The Invisible College

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By Sci Fi Guy

Image by rambotent from http://Image by rambotent from Pixabay


Invisible college refers to intercommunicating scientific researchers who are working within a specified paradigm, or field of study that has some core issues in common. – Social Research Glossary


There are impostors pretending to be the Invisible College, there are charlatans using that name in their fabrications, and so on. So if you read of an “Invisible College” in a particular text, it’s no guarantee they’re the real deal. You’d have to go by what they’re saying, who they seem to be, what they advise, what they do. Ideally, the Invisible College is a body of graduates from our physical realm, beings on the next rung up the spiritual evolutionary ladder, who are into knowledge and balance… same thing as the ideal version of the Great White Brotherhood you might read about elsewhere, or the 4th density Service-To-Other beings. In that case, yes they’re good guys, but they have limitations and sometimes their wisdom and farsightedness makes them stand back from taking certain actions if they know it needs to transpire.

The text War in Heaven also speaks about an Invisible College, but I believe those guys in that text are astral impostors trying to play the good guy in order to suck souls into never-ending make-believe astral warfare in the afterlife in order to suck their energy dry. The way the Invisible College speaks and acts in that book just has the sound of immaturity and petty melodrama to it, which is in contrast to the real good guys who are very calm, collected, lucid, matter-of-fact, wise, and humble.

I agree with what the book says about Theocratic control in the sense that there are astral dictators who round up lost souls and squeeze them dry, who enslave them in the afterlife for quite a long “time.” Although the book makes it sound like people have no choice, and that they get enslaved if they don’t choose sides. In my view, people are only as enslaved in the afterlife as they are here in this life. So someone who is deeply indoctrinated into organized religion will, after death, continue to feed into that illusion, an illusion created and run by the Theocrats. But likewise, those who think for themselves and do not join into a pre-manufactured belief system, who have found a true, practical, living, and empowering spirituality in life, will not feed into a Theocrat-run illusion after death. Nor would they have to join the so-called Invisible College to do endless battle.

Everything that is described concerning the Theocrats and Invisible College appears to take place on the astral planes. The thing about the astral planes is that entities there are not physical in the same way we are, but they are nevertheless not much smarter. In other words, they are still 3Dish in their consciousness, if not less so at times. The real positive forces are of a spiritual purity and power that the average person cannot comprehend, way above what the book describes concerning the Invisible College. The latter sounds more like a team of discarnate freedom fighters caught up in the game of tit-for-tat astral warfare than those positive forces that work beyond that level. And what I therefore conclude is that either the Invisible College is simply that, an organization of 3Dish-yet-nonphysical freedom fighters, or else it’s actually another Theocratic deception. Think about it — if after you die, you join this team to do battle against the “bad guys”, you will spend an awful long time and energy doing so perhaps with no real results gained for yourself in terms of spiritual growth and liberation. Thus it could be a decoy to get you spinning your wheels. I just don’t think the Invisible College as described in the book is true to how higher positive forces actually operate, and that it acts a bit too petty. Just my view on that. Or if they are positive, then I don’t think they are the end-all-be-all of what’s out there in terms of positive forces. War in Heaven makes a good point about astral control systems, but I just feel it’s placing a ceiling on the truth concerning who the good guys are.

Whether any of the good guys are trying to protect the planet… very tough question. They are known to protect individuals who need to be protected, and they seem to answer sincere calls for assistance, but at the same time they do hold back in matters beyond their jurisdiction, or in matters brought on by the willful ignorance of a person who must suffer the consequences as the only way to get the lesson through his thick skull. They are more about helping people help themselves rise higher in spiritual purity and awareness, than taking away all their problems. I think they understand that negative beings can sometimes act as a learning catalyst, but they are known to step in when things get out of hand.

Tom Montalk