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Everything in this Universe is energy that is alive and intelligent. Energies from these sources can be positive or negative. Everything in the Universe, be it a person, place or thing, also has an aura that can be psychically attacked in a negative and corrupted way. Psychic attacks are flows of negative energy that can lodge in your body or energetic system around and in your body and, just like yourself, your website’s energetic system can be bombarded with these negative energies causing numerous problems ranging from mechanical and technical disruptions to behavioral disturbances in members.
Spiritual people are in the habit of cleansing their homes and offices on a daily basis. A website can be a home or an office considering the fact that social or business aspects are conducted on a daily basis within its space. Negative energies can fill any space and move around infiltrating anything of which they come in contact. The virtual space of a website is not exempt – it is a creation that has a purpose, come in contact with users for one reason or another and it does have an aura. Social sites with chatrooms are subject to serious disagreements, violence, or other types of highly charged negative emotional situations delivered by members. Business sites with complaint contact emails or feedback sections are subject to the same. Envy, jealousy and any other form of ill will “aimed” at a site is also a problem.
Negative energy attacks can be felt as ‘heavy as a ton of bricks.’ It might be felt by the members of a site who, if sensitive might mention it, or, by a solitary owner of a site without members. So how can a virtual environment be cleared and protected? Here are some suggestions.
1. Cutting cords – Just as a person has invisible attachments to everyone in their lives known as ‘cords’ so does the virtual realm of a website. The owner of a site should imagine all negative cords being cut and released.
2. Claiming the space – A site owner/creator can claim the virtual space of a website as a place for positive action and activity by stating clearly what is wanted in the virtual space and what is not wanted in the virtual space so it can manifest accordingly.
3. The Force Field – Just as a person images an invisible force field around themselves the same can be done to encircle the virtual realm of a website. The imaging of mirror shields or shields of Divine light are particularly effective.
4. Take out the trash – Just like a house or business, a website can become cluttered creating a nesting area for negativity. Clear out unneeded items and files, unnecessary images, decorations and even unproductive ads from the site. Some consideration to rearranging the look or function of the site may also be helpful.
5. The computer used to access the website should be divinely blessed daily with the intention of clearing and cleansing using a prayer or intention of choice. Keeping a crystal or two such as Citrine and Fluorite and Stibnite and Obsidian may also be a helpful addition.
Just remember, when you have completed the act of moving negative energy out of the virtual environment, you want to replace it with positive energy. This will infuse the space with the higher energy vibrations.
Courtesy of The Anonymous Servant
Printed with permission
© Anonymous Servant (Holyman Preter) 2023 ad continuum