Good Karma. Bad Karma. Karma's a bitch. Let karma take care of that. When you read "Karma" what do you think of? What comes around goes around? God will reward or punish you for what you do? I think the general belief is that the idea of karma represents some type of cosmic justice. You get what you deserve.
I believe karma is not a justice system in the classic sense as many think – it's simply a law of the universe that says "You attract what you are." Whatever energy or activity you engage in becomes part of who you are. When you are kind, you become more of that. When you do a certain unscrupulous deed you are taking that on as part of your character. As you take on this energy, you attract more of that into your life.
All of energy is a vibration including you. What vibration are you holding consistently? That's what you are attracting. Every person is essentially their own radio station. What frequency are you tuning into? Einstein said “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
If you save a kitten from a tree, help a grandma across a street or help a child with his homework, you feel good and that becomes part of your vibration or energy. If you rip someone off in a business deal, cheat on your taxes, or take advantage of a woman's innocence, that becomes part of who you are. You will now attract the negative consequences of that energy vibration.
Does it feel good or does it feel bad? If it feels good, it will lead to more feelings of good energy. If it feels bad, you are setting yourself up for more bad feelings. So it's not abut being a good boy or you will be punished. It's about coming into alignment with what feels good to you. It's about becoming the type of person who attracts good energy because you are putting that energy out.
When you complain about everything in your life, life gives you more to complain about. When you feel celebratory or grateful, life gives you more to celebrate or be grateful for because that is the frequency you are tuning into. That is your "karma."
If you hurt people, you create more of that energy in the form of more situations conducive to hurting or being hurt. If you like helping people, more of that will show up as circumstances where helping others or being helped happens. If you are jealous, more opportunities for jealousy will arise, etc.
If you do not like the kind of energy that's showing up in your life, change it. Just decide what type of energy you want to put out and start doing it. You have the power to control your focus, thoughts and intentions, therefore, you have the power to control your energy. When you control your energy in a way that feels good, you attract the kinds of things you want into your life.
If you want to see more love, more abundance and more success showing up in your life, tune into more loving, abundant, and successful thoughts. When you think and act at that higher vibration, soon enough, more of the good stuff starts showing up in your life. Not because you "deserve" it, but because you are it. You attract what you are.
I believe karma is not a justice system in the classic sense as many think – it's simply a law of the universe that says "You attract what you are." Whatever energy or activity you engage in becomes part of who you are. When you are kind, you become more of that. When you do a certain unscrupulous deed you are taking that on as part of your character. As you take on this energy, you attract more of that into your life.
All of energy is a vibration including you. What vibration are you holding consistently? That's what you are attracting. Every person is essentially their own radio station. What frequency are you tuning into? Einstein said “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
If you save a kitten from a tree, help a grandma across a street or help a child with his homework, you feel good and that becomes part of your vibration or energy. If you rip someone off in a business deal, cheat on your taxes, or take advantage of a woman's innocence, that becomes part of who you are. You will now attract the negative consequences of that energy vibration.
Does it feel good or does it feel bad? If it feels good, it will lead to more feelings of good energy. If it feels bad, you are setting yourself up for more bad feelings. So it's not abut being a good boy or you will be punished. It's about coming into alignment with what feels good to you. It's about becoming the type of person who attracts good energy because you are putting that energy out.
When you complain about everything in your life, life gives you more to complain about. When you feel celebratory or grateful, life gives you more to celebrate or be grateful for because that is the frequency you are tuning into. That is your "karma."
If you hurt people, you create more of that energy in the form of more situations conducive to hurting or being hurt. If you like helping people, more of that will show up as circumstances where helping others or being helped happens. If you are jealous, more opportunities for jealousy will arise, etc.
If you do not like the kind of energy that's showing up in your life, change it. Just decide what type of energy you want to put out and start doing it. You have the power to control your focus, thoughts and intentions, therefore, you have the power to control your energy. When you control your energy in a way that feels good, you attract the kinds of things you want into your life.
If you want to see more love, more abundance and more success showing up in your life, tune into more loving, abundant, and successful thoughts. When you think and act at that higher vibration, soon enough, more of the good stuff starts showing up in your life. Not because you "deserve" it, but because you are it. You attract what you are.
Karma's a bitch if you are one. Karma's a king if you decide to be. – See more at: http://www.manpowerproject.com/blog/karma#sthash.t0dudIPD.dpuf