I Surrender

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By Blue Spirit

I Surrender

You will often hear a healer say that they have no power of their own to offer and that they merely serve as a conduit for a higher Divine Power. This obviously requires the difficulty of adhering to detachment and surrendering to that Divine Power. As a reigistered nurse and an energy healer, I am called upon daily to surrender in my work on several levels.I have learned through sorrow that I cannot control physical situatiuons for people as much as I would like to in order to ease suffering. I have learned through trust the joy of watching miracles happen.

Here is a passage I would like to share from Stephen Daniel Ph.D from Key Spiritual Healing Principles:

Surrender is a difficult concept, and is often confused with service. Surrender is when I say to the Divine, “wherever you lead, I will follow.” Service is saying “tell me the details of the plan and I will vote on the parts I want.” In surrender, I give up the illusion of control.

While surrender is certainly releasing control, it is not by any means passivity. It does not mean that you have no responsibility to act, but rather, that you have acknowledged that your control over the entire situation is illusory and you must therefore surrender your perceived control. 

Once I surrender something to the Divine, I am free of it. It is now God's to bless, move, grow, whatever. Once I surrender, I can no longer be held hostage by fear. We are blocked in learning to surrender because we project our own fears and unresolved issues with our parents onto the Divine. We live in a fear based belief system. We are afraid if we surrender our loved ones, health, work, finances, that God will take our stuff and make us suffer. That is the very belief system that draws poverty and suffering to us. God doesn't want your stuff, as Divine wealth is limitless. Divine doesn't need you to do anything; an angel could do it better. God wants our hearts, so we can be freed of our fears and judgment of self and others. God wants our hearts so we can live and love in freedom, transcending the material aspects of our lives. God needs our hands to bring the Divine love to others in this planet through our touch, song, and words. In doing so we become free and whole, and part of something far greater than ourselves.

Until we surrender something, we don't get out of the way enough to allow God to bless and empower true growth and healing. It is easier to get out of the way when we realize that all we have and all we can do are simply gifts from the Divine.

Read more: https://www.quantumtechniques.com/key-spiritual-principles-healing

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