The house was built in 1716 by an ancestor of Robert Treat, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Over the years the house that James Paine built has seen its share of tragedy. One owner, Edmund Howes, hanged himself from a tree in the yard. Dr. Samuel Savage was thought to be practicioner of black magic, using the house as the location for his experiments in the occult. – Todd Atterberry –
Looks tame enough doesn't it?
For a variety of reasons, The Barnstable House has been and is popular with spirits of people who loved this structure. The Barnstable House has been nicknamed, "The House With 11 Ghosts." Eleven spirits have been felt/seen by psychics and mediums that also like to visit, or hang out in the structure. Many families and people have enjoyed living/working in this handsome home, that was a business and home for so many years.
Dr. Savage, who owned the home at some point experimented with the occult in the home, perhaps in spiritualism, which can open a door to the spirit world, making it easier for spirits to stay and/or just visit.
( LeDuc Mansion * Villa Montezuma * Hill-Stead House * The White House Mrs. Lincoln would hold seances in the White House, to contact her deceased children. )
Tragic, sudden deaths of children/youth by drowning or other means can cause their spirits to stay among their family or loved ones in their comfortable home they had in this world.
( Saint Augustine Lighthouse * Copper Queen Hotel ;( Son of Maid ) * New River Inn * Inwood Manor )
A young girl, Lucy Paine, probably in the 4-7 year old range, was the daughter of one of the early owners. Lucy fell through the opening that led to the river that runs under the house, and drowned in the water.
People kill themselves to escape what they think are unlivable circumstances; to avoid facing the emotional pain, shame, and disappointment of the moment. When doing this act doesn't make their pain go away, they sometimes find themselves unable to move onto the other side.
( Hotel Bethlehem * Hotel Adolphus * Hassayampa Inn * Slater Hall * Skirvin Hotel * Stranahan House )
A former owner, filled with despair and hopelessness after losing all his money during The Revolutionary War, facing bankruptcy, ended his life by hanging himself from one of the trees on the property.
Former inhabitants/servants of a cherished building, sometimes chose to stay in their earthly home/building in their after-life, enjoying their memories, and keeping an eye on the new owners.
( Hemingway House * Powel House * Ashland House * Southgate House * O.C. White's Pub )
A crabby, disagreeable entity, known as Captain Grey, sulks around the basement cellar.
Several women who lived here when they were alive, have been seen in this house.
The male entity of Edmund Howes
His apparition has been seen by folks, through the windows in the upstairs, sealed attic, that is not used by the living; but apparently Edmund finds that area just fine for his existence in this world.
The male entity of Captain Grey
Expresses his sour disposition by slamming the doors, probably getting some chuckles when the living jump!
The clear apparition of Captain Grey has been seen in the Cellar by various owners, staff and others, puttering around.
Male Entities of Colonial Tavern Server(s)/possibly an owner among them?
When The Barnstable House was a restaurant and tavern, people would be sitting in the tavern, when a life-like, solid man, dressed in colonial attire would pass their table, carrying a tray of old-fashioned beer mugs ("tankards").
Other times, patrons would be approached by other life-like "colonial servers" who also turned out to be spirits, perhaps trying to help the tavern owner.
Female child entity, Lucy Paine.
She was/is a sociable little girl, trying to find someone among the living who would play with her. Her favorite game was playing ball.
Lucy would suddenly appear in front of some guest or staff member, getting a variety of reactions – from startling them to scaring them silly.
Lucy probably played mischievous pranks on the living, trying to get their attention.
After the fire, she attached herself to a piece of furniture that was being moved to The Barnstable Restaurant and Tavern down the road, where she was hoping to find people in this world to play with her. It was no fun in an empty house, and now it smelled of smoke!! She has since come back to play, and now probably likes both places.
She did a lot of mischievous pranks again on the living to get attention at her new home, The Barnstable Restaurant and Tavern. Lucy pestered a staff member to the point where the staff member told her to stop, because she couldn't play now; had too much work to do. Lucy pouted, and went away for a time, but did come back.
Lucy has since come back to The Barnstable House to play, and now probably likes both places. EVPS of a little girl have been caught on tape recently, and it is thought to be Lucy.
Entity of a female
The description given of her from the firemen who saw her, after some thought: A young woman, wearing a white gown-like dress, with long blonde hair, who floated along instead of walking.
Mentioned above, a fire broke out in the house in the early 1970s, when the building was temporarily empty. Smoke was seen, pouring out of a roof skylight. As to what happened next, I found two slightly different stories.
Version 1: The firemen arrived quickly and saw a woman looking at them through a window on the third floor. When they got to the room, it was empty. The woman was floating above the front yard lawn, wearing a long white gown, for several minutes, before disappearing.
Version 2: The firemen went into the house to put out the fire, and tried to find the source of the smoke coming out of the skylight as well. Suddenly a girl/woman was with them, moving about the group, asking strange questions. These firemen were the only ones who saw her, and didn't realize it at the time that she was a spirit, not a living person. After all the excitement, they had time to think about it, realizing that she floated rather than walked. While she was seen in solid form, her color wasn't normal, but opaque.
This woman was seen floating across the street after the fire to the Beechwood Inn, choosing to stay there for awhile.
Entity of a female, former Lady of the House – has been seen in the rooms on the first floor, especially the dining room.
A lawyer who had opened an office in one of the spaces on the first floor was working at his desk, and saw and heard the latch to his door open. He saw an entity of a woman, with a hatchet in her hand, calmly walk through, on her way to do a chore, like killing a chicken for dinner?
This same lawyer saw the same woman churning butter by the fireplace.
Perhaps she is the entity who preferred that the old-fashioned tallow candle chandelier be lighted, and would do so herself, during the time when The Barnstable House was an inn, catering to tourists and visitors to the area.
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