How To Deal With Post Election Anxiety And Stress

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By LOGOS - Overseer

How To Deal With Post Election Anxiety And Stress

Image by Ryan McGuire from

More than any other time in history Post Election Anxiety and Stress have a grip on people. Polarization amongst the populace is at an all-time high and not likely to go away any time soon so the main key is to focus on oneself first in order to find the proper balance to be able to cope with the onslaught of info that will assault the foundation of one’s being.

1. As anger and resentment are the main emotions being amplified now, the first step is to evaluate triggers. We have become a media oriented society and cannot seem to live through on day without consulting social media via the internet, phones and TV. Let’s face it, it’s hard NOT to look. But NOT looking is exactly what must be done. That doesn’t mean “never” look, it means cut down post-election viewing for whatever period of time it takes to find yourself in a position where it begins to affect you less and less. Remember, the media will chase down any situation the will bring more viewership and they haven’t exactly been honest over these past years with what they have been presenting. Traditional journalism has been dead and buried for years and replaced by viewer commentary which for the most part is so opinion based it’s useless. The original precepts of What, Who, When, Why, How have been buried under the opinion rubble spewed by grinny toothed alleged news anchors and commentators. Older folks will remember evening news shows that will considerably boring but one thing was evident – you knew exactly what was going on and how it happened. How you processed it was up to you and not up to some current news guru.

2. Avoid arguing with others. This is a tough one because until enough time passes what others say will be up in your face via confrontations of all sorts. The bottom line here is this, it is extremely unlikely that your mind will have been changed after a blow out and neither will the other person’s mind. This doesn’t mean you have to cow-tow to the other person it simply means being wise enough not to give them an advantage over you with returned harsh rhetoric. It is possible to knock out nagging dialog with a well thought out one-liner. People engage strange behavior after elections – some become haughty and arrogant preachers who think their goal is to change everyone else and seek and denounce and/or seek and destroy. Remember one important thing – that other person, even though their guy won is a fear based individual – they don’t know any more than you do what the future will bring and will be disappointed when all those election promises made are never kept. They got caught up in the political propaganda whirlwind just like you did. If you are smart then you have already recognized that grip and have stepped away from it. Everyone else will have to catch up. You might want to ask yourself is a person like that belongs in your life after all and take steps to eliminate that spur in your boot.  People are meant to come in and out of your life no matter how many years you have known them.

3. Realize that there are things in life that are out of your control. Get back to basics and discern new policies and what may affect you personally then consider what life changes you will have to make to keep yourself balanced and afloat. This is practical and logical. Survival needs always come first. It is not that horrifying once you realize that all new policy changes might affect you detrimentally. Don’t let anyone shame you to “get with the program” or “move on.” Phrases such as this are offensive. You don’t need to be told what to do. Other people don’t know what is best for you they only know what makes them feel comfortable because they operate out of fear based emotions. The only person who knows what’s best for you is you. This is not a group think project it is a YOU project. Evaluate what you control and the techniques available to you in order to live your life in a manner that aligns with your values and beliefs. It is a customized You-Program that has no room for catastrophe thinking. It does have room for taking care or your body by eating healthy, exercise and meditation. As physical goes along with mental if headaches, stomach distress or other issues pop up take appropriate action and seek medical help if anything negative is on-going.

4. Staying connected with others of like mind can be helpful but try to avoid too much rehash, bitching and dire future prophesizing. Another point to be made is that four years ago that “other side” was feeling the same way you do now and it made them bitter and seemingly inhuman on social media and even in person. Learn from that. You don’t want to become like that not even temporarily because things change constantly and are never the same afterwards. You want to equip yourself for the next life chapter that you may need to rise above. There are more important things to talk about that can draw family, friends and extended family back into real life where we are all supposed to be. Some individuals may find journaling helpful and it is a good way to monitor and observe your own progress as stress begins to heal. Like it or not we have all witnessed a piece of history and should stand in wonder and not fear of the future while holding onto our personal values and ethics. It is what will sustain us no matter what happens.

It has been a heck of a ride for good or ill. We were amused, angry, happy, stressed out but you have to admit it, never bored. Isn’t that how life is supposed to work?