By National Park Service –, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.or /w/index.php?curid=23228584
Caretaking is at the center of Native peoples’ concerns for millennia. “They hold the universe in their hands,” as the elders exclaim. But today they have lost the power to fulfill their “true role.” Native title to land was based, according to Hopi, on caretaking. Their home was not based on conquest. And they knew that any empire built on conquest must inevitably crumble. That is what we are seeing today. True title was implemented by the forces that give life. As we can plainly see today, America and the world are reaping the results of conquest, extraction and subjugation of the land, its first peoples and other species on whom we depend for our survival.
We face a more radical change in civilization than has ever occurred in the human time frame. The elders have warned us that the dominant society so very bent on subjugation and extraction of resources has “stirred the underground serpent,” which is bound to wreak future military and ecological havoc. Already the signs are here. We need to strengthen ourselves by running and taking cold baths say the elders. With the heat of the world now upon us, that will be a welcome respite for what we have unleashed on the world. – Cyril Christo
This recording is from the 1986 Continental Indigenous Council. Lee Brown sums up the Hopi prophecies and compares them to other tribes and predictions & the accuracy of major world events predicted by the HOPI Elders is astonishing. Is the third shaking of the world imminent? Are we living through it right now?
Is there anything we can do?