There are so many things that not only weaken our spiritual light the expression of who we really are but threaten our very existence. Some of those things include: Toxicity from junk food, GMO's, heavy metal poison in our food, toxic vaccine overload especially with children, airborne chemical spraying, low electromagnetic frequencies… All of which disturb the equilibrium of our body's bio-energetic fields.
Then there are the renderings of mass media fear mongering, lies designed to hypnotize the sheep-like masses… Fear from money problems, so called terrorists, threats of war, epidemic diseases… With all this constant fear and worry over surviving how are we expected to grow spiritually?
In spite of all the adversity we are growing spiritually. It shows how amazing we can be. Some of us don't realize that we really are amazing.
Not being the affect of fear or other negativities here are 8 things to show how spiritual we are. How strongly do you identify yourself in the list outlining a spiritual person?
1. Health conscious
Chooses organic food, drinks lots of good clean water and avoids the above mentioned toxicity where possible… Is committed to maintaining a positive outlook on life sleeps well and exercises regularly.
2. Has regular spiritual practices to raise vibration
May meditate regularly, says affirmations, reads an uplifting article or book, practices grounding/earthing, does yoga… recognises that uplifting spiritual experiences can happen from simplicity.
3. Awareness
Cares for all life forms, loves all things spiritual and has a planetary awareness, knowing how deeply connected he/she is with nature. We can remember our connection to the cosmos; the universe's cosmic cycles. Our ancestors were indeed well aware of this. Sees right through the mass consensus fabricated reality, doesn't get tangled in it.
4. Activism
Gets involved in campaigning for what is right, decent, fair and honest for freedom and justice in a peaceful manner… to raise awareness and make the necessary changes happen in the world.
5. Forgiveness
Forgives naturally and quickly… Knows the importance of completion with someone in relationship matters (Who's suffering when you don't forgive someone…?)
6. Non-judgemental
Maintains a non-judgement way of being in life… realizes that judgement is a bad servant but a good master.
7. Good communication
Possesses good open and appropriate communication in relationships: Life workability, good relationships, and competence in dealing with life's games, tasks and projects… needs good communication to bring these things together…
8. Expresses Gratitude
Realizes that life is amazing and is a wonderful gift. It's up to you to make what you can of it. The attitude of gratitude is a sure fire guiding light.
-Well how did you do? How much did you see of yourself in these 8 things?
Paul A. Phillips
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