I view Jesus and Christ as two separate beings, the first human-born, the second nonphysical and divine, who became as one during the ministry of Jesus Christ. By acting through Jesus as a vessel, truth and light was injected into the timeline. The Christ mission was incomplete and has yet to be fulfilled as evidenced by the state of the world. I define Christ as an intelligence projected by the Creator toward the restoration of the corrupted timeline back/forward to the Golden Age. Also I consider only the “Q” document and the Gospel of Thomas to be reliable texts of what the historical Jesus Christ actually taught.
So to answer your question, not Jesus himself, just Christ the divine projection of the Logos, sent to guide humanity back to the so-called Kingdom/Garden, which I interpret to be a higher positive realm of existence, aka 4D STO Realm (although the Garden was technically our former 3D STO realm, so we’re not retrogressing to Adam & Eve naïveté again, but rather moving forward toward congruence with the Elohim in a 4D STO realm).
So I see Christ more as universal initiator than personal savior. Christ has nothing to do with religion, as the latter is a human dogmatization and corruption of universal spiritual truths and principles.
John 10:34-35: “We are not stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods?’”
John 14:12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
If we take these quotes as valid, then they show that Jesus was an exemplar of what is possible for a human, that what happened to him and what he did, can happen to us and we can do. How? By becoming pure living expressions of the Christ intelligence. Only then are “we as gods” and can we “do what I have been doing… even greater things.”
Thus to elevate Jesus the man, the personality that walked Earth two millennia ago, to so high and unique a status that he becomes an idol and we become but unworthy worshippers, is to go against the very mission and words of Jesus Christ because it keeps us down on our knees instead of rising up and meeting his example. Jesus pointed at the Truth, and people worship his finger. We must walk in his footsteps in order rise shoulder to shoulder with him.
I think what separates Jesus from other people is that, the soul/spirit that was born as Jesus the human, was nonetheless among the wisest, oldest, and most advanced spirits/souls in history. That’s what it takes to become a vessel for the Christ at so early in history and have an impact so large. Buddha and the other avatars likewise.
But now, since it is the end times, the same will be possible for many to achieve within a short time, to become expressions of Christ. Only by the latter, which I interpret to be the Second Coming, can we defeat the Anti-Christ forces and merge Earth with the Kingdom. Jesus Christ the guy in a robe with beard is not descending from the skies to save us all, rather it’s a global and widespread phenomenon that will allow humanity to save itself through the awakening of Christ in many — thus the son of man will come in “clouds” (read: multitudes) and thus Mark 13:21: “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.”
Anyway that’s my view. The modern mainstream conception of Jesus Christ, promulgated by the power hungry Church and politicians of the first centuries A.D. served to distort and quarantine the Christ mission to as non-universal a role as possible. A pathway meant for all fallen beings has been turned into an excuse for sectarianism and bloody crusades. I hope that Christ finally breaks free from the fetters of organized religion.
Tom Montalk – https://montalk.net/about/143/e-mail-qa