HU Helps An African Village – Uyi Onaiwu

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

HU Helps An African Village – Uyi Onaiwu


My village had been  wrenched for years by black magic. One of the practitioners was a woman trying to earn the highest rank possible for a female — that of wizard, head of covens.

   You see, in my country these things are not hidden as in the West. Her fierce, weird power over the village made it lifeless. Many lost their lives during the dark times, including my grandfather.

   As a child, I used to strange sounds and whistles as I lay bed, but I never connected them with the negative events of that time. The eerie sounds were from the witch’s nighttime meetings with familiar spirits. Every so often our leader (the enogie , or highest ranking man in the village) would summon his courage to plead with the woman to end these meetings, and they would stop for two or three days.

   The hiatus always proved two things : these beings were human, like me; their meetings were the cause of many of our troubles. When they stopped for awhile, conditions would improve. I knew I would need the help of a greater power to survive, much less combat, this negative force.

   One day, I sat down to sort out the events leading to so many mysterious deaths and departures. I could dimly remember when my mother had first brought me to the village to meet my grandfather. It had been so full of life, with various kinds of sports and festivities, that I didn’t want to leave. Now, many villagers were dying of strange illnesses. Others headed for distant places, leaving no one with a love for the town. The few remaining villagers were human, yet not.

   After so many attempts by the enogie and others to stop this woman, the villagers decided to invite a native doctor to help them. He claimed to be a powerful white wizard who could clean up their homes.

   The native man unleashed his power.

   During the days that followed, he often commented to me on the strength of the woman’s power. At the end of the week he addressed the people : “I can defeat her, but it will take several years. Even then, it will require a miracle from God. To win the title of wizard, the witch is spreading five or more deadly diseases on the village.”

   Shortly after this, several children died. The native doctor redoubled his efforts, exhorting the people to help him. They united to fight this evil force and succeeded to a degree. The following week, the woman who had been the source of all the trouble collapsed and died.

   I thought happiness would return, but the village remained without life, with only five or six families remaining. Houses started to fall down, and tall grasses overtook the streets.

   Around this time, I got my first Eckankar discourse in the mail. Eagerly, I read the monthly lesson. It talked about how to turn a negative situation over to the ECK using the inner vision. I practiced this exercise very faithfully and started saying the sacred name of God, HU, as i walked around the village.

   Within days, a surprising thing occurred. My father showed up with several of my brothers and a carpenter. They set about repairing the houses and clearing the grasses from the roads. I began to note new signs of life in the people — a few spontaneous smiles — as I chanted HU and helped my brothers.

   That night, the Inner Master took me on a dream journey. I was allowed to see the power of the HU. Together, Sri Harold Klemp and I stood in the clearing at the center of the village, listening to the holy sound of HU. A powerful Light — the Light of the ECK — descended in the darkness. Suddenly, whole batches of invisible witches and wizards, who had made our village a center of power were revealed. They fled to the skies to escape the Light.

   Then the future was opened to me. The village would prosper again, full of life, as i remembered it in my youth. I will never forget that dream.

   And the dream is coming true. During the past year, many villagers have returned. The town is happy and whole once again — thanks to the incredible power of the HU!

From Earth to God, Come In Please…  © 2016 Eckankar

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