Image by Sofia Cristina Córdova Valladares from Image from
During our spiritual Journey we accumulate a vast amount of knowledge of the world. From the books read, lectures heard and conversations we try to pick the useful and interesting bits of information, ideas, thoughts and theories.
We attempt to make an image of reality from the accumulated spiritual knowledge and experience, trying to create the mosaic image of Truth.
Our mosaic image of “Truth” is realized as a spiritual scenario in our daily life. There may be a number of selfish motivations behind the hunger for experience and quest for completeness, but the spiritual scenarios are rather standard, so they contain lots of similar elements. Let us see a few of these:
- Every spiritual seeker finds himself or herself a philosophy, a study, a Master, who is very close to him/her. This is the starting point. Some of the spiritual seekers believe that the starting point for them is the teachings of Eckhart Tolle: e. g. the endeavour for finding the Now, the Present. Others are attracted to the teachings of Osho, Mooji, or Krishnamurti, and so on.
- The second important common element of spiritual scenarios is based upon this. The mind creates an image about the philosophy for itself, trying to comprehend it and weave from it the clothes for the spiritual seeker.
- The clothes vary to a great extent, depending on the chosen starting philosophy and Master. But the fabric always consists of the expectations; how I am supposed to behave, what methods I should use in order to see the spiritual experience offered by the philosophy chosen. For instance: how can I be present in the Now in accordance with the teachings of my master?
- A common feature of the spiritual garments thus created is that the owners all expect from the clothes to elevate them from the ranks of the average crowd, helping them to some imagined beauty, imagined love, imagined happiness, some positive experience, positive identity.
- The mind in this way covers up the spiritual seeker’s desire for unity, replacing that desire with these false emotions. The owner will be attracted to such a nicely manipulated garment, not wishing to take it off and leave it behind, as such an outfit lends a powerful sense of false identity to the spiritual seeker.
The Seeker of Truth (a real seeker, and not just someone attempting to implement a scenario rich in spiritual experience) will, however seem through all spiritual scenarios and the spiritual smoke screen thus created.
From the book Frank M. Wanderer: The Revolution of Consciousness: Deconditioning the Programmed Mind (