Judgment as word has no power. The power this word evokes is simply driven by the value we have attached to it. In our vernacular we have all heard, “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” “sitting in judgment,” the list goes on. For the most part judgment is usually associated with unfounded persecution of a person or value. Personally, I think judgment as a word has been railroaded. I have outlined some concepts that we associate or confuse with judgment. I encourage you to read through them and see if any of them fit your frame of reference.
1. As much as we all claim to be “observers,” somewhere in there we have to make a judgment and as much as that word is abhorred in the metaphysical community it is the truth. When we find, dark, or lower energy, we take precautions and flag that situation for its potential; just by the recognition alone … We have made a judgment!
2. Our actions betray our hearts. You can hide your heart and disguise your beliefs, yet in the end they will betray your spirit in what you do. Although your motivations may be mixed or unclear, your actions speak your truth. Note Nazi Germany… I mean they were just following orders … Yet millions died!
3. In the universe there is perfection. There is the sea of love where all are one yet, on this Earth, love doesn’t necessarily mean warm and fuzzy or a perfect relationship. It sometimes means the lesson you are here to receive is offered up by someone who has a blessed interest in you. AND often times … that love asks, no, sometimes requires you to let go and that if you refuse to release whatever … the lesson will escalate until you understand.
4. Whether in spirit, word or belief, you cannot know the complete illumination of any event. On levels beyond what we understand, things are unfolding as they should. What I find most troubling is that by the word of others, a friend brings forth a truth that is not mine and lays before me an “interpretation.” It is NOT my truth or experience but rather the modified version or someone else’s experience. We are responsible for what we do, say and believe, PERIOD. There is no oops, and that which you do not value, will not be sustained in your life.
5. If you have a personal issue, a concern or an admonition with an individual it serves mutual harmony to handle it privately … not in the court (usually of the kangaroo genre) of public opinion. Anyone who avoids this is cowardly, and has no real desire for harmony… It is their greed to appear “right,” or the “victim.”
6. Your actions, thoughts and beliefs have consequences. If you lead your life in truth … you will discover consequences both good and … OK – not so well! You must own these, if you don’t, they will follow you like a shadow until you do.
7. In this world, you either serve the greater good, (people, causes, and your truth) or you release them. You cannot do both and once released, you follow a path that honors your truth. If you continue to return to that which you release … Note the shadow comment in the section above…
8. People even metaphysicians often times confuse forgiveness and consequence … for as much as we know, the fact remains, “You will reap what you sow…” Somehow, that translates into forgiveness wipes out consequences … If I commit a crime, and the victim forgives me … I still have to “face the music” whether it is court, restitution, the world and or Karma!
9. Words have the absolute power to heal and destroy … In one breath we can set someone free, or bind them in our world, not theirs … only by agreement, sadly.
10. No man sets my value. That which is my spirit and energy cannot be taken away, unless I give it.
11. We affect everything in our world … Even by observation we are connected … And that by nothing more than observation … We introduce an intention that impacts the process – consciously or subconsciously.
William St. Thomas
(nee Dargin II), KC SMOTJ, aka 1 Chevalier, is a Commander in the Knights Templar Organization and he is a former officer of the Diplomatic Corp having spent much time among the various cultures of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. He believes that “The TRUTH is out there” and that great change, ultimately of the positive outcome variety is coming.
“Judging others is just a measure of our own incompleteness.
Attacking others for not being what we think they should be to be “better, different or inclusive” is a misguided effort to heal the collective. The collective of humanity only heals when each individual soul experiences its own healing. When we feel the need to make others wrong, we only succeed in fractalizing our own incompleteness.
The way you view another soul is indicative of how you view yourself. If you are filled with love and self-respect, it is impossible to see venom and hate in others. Judgment is a study in the personification of the self. It’s only when we fully accept ourselves that we begin to heal our wounds. And once the healing has begun, we find little reason to make others wrong. Instead, we find every reason to make ourselves even better.
Everyone is here to work through their own personal judgments, but in numerology, those born under the #6 have the greatest life lesson in judgment of self + judgment of others. It is one of the more complex and difficult life lessons to identify because these souls are dedicated to a path of personal growth. They are on a path towards perfection but they can get lost and misguided in their expectations of themselves and others. They can get caught in their own ideals of perfection versus their own personal perfection. We see this these days with “virtue signaling.” Virtue signaling is not virtuous, it is self-righteous. It is a covert judgment.” – Donnalyn Civello