By Stephen Briggs
Reprinted from The Galactic Press with permission.
I had the privilege of interviewing the Rev. Nancy Orlen Weber, R.N. She is a psychic, medium, medical intuitive, animal communicator, healer, minister, psychiatric nurse, ex-police officer, and President and co-founder of the Holistic Alliance International, a nonprofit educational organization. She is a licensed and ordained Minister of the Life Spirit Congregational Church and Pastor of the Lightwing Center of the Church. Rev. Weber is the publisher of a quarterly journal, Conscious Living, a published songwriter, poet, illustrator and author of Psychic Detective: True Stories and Exercises For The Soul, a nonfiction account of her work with crime and with animal rescue, and The Gift of Interspecies Communication: True Stories and Exercised For The Soul, a compilation of her experiences as an Animal Communicator and Healer. The Rev. Weber has been featured on the Biography Channel miniseries “Psychic Investigators,” TLC’s “Psychic Witness,” Court TV’s “Psychic Detectives,” “Nancy Grace” and A&E’s special, “Mediums.”
You have accomplished so much in your life when did you first realize you
had psychic and healing abilities?
The labels for my experiences did not come until I began working as a Psychiatric Nurse and discovered how useful it was to know past the usual methods of knowing. That's when I began to combine the psychic and the healing arts and enjoying the outcomes. Growing up I had many psychic experiences and simply chalked them up to just part of how I experienced life.
What was it like for you growing up with these gifts?
Most of my psychic information just poured out of my mouth much to the consternation of my mother who would sometimes be frightened of what I saw and sometimes just socially uncomfortable with my knowing about her friends. That didn't form my whole opinion of knowing however it added a carefulness. My mother showed me by her responses that there is a huge difference between brutal and gracious honesty.
The actual experiences were fascinating to me as they still are. There is a beautiful world filled with complex energies of thought, feeling, vision, fragrances, and more. Not unlike our normal sensory information yet to me it shows the connection between all living things. It certainly helped me become more sensitive to others and not judge why folks do what they do.
You have the ability to see and communicate with dead people. When you first began seeing and feeling their presence, were you frightened?
As a child I simply accepted my experiencing people passing over or on the other side as one more interesting way of communicating. Think about any gifts any of you have. The ability to do math easily while some struggle, the ability to draw accurate depictions of something or beautiful ideas that come easily to you. Do you think of them as weird? It was actually at times a wonderful gift to see my grandmother who I dearly love and miss come to and say good-bye. I was 17 years old and sleeping when that happened. I awakened crying and told my folks. By the time I finished telling them the phone rang and my aunt informed us that my grandmother had just died. Although upset and wishing she was still here I have been forever grateful for the opportunity to say good-bye.
Are spirits and ghosts everywhere?
I don't believe anyone has all the answers about the other dimensions so my explanation is simply my own experience. Ghosts appear to be traumatized by the events they went through on earth and are frightened of moving on just like when we encountered anything, a test we haven't studied for as an example and we might not want the time to come to take the test. Once the ghost has help they usually can move on, it's all about love and healing. Some ghost like appearances are the "leftover" energy of the events and people rather than the actual being. I've walked in areas where I knew they were sacred burial sites for Native Americans and later had it confirmed. Lots of love and caring in those spaces so perhaps the feelings we live with inside ourselves become part of the energy and legacy we leave others.
As a medium, do they give you messages or warnings?
Warnings imply fear and for the most part those on the other side are not afraid for us, rather simply want to bond, share love, let us know they are remembering the best times. Most people have died through natural causes and when they review their lives they look at the love they shared with others more than anything else. Even those who died in war, or through crimes, are far more interested in bonding with their loved ones than anything else. Some will also want to help particularly if it was a crime, some don't know what happened!
If you don't want them in your home, can you tell them to leave?
I tell folks to treat any being from the other side the same way they would treat someone here. Invite them in if you feel comfortable with them, always thinking of the interaction as a spiritual encounter. If you are not comfortable with them thank them for coming and tell them you are surrounded by the divine light and wish for them the same. Tell them they need to leave and work towards the light. Then put your mind firmly elsewhere and get busy.
Do you get the sense of who they are and what they are feeling?
Yes I sometimes get names, sometimes details of their lives and how they feel about it all. Every time is different.
