Interview with Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand

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Interview with Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand

By Stephen Briggs

Reprint by exclusive permission from The Galaxy Express

Are UFO’s real?  Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand says they are absolutely real.  Dr. Rand, a leading UFOlogist and researcher, has earned distinctive recognition and a Doctorate from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. He is the author of four eye-opening books, The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, The Cosmic Blueprint For After, The Reality Engineer, and his latest, The Return of Planet – X: and its effects on Mother Earth – A Natural Disaster Survivor’s Manual.  He has written for several well-known UFO magazines, and has seen firsthand that UFOs exist.  He says they are among us, and have been for quite some time.  Dr. Rand answered the following questions.

Question: Are UFOs real, if so, why is the government hiding this information?

Answer: Not only are UFOs real—but so is the reality of there being entities we call the ETs (extraterrestrial beings).  In the earliest records from past antiquities comes our modern-day awareness that even the most primitive mankind (so-called cavemen), left behind beautiful and often descriptive images of flying objects and people seen in the skies above them.  In addition, many pictographs, paintings and recorded images also exist of what the ancients described as spacemen, visitors from above, and what they often described as ‘gods’ in their flying chariots.

From paintings in the Vatican to images caught in some of the most famous art works in the world, to the many thousands of contemporary UFO/ET related books, magazines, feature films, television programs/specials/documentaries and newspaper articles—the message is always the same!!  Of course there are UFOs, ETs and the millions of stories associated with them—everybody knows they exist; everybody understands why the subject is often ridiculed and why this government and those of certain western nations (the U.S./Canada/Britain/Australia/Israel) continue to foolishly deny their reality/actuality/existence. So who do they think they’re kidding/what is their point/and why??

Not so with hundreds of other global nations: Mexico, Japan, France, Spain, Russia, China, the Scandinavian countries, most of South and Central America, the bulk of Europe and many African nations—all share an open policy of “UFO/ET information sharing” with the general public.

However, the U.S. in particular has long held the position that this information is “TOP-SECRET security sensitive” and therefore, not available to the public.  Our close allies also follow this fruitless/ineffective directive—as goes the U.S. /so goes their policies as well.  The modern-day era of the UFO phenomenon began as far back as the late 1800’s/continued to grow through the early 20th century/then caught on during WW II with reports about the appearance of what pilots on both sides of the conflict called”foo-fighters” (bright/green glowing balls of light/plasma) that all too often appeared to attack or follow their aircraft/flying close to their wing tips and which did not follow the ‘normal’ dynamics of flight.  Aerial encounters with UFOs continue to this day/so what’s new??

Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot flying the Cascade range in Washington state in early June 1947, was one of the first witnesses to report what he described as a fleet of “flying discs” (later coined by the press as “flying Saucers”) and the name stuck from that day forward.  This event was closely followed by thousands of additional reports coming into the Air Force from Americans in all walks of life, from every corner of the nation and in many cases with pictures taken in hundreds of sightings.

So why the U.S. government policy of TOP-SECRET mumbo-jumbo/ridicule/secrecy??  That’s easy!!

When you’re the top-dog/the world’s biggest superpower/with the most sophisticated military hardware/arsenal/resources and defense capabilities—we keep our mouth shut about what we know concerning UFOs/ETs/their spacecraft/their far-superior technologies and their future plans for this planet as the misguided governments of this world continue down their 21st century pathways to self-annihilation and ruin.  Although I personally don’t agree with it—prudence pays off.

One other key factor plays into this “secrecy” scenario—quite simply the fact that organized religion and the government’s fear of ‘general chaos’ and a ‘moral breakdown of ‘ society’ might occur—should the revelation be made to the public that… “Oh, My god!! We’re not alone in the universe—run for the hills the ETs are here!!”  It may sound silly/ridiculous/Machiavellian—but that’s their sordid story—Yeah!  Like everybody doesn’t already know/or like nobody has ever seen Star Trek, Close Encounters, ET-The Extra-terrestrial, or hundreds of TV specials, books/magazines, news-papers, newscasts and a million UFO pictures taken from around the world—anybody got a clue??

How dumb do they think we really are?  The American public truly deserves better than that…!!

Question: Are our highest officials and presidents told about UFOs?  Who is privy to this information?

Answer:  All military branches/the Pentagon/key elected officials/even presidents know about this information and have detailed files/documents/testimony regarding same.  It stands to reason that information such as this could prove to be paramount—should a silvery/shiny/UFO land one day on the White House lawn and a contingent of ETs comes looking for a presidential visit and a tour of the Pentagon!  Can anyone forget the 1950s film, The Day The Earth Stood Still?

