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By Reii

Do you even believe that the processes in your mind are responsible for the circumstances you attract in your life? If you say yes then are you putting in the effort to consciously create the life experience of your preference?

We must stay diligent, and become aware of everything that is happening within us, otherwise our laziness can punish us. This is what bad karma actually is, it is not the universe or some external force punishing you in any way shape or form, it is simply your own sloppiness and fears creating the kind of experiences you do not prefer to experience.

The law of karma is that ye reap whatever ye are sowing. Whatever frequency you are aligning your perception with, via your thoughts, your feelings and your belief systems determines the experience you undertake. So become conscious and aware and always take responsibility for whatever you are emitting out into the creation, because there is no other creator than yourself in your own reality, and by yourself I am not defining you simply by your physical mind, but the higher self, that aspect of you from which all ideas originate.

“To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.” -Buddha

This is what Buddha means, if you are not aware of what you are putting out then you will make yourself a victim to the situations that fall upon you because you are in denial of your own creativity power. Take back the power God gave you and take responsibility for the seeds ye are sowing in the garden of life. Uproot the weeds from your mind and allow the divine to blossom within yourself!

-Craig Krishna

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