Aboriginal protesters march down Huron Church Road towards the Ambassador bridge in Windsor Ontario, Wednesday, January 16, 2013. About 1000 demonstrators disrupted traffic to the country's busiest border crossing for several hours.
A man waves a flags as aboriginal protesters and supporters in the Idle No More movement block the Blue Water Bridge border crossing to the United States in Sarnia, Ont. on Saturday, January 5, 2013.
"Thank you for being part of this important movement. We're here in a peaceful way. We're here to bring awareness to the issues that have been clouded for too long. Our Children deserve the best future we can leave them, and that's all we're trying to do.
Our ancestors are crying with us, they are praying with us, they are guiding us in our every step. We ask only for equality, we ask only for reciprocity, we ask only for respect. We are the first people of this land and we deserve a say in our future.
Today is only the beginning – we can't give up. People – we have to carry on, we have to keep singing, we have to keep praying and if we have to keep marching – we will.
We have to teach our children to follow us and if they have to fight the same fight we are fighting we have to teach them that it's worth it.
I ask you to open your hearts and keep a prayerful mind. These are hard times. Put all your intentions and your thoughts into your songs and your words and walk in a confident way – do not lose hope."
Margaret Commodore Dec. 21, 2012
Native protesters march up Wellington Street in Ottawa on Friday, January 11, 2013.
An Idle No More protest blocks the CN/CSX railway line in Sarnia, Ontario.
Aboriginal Chiefs stand at the main gate to Parliament Hill during a protest Friday January 11, 2013 in Ottawa.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with First Nations leaders in Ottawa on January 11, 2013.
First Nations members block traffic as they form a circle while protesting on the street outside Prime Minister Stephen Harper's official residence at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa on Saturday, December 22, 2012.
More than 100 people gathered in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery on Dec. 21, 2012 as part of Idle No More protests across the country.
Kitigan Zibi (KZ) Anishnabeg showing their support for Chief Theresa Spence, on December 30, 2012
Lisa Yellowquill takes part in a pipe ceremony, January 28th, 2013, during the Idle No More rally outside the Aboriginal Affairs office on Vancouver’s Melville street.
Idle No More demonstrators block a CN east-west track just west of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba Wednesday, January 16, 2013.
A group of hundreds of protesters walking and driving along eastbound 401 in London, Ont. on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
Expect …
… more. A definitive example of collective movement of the current outer planet astrologicals … Uranus, Neptune, Pluto …
Hi Green Moon.
For an American, you are quite educated on things that are happening in Canada. And as a Canadian, I say to you, Thank you, sir, for your interest in the affairs which are affecting my country.. Its rare that anyone outside Canada takes such an interest.
As for the First Nations Peoples: More power to you.
As a displaced member of the Cree Nation, the "nation" of Canada, or any other country for that matter, is meaningless. What happens to one, happens to us all. The only thing I can do is spread the word and peacefully protest in solidarity.
Hi Green Moon.
The Cree indeed are the largest First Nations Tribe in Canada. I have many friends that are both full Cree and Metis with the Cree. I was unaware you fit into the Cree yourself. 🙂
Peace my friend.