October 1966
Dear Friends:
Several persons recently asked me about dreams and their
meaning, so we will discuss sleep, dreams and other factors
about these phenomena of the unconscious self in this
month's letter.
Many of the mystery schools have taught that if we could
understand the mystery of sleep, freedom would be
automatic for us. But it raises the question of why man
sleeps. It is but a habit and man has made an agreement that
it is necessary for survival. But this is not completely true
for most of us sleep too much. It is mostly a very convenient
way of escaping from this world of reality.
During the sleep process there is a re-balancing of
chemicals, life forces and a general readjustment, not to the
body alone, but to the various bodies of man. Most spiritual
teachers and those seeking the higher Truths live on such a
high level of understanding, so in tune with the Cosmic
Spirit, that they can operate on a work level for nineteen or
twenty hours a day and not be fatigued. Three or four hours
of sleep is all that is necessary for them. They live a full
life, yet work on a relaxed level. They do not carry the burd-
ens of mental strain, but have long since learned to cast their
load into the cosmic stream of Spirit and rest in God.
Let us consider the dream level. Many persons dream vividly
and in full color with every perception fully aware of what is
taking place. Others dream in black and white and then with only
a few senses aware of their dream experience. Some place great
importance on the nature of the dream and keep a daily log to
see if there is a connection between the dream and the waking
state, like J. W. Dunne did in his experiment with time.
It is true that there is a connection between the dream state
and the waking state, for the dreaming is put together from the
materials taken from the waking state. Dreams are often a part
of the subconscious memories and need careful analysis and un-
derstanding. Literal interpretations are of little value in the
majority of cases. But when one is out of the body working above
time as Dunne so aptly did, then we have the case for new under-
standing and prediction as well as the gain of Divine Knowledge.
There are four types of dreams as we know : sensual, the
projection caused, memory and spiritual. You will find event-
ually that the control of dreams and sleep will release us from
illusion and take us closer to God.
The sensual dream was mainly brought in a study by Freud.
It has little to do with sex, as everybody seems to think, but
is the pleasurable dream connected mainly with anything that
is of pleasure to the body, including eating, drinking, etc. It
is the conscious awakened self. The three parts in this type of
dream important to know are: the Id – the lower self, the un-
inhibited, the self that knows no social law. It is accustomed
to murder, violence, and overt acts against man. Second, is the
Ego – that part which handles the daily affairs of the individual
such as decisions, etc. It is the conscious awakened self. Third,
is the Superego – the forces which pass moral law, the God forces,
onto the Ego so the latter will not allow itself to be influenced
by the Id. It fights the actions of the Id. This is often mistaken
by the metaphysicists to be the Christ Consciousness.
I will hurry over much of the material on dreams. The Id is the
most apparent in the dream state. The two parts of the sensual dream
are:The manifested (the memory dream, made up of symbols) and the
latent. Usually it is a dream of objects, mainly animals and con-
ditions – of conditions in some part of life and this makes for the
abberations in the individual, e.g., the snake which is the original
symbol of sin and represents frustration and sex in life.
The second type of dream is the projection-caused dream, which
is the type known and studied in the mystery schools. It is the
type of dream due to the forces, spirits and teachers of individuals
having the dreams. Any teacher or guide can teach us in the dream
state by blocking out the Id and sending his messages through. He
also takes the individual into the other worlds to study in the
Temples of Golden Wisdom, so the chela can eventually get enough
knowledge to be on his own.
The third type of dream is the memory dream. It consists of
past lives mainly. This type shows us karma now in our life and why
we are here. If you wish this experience, upon going to sleep make
a postulate that you are going to dream of a certain period in history
on the past time track which concerns your past lives. You will like-
ly have the dream.
Fourth, is the spiritual dream. It consists of precognition, Soul
Travel and clairvoyance. It opens the future time track so we can see
into it. We remove the space-time concept and enter into the warp of
space-time to see what is happening. This type of dream was used by
the old Biblical prophets to mark the future for their people. We
can see our future through dreams and change it accordingly.
When we can dream and be conscious of the process, then we have
become the Dream Master and see that the dwaking state is only a dream
state. Just as in the dream state, we can learn to manipulate the
environment, doing what we desire by simply knowing that it can be
done, so it can be done in the waking state. Accept the fact that we
are going to dream consciously, be in charge of our dreams and have
a knowing that we are dreaming, change the events, and move at will
and change our dreams if desired. Eventually we become the Master of
any dimensional experiences so wished.
The only reason we are in this particular environment is that we
have agreed at the moment that it is solid and real.
I am always with you.
Paul Twitchell
From the book, Illuminated Way Letters 1966 – 1971 © 1981 Eckankar – Sri Paul Twitchell

What it says here is absolutely true, when completely aware within a dream it is very easy to see that THAT is a more truthfully awake state than is our so called waking outer life, where a majority of the factors and conditions of reality remain unseen. Try it for yourselves!