and to speak English with unmistakable German accents.

There is the case of a well-known contactee named Reinhold Schmidt, who encountered an alien ship in Kearney, Nebraska, in 1957. After accepting the flying saucer captain’s invitation to come onboard, Schmidt heard the captain and crew speaking to one another in “High German,” a dialect that Schmidt had been versed in by his parents from his youth up. Apparently unaware that Schmidt could understand them, the beings spoke to him with their Deutsche accents intact and made no effort to disguise their voices.

The 1961 abduction of New Hampshire couple Betty and Barney Hill is much better known than Schmidt’s, but, when studying their case, there is an often overlooked moment when Barney, as he undergoes regressive hypnosis with post-trauma specialist Dr. Benjamin Simon, begins to panic when one of his alien abductors takes on the appearance of a Nazi in full uniform. Was this a glimpse into the aliens’ “true” agenda? As an African-American in the early 1960s, Barney was certainly familiar with the oppressive fears that come from being a victim of racism. Did his unconscious mind somehow conjure the Nazi image as an expression of those fears? Or was it intended as a grim warning of future totalitarian domination?


The Nazis also cast a shadow over even the beginnings of the contactee movement in the 1950s. Many people will be familiar with the 1952 meeting between George Adamski and the androgynous, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Space Brother who called himself Orthon. But one may not know that that first contact in the California desert was facilitated by Adamski’s associate, George Hunt Williamson, who worked out the time and location for the landing in the days before it took place by using an Ouija board to communicate with the Space Brothers. Williamson was himself associated with right wing extremist William Dudley Pelley, an American Nazi-sympathizer who had served time in jail for sedition and anti-government rabblerousing. While Williamson would later disavow that he held any racist beliefs at the time, he did serve in Pelley’s employ writing and editing pro-fascist pamphlets and magazines.

Admittedly, no one wants to give up the utopian hopes that accompany belief in the Space Brothers. But the fact that their physical appearance embodied the ideal of Aryan or Nordic “good looks” is not an easy one to ignore. In the case of the desert encounter between Adamski and Orthon, we have this to consider as well: there exists a line drawing based on a plaster-of-Paris cast – taken at the site of the meeting – of the boot print of Orthon. One can easily discern a pair of swastikas engraved into the sole of the alien’s boot, leading one to consider the possibility that the visiting alien followed “on the heels,” so to speak, of the Nazis defeated some short few years before.

When one combines these seemingly disparate events with one another, they coalesce into a picture of the possible: Aryan aliens who matched their advanced knowledge and technology with willing scientists bent on controlling the world, a kind of fifty-fifty split between extraterrestrial and human efforts that resulted in the flying saucer phenomenon as we know it today.


But there is still more. One of the most generally agreed upon historical aspects of the Nazis/UFO theory concerns an aircraft called “Die Glocke,” which is German for “The Bell.” It was believed to be a product of both alien guidance and the work of topflight scientists like the aforementioned von Braun and Oberth.

A mockup of this purported airship has been circulated down through the years and it is indeed a bell-shaped aircraft, although what kind of propulsion system could enable such an ungainly monstrosity to fly at mind-bending speeds remains unknown. The Bell is also said to contain the time travel apparatus that is so essential to the story, but which remains an even deeper mystery than what kind of fuel propelled it through the skies. Some contend that the propulsion system is based either in the long sought after antigravity energy or some manipulation of electronic principles which can be tapped into throughout the universe.

In 1965, in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, numerous witnesses saw an unknown object crash in the woods outside town. Locals reported that some kind of government/military cleanup crew was on the scene nearly immediately, which indicates that the federal interlopers had been following the craft’s descent on radar. The witnesses say the object was put on the back of a flatbed truck under some kind of tarp covering and hurriedly hauled away. But it was still possible to discern that the clandestine cargo was a large, acorn-shaped object that could easily be said to have resembled the contours of the Nazis’ Bell. In fact, the similarity is so remarkable that one hesitates to conclude that it’s all just a coincidence.


Mainstream historians today reckon it as Hitler’s madness, but what if at least some of those supernatural forces were real? Did some otherworldly aggregation of spirits make contact with Hitler in order to wreak cruelty and warfare on the world? Was Hitler just another pawn in their game?

“Occult Secrets of the Third Reich” offers an examination of the links between Hitler and the occult in essays from well-known paranormal writers like the aforementioned Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel (myself), Olav Phillips and Teodoro Rampale. Also contributing are Tim Swartz, Brad Steiger, Tim Cridland, Albrecht Giddings, Peter Moon and Hercules Invictus. The authors approach the subject of Nazi occultism from a variety of angles, leading the reader on a journey through the darkness that will leave one shuddering in fear at what could have been – had the Nazis and their occultism succeeded.


Sean Casteel

Sean Casteel is a freelance journalist who has been writing about UFOs, alien abduction and many other paranormal subjects since 1989. Sean’s writing appeared in many UFO- and paranormal-related magazines, including “UFO Magazine,” Tim Beckley’s “UFO Universe,” “FATE Magazine,” “Mysteries Magazine,” and “Open Minds Magazine,” most of which are now defunct but were a major part of a thriving UFO press in their heyday. Magazines in the UK, Italy, Romania and Australia have also published Sean’s work. Sean has written or contributed to over 30 books for Global Communications and Inner Light Publications, all of which are available from Amazon.com. Sean’s books include “The Heretic’s UFO Guidebook,” which analyzes a selection of Gnostic Christian writings and their relationship to the UFO phenomenon, and “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming,” in which he interviews several religious and paranormal experts about how prophecies of the Second Coming of Christ may be fulfilled. To view and purchase books Sean has written or contributed to, visit his Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/author/seancasteel

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