Is It Possible For Occult Forces To Target An Individual Over Their Lifetime?

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By Paranorman

Is It Possible For Occult Forces To Target An Individual Over Their Lifetime?

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

It is quite common among people who have that extra ‘spark’ of individuality and heart that distinguishes them from the average person. It’s like they shine brighter and that attracts entities like moths to a flame.

As far as being targeted over a lifetime, and spiritless humans as vessels, there are really only two types of beings that do that a) aliens and b) demons.

Alien targeting comes with a lot of abduction activity, and it’s rarer than targeting by demons because aliens are fewer in number and are quite busy so they can’t be with you 24/7 whereas demons have nothing better to do than harass and feed off the living all day and night.

So you have to distinguish whether it’s mostly demon, or mostly alien.

Demons mainly aim to corrupt and cause suffering and moral defeat.

Aliens mainly aim to nullify threats and turn gullible types into puppets for their disinformation to deceive the public.

So the alien targeting is more sophisticated, subtle, strategic, and long-ranging (more of a scientific and political and tactical air to it) whereas the demonic agenda is way more ‘anti-spiritual’ and opportunistic/predatory in its nature.

Both wage psychological warfare to wear you down if you’re a threat or ‘food’ for them. I’m talking about negative aliens here. The positive ones are more spiritual and helpful while keeping as low a profile as possible, so the complete opposite.

Spiritless humans are mostly empty vessels. Things can jump into them and speak through them, or manipulate their emotions and thoughts very easily. If they already have broken programming (in the sense of being narcissists or bipolar or borderline) then the entity pulling their strings doesn’t need to put much effort in, just wind them up and watch them do their thing.

As to why a person would be targeted over a lifetime, that’s a multifold thing.

First, there is an element of needing, wanting, or requiring it at a spiritual curriculum or karmic level. That is, there’s an opportunity to fight, grow, and become wiser by facing the risk of this kind of opposition. But all that is, is opening the gates to let in the monsters. The monsters themselves have their own agenda and it’s not good, so it’s not like they’re working on your behalf for your own good. They’re very dangerous. But like riding a horse at a rodeo, there’s something to be gained from it, potentially.

Second, negative forces dominate much of this world. They think they own and run this place. When you come here and function as a force for good, or are too intelligent for them to easily predict and control, they get miffed and feel “Houston, we have a problem” and go to work on the person. The reason they can’t do more than they’ve done is that we do have protection, and there are rules here enforced by higher positive (angel-like) beings… but as long as they play by the rules, they can do some pretty tough things. And if they make their moves right and get to a “check mate” situation then protection can’t prevent what’s about to occur, because rules are rules, and that’s why bad things happen in our world.