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An interesting take on a ghosty interlude presented by best selling author on the afterlife Richard Martini when asked if friendhsip was possible between a ghost and a human being. ~ Olivia
Chances are the reason that a spirit is hanging around is because they know your frequency – either from this life or a previous one. So the idea is to open yourself up to asking them “Hey, what’s up? Why are you hanging around?” If you can get an answer from them (via meditation,hypnosis,through a medium or some other consciousness altered method) you may be able to find the answer. “I’m here because I like hanging out here, this is where I used to live.” Or “I’m surprised you don’t remember me.” Either way – there are spirits who are upset about their journey – and of course who wants to invite an cranky stranger into their lives? However if you can assess how likely that would be – then adjust accordingly.
I was filming a session of “Beyond Belief." The makeup artist told me she “saw a ghost” in the camera equipment room. I asked if she could “see what he looked like.” She said she could. I asked her to “freeze that memory like a hologram” and walk over to it. She said she could. I asked her to describe this fellow in detail – name, age, what he was doing there. She said he had died in a fire and was pretty upset about it. I asked if he had any family around he could access. She said “He seems very angry right now.” On a hunch I said “Look around you. There’s a light. And on the other side of that light is everyone you ever loved and everyone who ever loved you. If you go there you’ll see. You can always come back.” She said “He’s telling me no, he’s too angry to go there and he hates his family.” I took another tack – I said, ask him if he can go close to the light and describe what it feels like. She said “He says it’s warm.” I said “Okay, stick your hand in the light, how does that feel?” He said “Comfortable.” I said “Okay, step into the light – just in the midst of it – and describe that. She said “He says it feels familiar.”
I said “So step on the other side, you can always come back – we can continue talking.” She said “He’s telling me it’s different – but he’s no longer feeling any anger.” I said “Look around, do you see anyone you know like your family?” She said “He said he hates his family.” I said “Look around – who’s here?” She said “He says his uncle is here. The only person who ever loved him.” I said “Okay, ask your uncle to come closer, take his hand. How does that feel?” She said “He’s telling me he’s feeling better, like he’s home.” I said “You can come back and visit these folks on the stage anytime. Do you want to come back?” She said “He’s telling me no, he wants to stay here awhile.”
At that moment, George Noory came into the makeup room and said “It’s showtime.” We did the show, and afterwards I went into the makeup room to get my bag. The makeup artist said “He came back.” I thought “Oh dang, it didn’t work…” She said “No, he came back to say “thank you.”
I have no idea how much any of this is accurate, real or whatever. I can only report verbatim what happened. In this case, it appeared as if telling the “ghost” that “there’s a light that you can see that is a portal to going home” actually worked. I’d done something like this once before, in my mind, with regard to someone cranky who was visiting us at an old house back east. It seemed to work – so I tried it again. I have no particular skills in this area nor claim to – all I can do is report that “it seemed to work.”
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Posted for informational/educational purposes only.