Competition is in your blood, and just the thought of winning makes your heart race. Is it so wrong to like coming on top? Not at all. You’re a naturally competitive woman and you love it – all those non-competitive people just don’t get it. Life’s so much more fun when it’s more like a game.
1. Game night isn’t about fun, it’s about winning.
You get so sick of everyone getting off track. You’re playing a game here – shouldn’t everyone focus on the game and try to win? It’s only fun if everyone’s ruthlessly trying to beat everyone else.
2. You get seriously pissed if someone beats you.
Whether you’re pissed at them or yourself, you’re angry when you get beaten. That naturally competitive side of you hates losing, and you’re already waiting for next time to redeem yourself.
3. You turn everything into a competition.
You don’t stop at board games. To you,life is a compettition. Your friend got a new car? You have to get a better one. You and your bestie both notice the same guy? Let the best woman (AKA you) win. You can’t help being competitive, even if it just makes you seem mean. That’s not a good thing.
4. You have to outdo your boyfriend/girlfriend
Relationships aren’t always easy for you. You have this bad habit of having to always outdo him. He buys you a sweet, romantic gift, so what do you do? Try to one up him. She gets a promotion and makes more than you. You won’t stop until you’re bringing in more cash. It’s a surefire way to lose your relationships, that’s for sure.
5. You’re always looking for new challenges.
It’s hard to be satisfied when you’re competitive. After you’ve completely beaten something or won the same game numerous times, you get bored. You’re always looking for something new to stimulate you.
6. Happy means winning.
You’re not completely happy unless you’re winning at something. You don’t want others to let you win, either. You’re only happy if you do it all on your own.
7. You’re obsessed with being perfect.
You can be a little hard on yourself sometimes. Naturally competitive women are often perfectionists – they take losses to heart and don’t stop until they’ve fixed whatever flaw they think they have. You get called out a lot for trying too hard to be perfect, which is a losing battle to begin with, since literally NO ONE is perfect.
Depending on how competitive you get, your friends might get sick of it after a while. This might lead to quite a few fights, and it should definitely lead to you getting a grip and curbing that competitiveness just a little so you can learn to have fun without having to win all the time.