Starting with Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1&2, and Clinton—they all knew about the reality of UFOs and ETs.  It’s the “best-held secret” never kept!!  How could they not know—everybody else knows—just go on the street and ask—the latest Gallup Poll indicates that 68% of the American public firmly believe that UFOs and ETs exist and that the government not only knows about them—but is actively engaged in a massive cover-up of this information.  The jury is in/the verdict convicts/the story and the cover-up continues.

Question: Does anyone receive information from them? If so, what messages do they have?  Are they friendly?

Answer: This is a rather loaded question with several levels of anticipated answers! Firstly, yes they do dispense information/all kinds of info/about/on many subjects. The common name for people who have had a purposeful UFO/ET contact/sighting/experience is—contactee. Those are the friendly kind of experiences/the other kind is a hostile/sometimes malevolent/ unfriendly one—and those people who experience the negative side of the UFO/ET spectrum are called—abductees, just as the word suggests. 

Just like humanity here on planet Earth—UFO/ETs come in a garden variety of flavors—from the nearly normal {human types} to the more bizarre {reptilian} or {not-so-human} looking species.  We’ve all heard of the not-so-nice abduction stories at the hands of the so-called “little grays,” (there are dozens of books/magazine/Internet sites/blogs devoted to this topic (also to be found with the opposite viewpoint of being friendly).  The most commonplace occurrences appear with the more friendly types—benevolent visitors to our world from the vast regions of the Milky Way galaxy as well of those from other more distant regions of the universe.

Recent research indicates that as many as 87 known/different/or similar kinds of ETs have made their way to our sector of the galaxy—specifically our solar system and this planet.  Please keep in mind that as with any controversial subject such as this (the mere idea that UFOs and ETs exist), is fraught with mistaken identity/exaggerated details/fraudulent claims/ulterior motives/miscellaneous hoaxing attempts/deliberate misinformation and a host of additional human-connected problems that greatly contribute to the truth and veracity of the hundred thousand reports/stories/claims/ pictures and personal human experiences associated with the subject.

As in my case, my personal experience of a “Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind” began at age 11 as a child up in Canada and still continues today—some 57 years later.  A “Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind” is the type of UFO/ET experience/event wherein the human subject of the contact experience physically sees/touches/communicates and otherwise interacts with the occupants of the alien spacecraft (in my case a large circular craft—approximately 90 feet in diameter and 55 feet thick/your typical ‘flying saucer” craft—typically from the 50s era).

By the way, these alien craft also come in a garden variety of shapes/sizes/materials and colors.

Now you see why I said that this question was a loaded one—with several levels of answers!  As to what messages they deliver—again it’s a crap shoot—but mostly about important things that often times are connected to the welfare and future of humankind.  Again, in my case, I was asked to become a musician, writer and teacher (and I did so in that exact order).  My special commission was to author several books devoted to the End-Times—with the first one published and titled: The Return Of Planet-X—And Its Effects On Mother Earth-A Natural Disaster Survivor’s Manual

Throughout the years since 1950, I have been an active UFOlogist, researching, writing, lecturing, and representing the United States at The First World UFO Congress held May 3-7, 1991, in Tucson, AZ.  I’ve also worked several government projects, visited Russia on several occasions devoted to UFO/ET related endeavors and making valuable friends/contacts/associations and receiving an honorary Ph.D. from the Russian Academy Of Energy Informative Sciences, conducted with Moscow University, Russia.

However, I am only one of many thousands of people on this planet who have been in contact throughout the years with UFOs and ETs, and our common mission is to be of service and unity as we head into what is popularly known as “The End-Times Scenario”—expected to peak around the year 2012, which we will discuss in greater detail in a later question to follow.

I have met hundreds and hundreds of people, just like myself, who have had their lives forever changed/enriched/enlightened by our UFO/ET experiences.  A forthcoming book entitled: The Reality Engineer—is devoted to my personal endeavors with my friends, The Fourth-Racers.  The home base of The Fourth-Racers is the planet Epsilon, the fifth planet in the star system Arcturus, located within the constellation Bootes, in the Northern Hemisphere near Virgo and Canes Venatici.  The star Arcturus is rated as a first magnitude star—the sixth brightest in the sky, located some c32.6 light-years from our solar system.

The visitors, as we contactees often refer to them, are not to feared—but rather respected for what they represent—a far superior intelligence/technology and a cosmic spiritual mission to help aid planet Earth during her many centuries/periods of stress/upheaval and change.

Question:  What is Planet-X, and what is its significance to us (here on Earth).

Answer:  Planet-X, we believe, is a rogue celestial body, a spent brown dwarf star—one that is connected to our solar system—but little understood, or accepted by most astronomers.  Brown dwarf stars are discussed in our book with special emphasis placed on one particular ‘brown dwarf star’ Planet-X—referred to in the Bible as “Wormwood”  (Note:  See the Book of Revelation, Chapter 8, verses 10-13.)

