Karma, How’s That Workin’ For Ya?

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By Anonymous Reason

Image by K-E-Coverdesign from Pixabay

What comes around goes around?

Is this your impression of Karma?

If I were you I wouldn’t wait around for someone who has offended you to get theirs.

Get it Straight

Karma as the relationship between a person’s mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It is based upon intent. It’s simple enough right? Then why is it that we see dishonest and cruel people in positions of power get ahead in life or kind people face hardships and die young?  Where’s the consequences? In fact and according to Buddhist philosophy, there is no Higher Power that gives rewards or punishments. It’s all in you and how you handle yourself.

How does Karma manifest?

As Karma is a promoter of intent, you might notice that you find yourself in repetitive situations with the same people or different people but with the same patterns. These situations are triggers with the same emotional and psychological buttons being pushed. Consider this a red flag that you are experiencing a fear you need to overcome. It could be simply a habit or belief or choices. Often it manifests in bad relationships, however, this circumstance can lead to participation in situations like  group think which means you have lost or are not capable of thinking for yourself. It may even feel safe to you to be with others of like mind. Hate to tell you but that is exactly what you should NOT be doing. Group think is based upon resentment which is the fostering force of bad Karma. Shared resentments can be actually dangerous. History shows us that resentment is a foundational building block of wars. Currently many countries are experiencing a collective karma based in resentment which is having very negative effects – just watch the news (if you can stomach it for ten minutes).

What is the antidote for resentment? You may not like this or even accept it but the antidote is forgiveness. Being able to forgive restores confidence to buoy your intuition and indepence and helps you practice self compassion. If you can step back from the situation and really discern it you may find that your buried self fear is unwarranted and the whole attachment to group think isn’t the least bit important in the larger scheme of things or liable to change anything.

Forgiveness is tied to detachment. Before you get crazy, detachment does not mean lack of caring. It simple means that you can look at the actions of others or situations objectively  to discern the truth of the matter without becoming emotional invested. This allows you to embrace the personal responsibilities of life in your actions and choices. You become capable of letting things go and more importantly letting them be. What’s next?

A word about awareness –

Developing mindful awareness is essential for navigating karma. By being “in the moment”  we gain insight into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We can  observe our intentions before acting and make conscious choices aligned with positive values. It helps us break free from reactive patterns and respond to situations with greater wisdom and compassion. This also aids in aligning intentional actions with positive intentions and values and the further cultivation of more positive qualities.

“Dealing with karma involves understanding the nature of cause and effect and taking responsibility for our actions. By cultivating mindful awareness, practicing intentional action, embracing forgiveness and compassion, learning from life lessons, engaging in self-reflection and inner work, cultivating positive qualities, embracing detachment, and embodying gratitude, we can navigate the influence of karma on our lives. By consciously shaping our intentions and actions, we create positive karmic imprints that contribute to our growth, well-being, and the betterment of the world around us.” – Olugbehga Ogunsemowo, https://vocal.media/humans/how-to-deal-with-karma