May 1966
Dear Friends:
Eckankar is the new all out approach to the expansion of consciousness, that which gives freedom to all who can do out of the body and mind movement.
This is the freedom that every man seeks, a release from everything in this material universe, giving us the ability and opportunity to move about in the
heavenly worlds. It means that we are not associating ourselves with the astral, mental and other matter worlds below the Soul plane. But we are free
to move about in these lower planes as we can in the spiritual worlds.
Eckankar then, is not a religion, philosophy, nor a metaphysical system but a path to God. IT is every man's way for the Way lies within each of us. IT
lies within the consciousness that is the Soul of every person. Therefore, man is but a state of consciousness and not a physical nor mental being whatsoever.
Soul is man's channel, representing the opening through which Truth can flow to the outer world.Whenever this occurs, we manifest here and now whatsoever we desire to be our manifestation in the physical world in which we live. So we are all manifesting
according to the state of consciousness in which we are at the present.
Then what is in out outer world is due to our living in a particular state of consciousness. This being true, therefore, we find that life can be reduced to a
simplicity; that is, if we do not like what we have, we can change our consciousness. This means that since we are actually working for the state of Godhood,we must live in the God consciousness. Thus, the simplicity of living in the God consciousness means that we think and act only in the name of God.
This is actually placing us in the most heavenly realm while still in the physical body. This is the form of the expansion of consciousness that i keep talking
about constantly in the Illuminated Way discourses, but so many miss the point.
Actually, Soul Travel is not a projection of the subtle bodies as one might think, but an expansion of awareness into those areas where we want to be.
It has nothing to do with astral travel, which is a limited form of movement, nor with the mental body or the other lower bodies wrapped about Soul in order to protect It
in the lower worlds. We find that Soul can be as small as an acorn or as large as the whole universe, according to It's own desire. This being true, it puts
us in the position of having as much space as we desire, with a three hundred and sixty degree vision. It is really up to us to as to how much awareness
we desire to have at any time – this is something called being in all places at once with Total Awareness.
This is where we are heading – the area of Total Awareness or God Consciousness, as it is often called. This is the modus operandi in which many Spiritual
Travelers are working, and that in which each of us may at some time or other find ourselves. It is not difficult, but it means we must develop the state of
God Consciousness. This can be done by acting as an Agent of God, meaning of course, that everything we do, say and think is done for God only.
Since God may be an abstraction to many of us, we must establish something that is reality. This may be simplified by thinking of IT as Spirit. This Spirit
flows through us in greater quantity when we accept IT as impersonal goodwill, wisdom, and freedom. In order to open our state of consciousness we must read
scripture, silently or audibly chant sacred words (like "AUM", "HU", "SUGMAD") which uplift us.
The word "uplift" means opening the consciousness. When Christ said "Whosoever cometh to me will i lift up," he was saying that he would open their consciousness
(Soul) so the Divine Spirit could flow through in greater quantity into the world of matter. This means that we are able to project whenever we wish, or expand the
awareness to the area that we want to know about, and even appear to those that are able to see us. This ability to see another in his spirit body is similar to
that which we know as telepathy. If we get on the same wavelength with anyone who is able to project himself (Soul) to others, no difficulty is involved in seeing
one another. The lack of the ability to do this accounts for many not seeing or feeling the presence of a teacher near them. If the ability is developed – depending
on how open one's consciousness is – then he can see, hear, and understand anyone in the spirit body visiting him.
This is the freedom we seek. It gives us the freedom to move out of any state of consciousness we are now in, into a higher one. If we have a flash opening and
see a Spiritual Traveler nearby, we are fortunate for it gives us proof of what i say here. It also gives us the chance of moving into the true realm of God. It happens
so often in the sleep state. We are not bothered with the mundane affairs while asleep and are able to open our consciousness as a channel for Spirit and travel with a
teacher into the other realms, to study and find a new way of life.
Therefore, we do not need to be concerned with astral, mental and other lower plane travels. If we work to gain proficiency in astral and mental projection, we may split
off the consciousness and slow up learning Soul Travel. In a sense, it could cause some damage to the psychic senses, but not unless practiced over a long period.
This is what happens to many psychic readers and those who work on the lower planes in the astral body. All travel should be done with Soul so true awareness is assured.
To work with any Spiritual Traveler, one should put that Traveler's image before himself at all times. This often serves as a magnetic channel through which to expand
the awareness, as the image of a higher one can be a God substitute and act as a guide in the higher worlds. This image will in time be filled by the Traveler and give
extraordinary help in both higher and mundane affairs.
Paul Twitchell
From the book, Illuminated Way Letters 1966 – 1971 © 1981 Eckankar – Sri Paul Twitchell

Enjoyed this …
I love it when we can get any clarity on anything at all!
Eckankar then, is not a religion, philosophy, nor a metaphysical system but a path to God. IT is every man's way for the Way lies within each of us. IT
It sounds as though PT was in my head!
TY for posting this and I do hope it encourages a few to look at what should be obvious. Obvious never bites!
i had originally edited, but then …
on second thought didnt, and chose to instead make that distinction here. on these 2 quotes, i would like to clarify a bit more based on further illumination on the subject from other Paul Twitchell writings. the first : "Soul is man's channel, representing the opening through which Truth can flow to the outer world.
i personally wouldve illustrated that differently, with man being SOUL'S channel, to express Itself and Spirit's Will outwardly to the physical plane.
second is :
This means that since we are actually working for the state of Godhood,we must live in the God consciousness.
my issue is the use of the term Godhood, as if Soul is a God Itself. In other writings this is further expressed and clarified to becoming Godlike so as to point out this distinction that can so often be led astray by ego.