Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
When you’re in the “business of metaphysics” for a long time you begin to notice certain trends and attitudes that make little common sense especially if you’re the type from Missouri who says “show me!” Realistically speaking, metaphysicians are no different than anyone else in any other professional field – be it mundane or spiritual, and it is quite easy for “snobbery” to seep in and infiltrate core beliefs through all those fine smooth edges that meta-specialists think they have rounded out. Metaphysicians can be quite full of themselves at times. One of my pet peeves among the meta-haughty is the “be careful what you put out there syndrome” which includes the popular, “NEVER EVER preface anything you are putting out there with no, not, never or any other negation because the Universe doesn’t hear or understand those words and will deliver the worst of consequences upon you.” Evidently, according to this theory, the Universe also does not hear or understand expressions or slang either so if an individual is having a bad day and cries out to the heavens in disgust “give me a break,” should that person cower in fear because the Universe now will indeed break something or someone because of a spoken word? Personally I don’t think the Universe is that stupid. Anyone offering this type of smug advice should shut up and sit down. There, I’ve said it. I can hear the rumblings now so let me make it clear that yes indeed, I do believe that it is better to be positive than negative but when a person is made to think that they have to restrict themselves according to these types of rules it literally gives birth to superstitious/obsessive behaviors and worst of all, fear. It is also very disturbing when this ‘pseudo-positivity’ concept is used for manipulation by some ‘happy chat’ gurus (who quite amazingly also often believe they are earth-bound Ascended Masters) propose that we should all live in some sort of La-La Land where simple human nature is ignored. Metaphysics working at its best is supposed to dispel ‘fear’ and not create it. This is at the core foundation of all “light works.” I must also interject at this point that God, the Great Creator, Life Force Energy or whatever else you want to call it did not set out a plan to make things complicated. We as egotistical humans make things complicated because we simply cannot seem to resist the current psycho-babble du jour. Ah, but alas, I see I have stepped on a few toes so…
Allow me to digress for a moment to explain something about my character… I don’t do ‘fear’ because I was taught not to (how be that for a bunch of negatives?). I had a great teacher who was my dad. He was highly psychic and much attuned to the earth realm and the spirit worlds. His experiences were plentiful and not always pleasant and while he taught me to have a healthy respect for all things arcane and occult he also taught me that many things people believe and do are a bunch of hooey. I do believe s- – t happens but I have been taught not to fear it. On Saturday afternoons we would sit and watch all the horror and sci-fi shows that were offered and that is when I learned all about those kitchen concocted 50’s special effects, ghosts, ghouls, the living dead and even Urban Legends. We lived in a haunted apartment house and he taught me how to handle that without ‘fear’ as well. It wasn’t long before I became the resident debunker among the younger set. I would be the one to throw open the closet door in a dark room, turn on the lights and show everyone else that there was “nothing in there.” Being the resident debunker was not an easy job because the entire neighborhood was full of ethnic superstition. Usually once a week some poor soul was doing whatever he could to rid himself of the Evil Eye by mixing oil and water or by working some sort of counter-spell. None of the neighborhood kids would step on a sidewalk crack for fear of ‘breaking their mother’s back’ or whistle in the dark … but I did. There was even a strega or witch who lived on our street who everyone would consult for everything from love spells to wart removal. People were terrified of this old woman and I think she enjoyed that facet of it but to me she was just a misunderstood and ‘spiritually gifted’ old lady… AND before you ask, yes, her spells did work… and I speak from personal experience as well as a witness to the outcomes of others. Was I afraid of her or her spells? No.
Now that you understand my stance on ‘fear’ (because of my exceptional conditioning) let’s get back to my take on the Universe. One of the things that amazed me about my Dad was that this guy would challenge the Universe out loud on almost a daily basis which would make the rest of the family cringe yet the Universe never ‘struck him down’ even though it was literally ‘requested’. Despite all of this challenging and ‘non-positivity’ at times Dad lived a long full life. The Universe never pounded him to a pulp or annihilated him rather, all that venting put him on a new path that usually brought about a solution. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Evidently the Universe ‘hears everything,’ is able to decipher ‘true needs’ and acts accordingly. Well, how about that? So much for the pseudo-positivity some meta-gurus are putting out there. AND this leads me to the heart of the matter which is INTENTION. Intention is a funny little duck because even when the spoken words or thoughts are negative the real intention behind them is usually “I need help” and this is what the Universe responds to on a very high level. The Universe is not some big dumb Rollo who goes “duh!” Shame on you if you think so. Shame on you too if you can’t recognize your own divinity in the very human reactive form in which you carry it because that’s what you do when you simply get too caught up in psycho/pseudo-babble. Trust in yourself without fear and restriction. Honor your gift of free will and speak your mind and your truth in any way you want to express it and the Universe will take care of the rest… Promise!