Hot And Spicy Noodles And Book Burning

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By MIKEY - Executor

Image by Lindsey White from

This recent Twitter link got me to thinking:

Fredrick Nietzsche had a quote that seems to apply today quite well.

"Beware that, when fighting a "Nazi", you yourself do not become a Nazi…" and it seems some are forgetting that.

The first word "Nazi's" is in quotes. It is to be a hot word to paint on groups or people … a label and an effective one.  A label however, is not the truth, but some sure believe so.

I can buy a pack of Ramen Noodles that’s advertised saying "hot and spicy noodles" but that doesn’t tell me much, or if it has msg! But my body will figure it out either going through or out. There is so much going on in those ingredients that 'hot and spicy noodles' is actually just hype used as something to sell it to the public. Like labels, I think many just see that and don’t look deeper.

"Don’t judge a book by its cover, rather by what you uncover" – Discerning Minds E-Zine

I think the current book burning idea that is going on, is people actually throwing a cover over books/views as "Nazis" to discourage others to look into things. Being labeled slaves to keep others in the same mentality and not question their own behavior. But rather fight other books/views that don’t agree with the shallow mentalities they hold and don’t agree or challenge their own views.

I always found that is easier to change oneself then to change the whole world.

We’re like mostly water. And what is water like?

 It’s always changing and moving.


“Don't ever go with the flow. Be the flow” – Jay-Z