In this primitive and dualistic world, the powers of light and darkness were worshipped alike. The equal strength of both good and evil had arisen in the mind of man when he observed nature and mediated upon his own life. Man is inhabited by contradictory forces; in his thought and action, good and evil are intimately mingled , and he cannot always distinguish between them. ~ Bruce King (Zolar)
Hearts give rise to silent sighs,
Sounding the silence solidifies,
Distant thunder announces the deny,
Lightning splitting a black velvet sky.
Perception becomes the new disease,
Some pensile words if you please,
Then at last the void takes shape,
With mindless tone a feral rape.
Enveloped in a pleasing sheen,
Caught within a culminated scene,
The New Religion brings you to your knees,
Step right up for your reprise.
Time is in a rampant flow,
All you see is all you know,
The New Religion promises you ease,
Immorality bound within its freeze.
Crystalline dreams turned into dust,
Carried off by gale and gust,
The New Religion carried in the breeze,
Breathe it deeply til you wheeze.
Shadows cancel out the earth,
Minds are filled with evil mirth,
Dark clouds obscure the day,
All cycles have gone astray.
The midnight popes nefariously weave,
The blackened fabric to deceive,
Don it willingly and don’t resist,
While your spirit they taunt and twist.
The New Religion has brought you to your knees,
Step right up for your …
Great verse …
Logos – this is terrific! I don't think I'll step up for it though!
Another Great Poem
However, I'm not drinking the "kool-aide".
This brings to mind the malevolent cosmic carnival barker and magician enticing and attempting to weave and ply the soul. Step away.
I was riveted to my chair!
Thanks guys!
… and I would like to thank you especially for not bringing up "illuminati" as this has a much deeper meaning.
i’ll take him
and i'll win too!
Contemporary view of the battle within. The "New Religion" … plenty of those around!
Well done!