I Wander The Earth …

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By Olivia

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Are Earth Bound spirits actually paying Karmic Debt?

One of the most unusual cases I researched concerned a Karma Ghost.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Several years ago I received a call from my psychologist friend Amanda who was performing past life recall therapy on a regular basis with good success. She asked me if I would observe the dialog of a patient while under hypnosis. The patient had agreed to have me be in attendance and take notes as well as share the session recording and even ask questions.

The patient had previously been under psychiatric care for about a year an alleged invasive personality but didn’t quite fit any textbook psychosis. One of her doctors claimed she was pulling a ruse but another speculated possible possession which indicated religious undertones. She was perfectly normal and quite amiable except for times when the other personality manifested. Nothing in her background had shown trauma (at least not in this lifetime).

She claimed to know when the other personality was speaking as if she were watching a play so she was fully aware and even willing to share herself as its voice. She did not find it harmful or scary but rather lamenting and sad. She recalled that the manifestation started just after her seventeenth birthday. The personality would pop up about once a month on random days and speak its peace for about 5 minutes. The personality was male and the patient’s voice would deepen during the interlude. She claimed to have seen it on a few occasions as a transparent young man dressed in some sort of tunic with bare legs and feet. She said his name was Yolie. She also felt very close to Yolie and was protective of him.

My job was to help rule out signs of possession from the paranormal angle so the proper route for removal could be pursued but from the get-go the whole thing seemed quite different and not “usual” by any means. My gut feeling was that Yolie needed to be integrated and not banished.

I attended three sessions, the third of which was the most enlightening and very strange. I will share some of the dialog here. A = psychologist Amanda, P = patient, Y = Yolie, O= Olivia.

A: Good morning Yolie.

Y: Good morning doctor and guest.

O: Hello Yolie.

Y: Except you are not a guest, are you Olivia? I already know you from this time and another.

O: What other time Yolie?

Y: Long ago. We walked by the water and were friends.

This was a new revelation and I was a little stunned but managed to stay calm.

O: Where was this Yolie?

Y: Greece

(Note: I am of Greek descent unbeknownst to the patient.)

O: What was our relationship?

Y: We are friends and companions.

O: What is my gender?

Y: Male

O: What are we doing?

Y: Walking to our daily lesson.

O: What is the place where we are?

Y: Athens

O: Who is our teacher?

Y: I cannot say the name. It is not important. But it was Amanda.

Amanda interjects that this has not come up before. She tells me not to labor that point and when she does Yolie tells her that she always got to the heart of a matter.

I continue:

O: What is important?

Y: I must finish it to go forward.

O: Go forward – where? Finish what?

Y: Where we all must go at the end. I must finish what is needed.

O: Did you die of some tragedy in this lifetime or commit a tragic act?

Y: No, I am a spirit then and now.

O: You were a spirit when I knew you in Athens?

Y: Yes. I am old in time but you were a young soul. You are moving forward but I have not. You thought I was an aberration of your mind and kept it to yourself. It was our only contact until now. I move in time to seek those who might help and have agreed to do so.

O: Is Yolie your real name?

Y: No, it is the name I use.

O: What is your real name?

Y: I cannot say.

O: Cannot say or will not say?

Y: Both.

O: Why?

Y: The Law does not permit.

O: What law?

Y: The Law of All that is and how it is.

O: Why have you manifested now?

Y: I have before in other lifetimes but was misunderstood and locked away and died again. I could not find the agreed upon assistance.

O: Are you reincarnated in _________ (patient’s name)?

Y: Yes. We are the same.

O: Will you stay?

Y: No. This is the time I will go forward and correct.

O: What do you mean by correct?

Y: I will correct that which needs to be corrected and move forward.

O: Is the correction only one matter?

Y: No. I am at the last part of the matter.

O: What took so long and how long?

Y: Hundreds of years – I am stubborn which is part of the problem.

O: Do you know what Karma is?

Yolie laughs.

Y: Yes.

O: Is this what you have come to correct?

Y: It is what I have been correcting.

O: Would you care to elaborate?

Y: No.

O: Will you be able to achieve your goal?

Y: If you help __________ (patient’s name) understand. I have waited a long time for you to show up.

O: Have I shown up at the right time?

Y: Yes. Thank-you.

O: How can I help?

Y: _________ (patient’s name) has given up faith and must not do that.

O: What faith? Religious faith?

Y: Faith in all that is. She is a skeptic of too many things.

Psychologist Amanda nods and interjects that patients displays unhealthy skepticism that has ruined life opportunities.

O: Why is it SO important for ____________ (patient’s name) to change this now?

Y: It is the time allotted for it according to the Law. To be open of mind now, at this time will correct many, many ill actions and destruction from before and free the growth. The time is now.

O: Growth of what?

Y: The soul.

O: If this is accomplished will you never come back?

Y: I will have finished what I must.

O: How can the doctor and myself get this accomplished on our end?

Y: Play this recording and then help her to understand and heal. It will take time as she will not respond well as many memories will flood in as part of it.

O: When we do this will you eventually integrate with her?

Y: Yes. She will know. Do you both understand?

Amanda and I confirm.

Y: I have done what was needed and will go now.

O: Where will you go?

Y: Into the silence where I will wait to as you say, integrate. Good bye friends.

With that Yolie would not say another word.

Amanda began to work on further therapy for her patient. The therapy took two years but had very good results.

So, what exactly who or what was I talking to in this case? It was indeed a very strange aberration and I suppose other professionals would tag it with various psychological titles. I call it the Karma Ghost for lack of better terminology. All three of us got a lesson from talking to it. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

© 2020 Ad Continuum Olivia Constantino

Reprinted with permission.