How’s Your Record?

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By LOGOS - Overseer

How’s Your Record?


In ancient times, a candidate who desired admission to the Mysteries was first subjected to a series of tests to prove worthiness. Each was required to learn the four Sacred Isms:

"To Will" means the initiate was determined to change his mind and thought processes in order to find prosperity and despite any circumstances that might prevent him from doing so. Studies would be continued until success was achieved.

"To Know" means the initiate selected teachers who had the Keys to Wisdom. How were they sure they elected the right teacher? By exposure to the lectures and exercises and how these things made them feel about themselves.

"To Dare" means the initiate possessed the courage to study things that were not generally known. Those things permanently changed the thinking process.

"To Be Silent" means that all of the above were heard as a whisper to the initiate and the initiate alone.


The Credo:

I have not done evil to mankind.

I have not committed theft, murder, nor robbed with violence.

I have not made light the bushel.

I have not uttered falsehood or vile words.

I have not lost my temper and become angry.

I have invaded no man's land.

I have not pried into matters to make mischief.

I have not made my speech to burn with anger.

I have not made myself deaf unto the words of right and truth.

I have not made another person weep.

I have not multiplied by my speech beyond what should be said.

I have not exalted my speech.

I have not increased my wealth save through my own possessions.

I have not uttered curses against that which belongeth to the DIVINE and is with me.

I Am Pure.

4 thoughts on “How’s Your Record?”

  1. Inspiring but …

    Well, I certainly would fail this! It would be a good meditation to try abiding to this for one day …

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