Are they happy? Do they ever tell you what it is like on the other side?
Everybody I've spoken with has been comfortable expressing what it is like for them on the other side, all seem very different. Not all are happy right away yet eventually all seem to be.
Is there reincarnation?
My personal experience has brought me to believe in reincarnation. There is an excellent book by Dr. Ian Stephenson, "Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation." They are the most documented cases ever explored.
We know you have solved many crimes for police and law enforcement. How do you go about this? Do you feel what the victim went through, and if so is this difficult to experience?
Every case and situation is different. Sometimes I go to the crime scene, sometimes work with photographs, objects, go to the evidence room, drive around the places the victim was at, it is always different. If I am fortunate I re-experience what the victim went through. It is the best way to know the details needed to help. Being a nurse has helped me live with the situations and I've learned how to release most of it immediately afterwards.
Can you give us an example of one of your crime solving cases?
This example is brief, most are quite long. This one is from my book and it is told by Gary Micco, a retired Detective, now a Private Investigator. This was when he was a Detective.
Gary Micco tells a story that is wondrous proof that we are truly all connected. When we believe we are harmless and seek only to serve all of life, I believe we are inherently giving ourselves permission to dial the universal number for all living things. Oddly enough we can dial it through holding inanimate or animate things, such as keys, a necklace, an envelope containing a letter – even one that is a copy or perhaps a fingerprint. This story is about a fingerprint.
Gary recalls:
"There was a burglary of a pharmacy in Long Valley. On October 17, 1986, Long Valley Pharmacy – it's a plaza. It had double doors, and then windows running parallel to these doors, as high as these doors. Bottom part of the left window is broken, smashed. The subject goes in, steals $800 in cash, a couple of thousand pain killers: Dilaudid, Demerol, Percodan, so forth. We walk around the scene, survey the scene; back at the port of entry, pull out the fingerprinting kit, dust for prints, we find an index finger, tip of an index finger, half of the last joint on a piece of broken glass. We lift it, and keep the lift. We look through every known suspect; we’re striking out.
I go to Nancy and, remembering the homicide case, I figured she needed something of the guy. I got the guys' fingerprints, this is cool. So I walk in with this file without telling Nancy about it except a basic one liner, something like, “Someone broke into a store.” I handed her the print and she said she had never held a fingerprint before. She started flipping it around saying, “… this is wild” – she's sitting Indian style with her cats, and flipping through this thing. She described a person; she said he was in his twenties, probably late twenties, strange looking, pock marked skin, and he had a deformity with the left side of his body. His left arm had a problem. She said we would get him; he's a drug addict. He will do it again and again. She concluded by saying he became addicted because of the pain in his arm and muttered about doctors who don't really care or teach pain management.
Almost one year later to the day I read a bulletin, Morris County Prosecutor's Office; a guy was arrested in New Jersey for pharmacy burglaries. I ran the print for a match, got a hit. I remember exactly what Nancy described to me about this person and could now verify. His father brought him in to be served with the warrants here at headquarters. He showed up, walked through the door and there he was; pock marked skin, 29 years old and deformed on the left side of the body. In taking the mug shots of him I could see his arm was wiped out. I learned it was from a propeller accident. He had taken painkillers that addicted him. He wasn't a criminal before the accident.”
You have had numerous healings, A.D.D., cancer – healings doctors
couldn't even solve. As a nurse and ordained minister, will you share your
amazing healing capability?
I believe we all can do this. My 8 and 9 year old grandchildren are dynamite healers who love helping others. It is within everyone's reach. I share with others by teaching and showing others how they too are capable of being psychic and healers as long as they care to help others.
We understand you can communicate with animals, what is the most outstanding information you have learned from them and can anyone communicate with them?
We have a common bond with all other life. Love and gratitude and through those feelings we are comfortable with each other and build trust no matter what the species.
Tell us about "The Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils," and the
people who have been healed by using them.
This would take a book to explain! We are part of the earth and the closest we can come to using things that are biologically suited to our beings the easier to heal anything. These Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils according to the chemistry books are kin to our blood and work easily without harming any healthy tissue. There is so much more but suffice it to say I needed a wheelchair for long distance walking – I couldn't and now I can!
“May love be the fabric that drapes your spirit and offers you strength, wisdom, and a purpose filled with passion and spirituality.” – Nancy Orlen Weber