The most current hypothesis we have to examine concerning “X’s” next return through the solar system centers around the fact that “X’s” extended orbit (about every 3,600-4,000 years—first passing into the solar system then back out again), suggests that its ‘destructive cycle’ occurs in two phases. The second passage marks “X’s” return leg back into deep space beginning again its 3,600-year trek through the heavens.  “X’s” last return visit through the solar system most likely coincided with the Hebrew’s exodus from Egypt, estimated around 1447 BC—roughly 3,500 years ago. Did God somehow come to Moses’ aid by staging a cosmic event that no one today understands?

In the event that our elusive celestial visitor fails to show up on schedule or not at all, all the better for planet Earth.  We know now that something ‘very wrong’ is affecting Mother Earth our home in space.  Our book was devoted to finding out if this something ‘very wrong’ was Planet-X inbound.

Earth’s calendar date in winter 2007 found our fragile blue world in dire crisis. Consider the facts of overpopulation/global warming/a badly depleted ozone layer/rain forest devastation/ uncontrollable wildfires/hurricanes/typhoons/storms/tornadoes bringing global flooding/tsunamis and droughts with Arctic-Antarctic meltdowns/mass extinctions of multiple plant and wildlife species/widespread famines/deadly disease outbreaks of animal and human origins/ever-increasing world­wide earthquake and volcanic activity—all of which are collectively taking a heavy toll on human, plant and animal life—not to mention billions upon billions of dollars in global property damage, lost wages/the economy and major consumer disruptions to the everyday needs of its citizens.

Remember—Mother Nature takes no prisoners—gives no quarter—and remains uncontrollable.

Question: Was the Roswell incident a real encounter?  The U.S. Army quickly cleaned up any debris, took it away, and kept what they found very quiet.

Answer: Yes, the Roswell incident was a very real encounter.  My favorite (adopted) uncle, who was a crack WW II Army photographer, had first hand knowledge of the event.  I even have original copies from the front pages of The Roswell Daily Record (see Illustrations) from Wednesday July 8 and 9, 1947, with blazing headlines reading on July 8thRAFF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch In Roswell Region—followed the next day July 9th with—Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer—then a total retraction of the two newspaper headlines, a flat-out official government denial of the events in question, and a follow-up bogus “science fiction story” about the alleged flying saucer debris simply being the remains of an errant secret  “weather balloon” that seemingly crashed to Earth causing the debris field on Mac Brazell’s sprawling cattle ranch outside Roswell, NM.

This was the first real evidence of a genuine extraterrestrial spacecraft (possibly two) that had crashed to Earth, been recovered by the Army/Air Force, swept clean, crated up and secreted away to several TOP-SECRET military locations, then back-engineered and researched.  Added to the mystery, my Uncle Sam also believed that several (as many as five to six) dead alien bodies were also recovered and taken away for extensive medical examination and analysis.  It was even reported by several Roswell resident (all civilians) that one possibly two aliens had survived the horrific crash and had been rescued, brought to the hospital in Roswell and attended too.  This part gets sketchy with details—but is also believed to be true.  What ever happened to the injured aliens is anybody’s guess—but the fact of the two crash sites (one outside Roswell and the other near the old White Sands testing grounds) is fairly well documented and written about.  At least a dozen books, several TV specials and documentary programs are available for those interested in more details/information about these events from July 1947. (Check out the Internet—Google: Roswell.)

As a footnote: It is widely believed in UFOlogical circles that over the past 60-years—our government and those of many other countries (including Russia), have recovered numerous crashed alien space craft, dead bodies and that they have spent decades back-engineering these vehicles and studying their dead or living ET occupants.

Question: You say we will see an explosion in contacts with UFOs and alien races.  Why, and what will their intentions be towards us?

Answer: Humans are currently waking up to the reality of the UFO/ET phenomenon. Numerous books/magazine articles/feature films/radio/television shows are captivating the public’s attention—all dealing with this serious subject on a much more frequent basis.  Most major cities now have support groups and frequent lectures on the contactee/abductee phenomenon —with folks from all walks of life beginning to openly discuss their ET experiences regarding apparent ‘genetic manipulation’ at the hands of these other worldly beings. It should also be noted that this aspect of our writing and research soon proved to be much more involved/interesting/daunting than we ever imagined.

We suggest to your readers that they investigate this UFO/ET phenomenon with an open mind—linked to our concept that the ‘larger cosmic picture’ of our Planet-X saga may well involve a connection to the ever-expanding UFO/ET hypothesis. There are literally thousands of books written on the subject available in bookstores, libraries and across the Internet.  We firmly believe that UFOs and ETs are intricately connected to our forthcoming Planet-X drama and this aspect of Earthian versus extraterrestrial reality cannot be ignored much longer.